First Year Student Survey 2008 Questions

A. Your introduction to University life

Registration and induction

1. When you first arrived at Newcastle University, and during the first 1 or 2 weeks you were here, including registration and induction week, how satisfied were you with the following?

1 The helpfulness of staff within your School

2 The efficiency of registration in your School

3 The information given to you by your School about your programme

4 Your introduction to what is expected of you academically at NewcastleUniversity

5 The details given on how to understand your timetable

6 The advice given to you about selecting modules (only for those students who have a choice of modules)

7 The help you were given with the University’s computing and IT facilities

8 The help you were given with the University's libraries

2. During Registration Week, the University provided an event for all new students at City Hall on Northumberland Street. Please indicate how satisfied you were with the following aspects of this introduction to university life (medical and dental students please ignore).

1 The usefulness of the presentation as a general introduction to life at a university

2 The usefulness of the presentation as an introduction to some of NewcastleUniversity's facilities and services

3 The style of the presentation

4 The length of the presentation

5 The quantity of information given in the presentation

6 The way the presentation complemented other induction events you attended or materials you were given

3. Overall, how would you describe the quantity of information provided during your first 1 or 2 weeks here?

too much

just about right

not enough

Open text Q1: Do you have any comments on how to improve registration and induction?

Freshers’ Week

4. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of Freshers’ Week?

1 Schedule of events during Freshers' Week, to let you take part in the activities

2 As an introduction to life at University

3 Value for money offered

4 Range of activities offered

Open text Q 2:Do you have any comments on how to improve Freshers Week?

5. Accommodation staff and Union Society officers and students aim to help ‘Freshers’ during registration and induction. If you used this help, let us know how satisfied you are, OR if you didn't know about this help:

1 Student Union Officers (yellow shirts)

2 Members of the Freshers' Crew (red shirts)

3 Staff in your hall of residence or flats

Open text Q 3: Did anything or anyone in particular help you to settle into the University?

Open text Q 4: Did anything or anyone particularly hinder you settling into the University?

B. Aspects of teaching and learning

Contact with staff

1. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your degree programme?

1 Availability of individual academic guidance from staff in your School

2 Opportunities for talking with staff about module/course/programme content eitherinformally or through staff-student committees

3 Responsiveness of staff to student input and opinion

4 Support from School/subject area office staff

Open text Q 5: Do you have any comments on how to improve communication with staff on your degree programme?

Organisation of your degree programme

2. How satisfied are you with the organisation of your degree programme in the following ways?

1 The extent to which lectures/seminars/practicals etc are run as scheduled 2 Early notification of any changes to your timetabled activities

3 Availability of lecture notes and handouts

4 How your virtual learning environment (e.g. Blackboard) is used to enhance teaching and learning

5 Comprehensive, written information about your degree programme

6 Size of classes to allow full participation by all students

Open text Q6: Do you have any comments on how to improve the way your degree programme is organised?

Open text Q7: Do you have any comments about your timetable, the spread of your lectures, etc throughout the week?

Open text Q 8:How many timetabled hours per week do you have for your programme of study?

Open text Q 9: How many self-study hours per week do you undertake?

Exams, coursework and practicals and the feedback you get on your performance

3. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of assessment and feedback on your degree programme?

1 Scheduling of coursework/assignments

2 Information about these deadline dates for coursework/assignments

3 Coordination of deadlines for coursework or other assignments across different modules/courses/units

4 The clarity of instructions for your coursework/assignments

5 Clarity of the criteria by which your coursework/assignments are assessed

6 Clarity of feedback on your performance in coursework/assignments

7 Promptness of return of exam results

4. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

1 There is consistent use of the marking scale across assessments

2 The criteria used in marking my coursework have been clear in advance

3 I have been adequately informed (for example in handbooks, on the web, by module and programme leaders) about how I should reference sources in my written work and avoid plagiarism

4 I get feedback on my coursework/assignments when it is useful to have it

5 Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand

6 My degree programme is meeting the expectations I had prior to coming to University

7 I find my degree programme academically challenging

8 The lectures and seminars scheduled for my modules provide a good learning experience

9 I know what is expected of me academically

10 Teaching staff or personal tutors are understanding of my personal responsibilities outside University (e.g. part-time work, family or caring responsibilities)

5. My degree programme is offering too many/too few/the right amount/ of contact hours for my subject area

too many

too few

the right amount

Open text Q 10: Please make any further comments here.

Open text Q 11: Do you have any comments on the methods of assessment used on your degree programme? Do you have any comments on the helpfulness of the feedback provided?

C. Accommodation and life around campus

University accommodation

1. Indicate where you live

I live in University Halls of Residence

I live at home

I live in private rented accommodation

I live in lodgings


2. Only answer the following questions if you live in University accommodation. Otherwise go to question 4.

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your University accommodation?

1 Information provided before arrival to assist in your choice of university accommodation

2 Arrangements for your arrival at your university accommodation

3 Helpfulness of staff in your university accommodation

4 The mix of students in your accommodation

5 Areas for communal activities

6 Value for money offered by your accommodation

7 Quality of your accommodation

8 Maintenance of your accommodation

9 Catering in your accommodation (if applicable)

10 Range of facilities available onsite

11 Your university accommodation as way of helping you integrate into University life

3. How does your accommodation measure up to your expectations?

much better than I expected

somewhat better than I expected

met my expectations

somewhat worse than I expected

much worse than I expected

4. When I’m on campus, I normally eat at


King’s Road Centre

Union Society food outlets


5. I would like to see improvements to

the number of food outlets

the quality of food served


Open text Q 12: For those living in University accommodation, do you have any suggestions on how your accommodation could be improved?

Open text Q 13: For those not living in University accommodation, do you have any comments about the accommodation you chose?

Union Society

6. Please indicate your satisfaction with the Union Society during your 1st year so far

1 The Union's food and shop outlets

2 The Union's entertainment

3 The Union's sports and societies services

4 The Union's student services (job shop, Student Advice Centre etc)

Open text Q 14: Please give us your comments on the Union Society

Safety around campus

7. Since the student survey of February 2006, some improvements to safety around campus have been implemented. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements on student safety?

1 The safety of students is high on the University's agenda

2 The safety of students is high on the Union Society's agenda

3 The University is proactive in making students aware of personal safety issues around campus

4 The University is proactive in making students aware of personal safety issues in the city of Newcastle

5 The Union Society is proactive in making students aware of personal safety issues around campus

6 The Union Society is proactive in making students aware of personal safety issues in the city of Newcastle

7 The campus sites are well lit at night

8 The use of CCTV makes me feel safe on campus

9 The University accommodation sites are well lit at night

10 Having security guards on campus makes me feel more secure

8. How would you describe the service provided by the Night Bus?





Don’t need to use it

Didn’t know it existed

Open text Q 15: Do you have any comments on how to improve safety and security on campus and around University accommodation?

D. International students

1. Are you an international student?



2. Is English your first language?



Pre-arrival information

3. How satisfied were you with the information you received before you arrived at NewcastleUniversity?

1 Help in finding out about immigration issues

2 Information on fees for your programme of study

3 Information on cost of living in Newcastle

4 Information on what to do when you first arrived

5 Information on Newcastle as a city

Open text Q 16: What other information, if any, would you have found useful?

Your concerns about University life

4. Which issues were a concern to you before you arrived at NewcastleUniversity and which, if any, are still a concern to you now? (tick any that apply)

1 Social and practical use of English (e.g. in shops)

2 Academic use of English (e.g. in seminars, to write)

3 Meeting your religious needs

4 Settling and living in Newcastle upon Tyne

5 Accommodation

6 Feeling isolated

7 Welfare and social support at the University

8 Mixing with UK students

9 Visa or immigration issues

10 Adapting to UK study methods

11 Awareness among teaching staff of cultural and religious requirements

12 Getting involved in the Union’s sports clubs and societies

13 Any other concerns (please specify below)

Open text Q 17: Please tell us about any other concerns.

Support services

5. Below is a list of support services which you might have used during your time at Newcastle so far. If you have used a service, let us know how satisfied you are with it. Tell us if you didn't know about this service.

1 University International Office

2 Student Welfare Service

3 The Language Centre

4 University Chaplaincy

5 The University Mosque

6 Advice on accommodation

7 Visa and immigration support

8 Student Advice Centre


6. Do any of the following cause particular concern relating to your accommodation? (Tick as many as apply)

Social activities for international students

Difficulties with other students living in your accommodation

Lack of availability of special diets (e.g. halal, kosher)

Integration with UK students

Other (please specify)

E. Final observations

Overall rating of the University

1. Please indicate your OVERALL satisfaction with the University during your 1st year so far

1 The University overall

2 Your programme of study

2. Would you recommend this University to a prospective student?



Open text Q 18: What are your reasons for this?

Open text Q 19: Do you have any comments on how the University or the Union Society could improve your experience at Newcastle?

Open text Q 20: Are there any key issues that are not included in the questionnaire which have had an impact on your experience so far?