Teachers for Equity (T4E) Vision and Schedule

“As a classroom community, our capacity to generate excitement is deeply affected by our interest in one another, in hearing one another’s voices, in recognizing one another’s presence.”

To educate as the practice of freedom is a way of teaching that anyone can learn. That learning process comes easiest to those of us who also believe that our work is not merely to share information but to share in the intellectual and spiritual growth of our students.
―bell hooks,Teaching To Transgress

The objective of T4E is to create an equity-focused teaching and learning community by providing an incubator for faculty to engage in work fostering student equity in the classroom and supporting environment.

The criteria for T4E participation is as follows:

  • demonstrated commitment to student equity
  • willingness to examine practices that create barriers
  • willingness to explore and experiment with nontraditional and innovative practices
  • investment of time, energy, and enthusiasm in the holistic process of building relationships and showing up (an average of 3-4 hours per week for a total of 54 hours per semester)
  • commitment to the scholarship and craft of teaching and learning

Faculty Members will:

  • Attend Equity Professional Development Workshops and Teachers 4 Equity Action Meetings
  • Engage in deep reading on critical pedagogy, decolonizing the curriculum, Instruction and culturally responsive praxis
  • Develop a shared repertoire of resources: experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing equity in the classroom, a T4E TOOLKIT to share with future cohorts of Teachers for Equity and others
  • develop and implement innovative classroom practices
  • facilitate teaching and learning opportunities for others in the college and broader community in support of student equity efforts
  • volunteer to facilitate particular T4E discussions and activities
  • continue to participate in T4E future cohorts in a way envisioned by the group


Racism Without Racists, by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

Equity 101 – The Equity Framework, by Curtis W. Linton

Equity 101 – Culture, By Curtis W Linton and Bonnie M. Davis

Schedule (Participants will sign up to facilitate particular sessions/days):

Thursday, August 25th Noon – 1pm: Discuss implications of “Implicit Bias” workshop for student equity work at SCC.

Tuesday, August 30th Noon – 1pm:Laying out our work for this semester and goals for 2017 and beyond, examples of innovative practices in the classroom.

Friday, September 16th 1-3pm:Discussion of racism without racists

Friday September 30th 8:30am – 1pm:Professional Development Workshop on “Honing Your Skills for Institutional Change,” first 2 hours open to all, last two hours just T4E Group.

Friday, October 14thNoon-4pm:Professional Development Workshop on “Service Learning/Equity” (Joint workshop with T4E 2 Group)

Friday, October 26th 4-6pm (with meal provided): Discussion of Equity 101 – The Equity Framework and Equity 101 - Culture

Week of November 7thD2L: Reports on Innovative Practices in your classroom & Group Discussion & Examination of those practices

Friday, November 18th 1 – 3pm:T4E Resource packet of Innovative Practices/Strategies

Thursday, December 1st 1-3pm: Final Preparations for Flex Workshop, January 2017, with emphasis on specific new equity practices in the classroom

Thursday, December 84-6pm (with meal provided): Joint Meeting with T4E 2 Cohort/Wrap-Up/Celebration: each cohort will present accomplishments and priorities

at your own pace and initiative (and to share with T4E group during “check-in”):

Journal/Notebook to record reflections, experiences, aha moments, encounters, fears, victories, etc.

All T4E participants are expected to engage for a miniumum of 54 hours this semester. This includes the 24 hours of meetings or online engagement listed above, plus 4 additional hours of equity-related professional development. Select additional PD events of your choosing – note there are several in planning stages, including one on equity-lens peer observations and another on reworking the syllabus and the importance of the first day of the semester. You need not limit yourselves to SCC workshops – these can be either local or somehwere else. it can be an organized conference or meeting, or something you arrange yourselves. if you require travel or registration assistance, let the coordinators know and we will be happy to discuss ways of supporting your initiative. In addition to the above 28 hours, you are expected to engage independently 2 hours a week for 13 weeks in the following activities: reading, preparing discussion notes, generating innovative equity practices, practicing your innovative equity practices, preparing to report back to the group, engaging in equity lens peer observations, preparing the T4E resource packet, and planning the T4E Flex workshop to be delivered Spring 2017. If you miss one of our scheduled sessions or workshops, please arrange to replace it with an equivalent workshop or activity.

For more information about becoming and/or joining the 2017-18 school year T4E movement; contact T4E Facilitator: Riad Bahhur, , 916-650-2738