ValleyviewPTO Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2017

Attended by: Dayle Allen, Michele Wilson, Cassandra Pearson, Walt Baskin, Erika Heller, Jenn Sorensen, Anne Gregory, Cindy Lehr, Stacy Swanberry-Luna, Katrina VanZandt, Laura Latora, Mary Miller

1. Reimbursements–Mr. Parmeter will be providing snacks for a teacher training and has requested reimbursement from the PTO.

2. Restaurant Fundraiser–Order forms for the annual restaurant fundraiser will go home before Thanksgiving. Many local restaurants are participating. The PTO will earn $5 for every $25 gift card sold.

3. Square 1 Art- Order forms for Square 1 Art have gone home and all orders are due November 20th. This is a change to the due date printed on the order form. Order forms for Oneonta Yellowjacket themed merchandise also went home this week. All orders will be here in time for the holidays.

4. Science Fair- Cindy Lehr proposed and offered to organize an elementary level science fair for Valleyview students in the spring. More information will be sent home in the future.

5. December Play and Movie Night- The Girl Scouts will be hosting movie night on December 8th at 6pm. The movie will be The Muppet Christmas Carol. Mr. Baskin is continuing to look into the possibility of the students seeing Annie through Orpheus Theater.

Open Discussion:

  • Handball Wall Update- Cindy Lehr created a plan and is contact with Job Corps/contractors for donated labor to construct the wall. The district has approved the plan and insurance coverage for it.
  • Valleyview received a donation of $162 from the First Presbyterian Church for the Backpack Program. The PTO would like to thank them for their generous donation!
  • Reflex Math - Dayle Allen gave an update on the number of facts completed by Valleyview students to date. She said the company recommends that students use the program at least three times a week in order to show gain in their math skills. Mr. Baskin suggested possibly holding a math challenge to encourage students to use it more.
  • Book Fair- Valleyview will only be hosting one Scholastic Book Fair this year and it will take place in the spring. Stacy Swanberry-Luna reported that we have Scholastic Dollars to spend and she will be providing a catalog for teachers to look through and order. It was also suggested that we provide free books for students who participate in the Backpack Program.
  • Backpack Program- The PTO discussed providing food for Thanksgiving to the families who participate in the Backpack Program. Michele Wilson will purchase additional food, including a turkey voucher, to be sent home before Thanksgiving break.
  • The PTO would like to say good-bye to Mr. Donnelly as he will be leaving the Before/After School Program to work in the Building and Grounds Department for the district. He will be greatly missed by students, faculty, staff, and parents.

Next PTO Meeting: Tuesday, December 5th at 6:30 in the library. Come join us!