Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em: Volume 1

Will Tipton


Updated 07-08-13 – new additions indicated with an asterisk (*)


Pg 20, Figure 1.2

The label “Check” should read “Call”.

Pg 41: line 4:

There should be no subscript “D” on the end of EQH.

(*) Pg 50 and the following discussion: The hand combination 9s6s was left out of Villain's calling range in Iteration 1 but should have been included. Villain's initial calling range should then add up to 206 combos.

Pg 53, paragraph 2, line 6:

The inequality 48.5 > 150 EQh should read 48.5 < 150 EQh.

Pg 83, Figure 3.7:

The BB's EV with J4o after he calls should be 8.80 (9.63 is the number for J4s).

Pg 92, Figure 3.12:

The entries for 95s and 94s in the “SB opening ranges” have hypens where there should be plus signs.

Pg 143, 3rd paragraph, line 8:

This line should read, “tive boards, they are ahead of the same amount Hero's own range, and”.

Pg 166, line 4:

Q-9 should be Q-J.

Pg 124, 4th paragraph:

The top 35% of preflop hands (ranked by preflop all-in equity versus a random hand) should also include two of the four combos of J8s. They were included in the calculation whose results are on page 125, which is why Jc8c is listed in the range at the top of that page. Also, we can add an additional combo of A2o to the SB's shoving range here to get a bit closer to exactly 2/3 of his flop starting range. Of course, card removal effects, which are neglected here, affect the accuracy of our approximation more than a couple combos being played differently do.

Pg 187, line 6:

Qh-7d-2h should be Qh-7s-2h.

(*) Pg. 198, river example 2 generally:

The description of the BB's range given says in the text “weaker queens, many nines...” and, indeed, the BB should have many second pair hands in his river starting range after check-calling twice. However, most nines are not included in the range listing given, and this listing is the range which was used in the computations.

(*) Pg 203. These ranges are incorrect in that several combos that conflict with the board are listed and also the SB and BB ranges are switched. The extra combos do not affect the validity of the computational results or any of the following discussion. For clarity, the actual river starting ranges assumed in this hand example were, for the SB:








and for the BB:




(*) Pgs. 204 and 309 – The hand history given for river Example 6 lists incorrect bet and pot sizes. It should read:

Effective stacks: 30 BB


SB raises to 2BB, BB calls

Flop: (4 BB) 2h Tc Jh (2 players)

BB checks, SB bets 1.75 BB, BB calls

Turn: (7.5 BB) 8s (2 players)

BB checks, SB bets 3.25 BB, BB calls

River: (14 BB) Td (2 players)

23BB effective behind

Relatedly, the fourth sentence of Section 7.4.6 should read:

“There are 14 BB in the pot and 23 BB behind.”

(*) Pg 215: 3rd paragraph, line 6:

“whole flop starting range” should read “whole river starting range”.

Pg 244, 3rd paragraph beginning, “Finally, if...”, lines 1, 3, and 4:

hb should be hc.

Pg 245, 3rd paragraph, line 4:

hb should be hc.

Pg 249, Figure 7.11:

The horizontal axis should be labelled "1-(SB Hand) or 1-(BB Equity)".

(*) Pg 269 – The first full paragraph on this page reiterates the point that, at equilibrium, all our hands are played as profitably as possible versus our opponent's strategy. As an example, we compare the BB's options to check-raise and to bet-call with his nuts on the river in the context of the model of Section 7.3.3. We say that he check-raises his nuts because this is more profitable than bet-calling. In fact, this is incorrect. Bet-calling and check-raising the nuts actually have exactly equal EVs here.

(*) Pg 300, 2nd paragraph:

The text reads, “Bluff-raising K♠-2♠
about 1/3 of the time he has it gives him the proper bluff frequency.” In fact, about 1/5 of the BB's raising range here needs to be bluffs. The 1/3 of his K♠-2♠ combo actually accounts for about half of his bluff-raising range here, and the rest is made up of very small fractions of a variety of other hands.


Pgs 99-101, Figures 3.14 and 3.15:

The “SB shove-calling %”s given indicate the percent of all preflop starting hands (and not the percent of his open-raising range) with which the SB calls a shove.

Pg 196, 3rd paragraph:

I say, “In particular, there are 1,326 hand combinations in the deck and 192 of them contain a 9.” I mean that there are 192 hand combos which contain a single 9. There are 6 additional combos of pocket nines.

Pg 291-292:

The comparison between the BB's EV when he block-calls and when he bet-folds given in the equation at the top of page 292 is for the case of the strongest of the holdings marked in Figure 7.23. Slightly different trade-offs can apply to different holdings, and the examples considered in this section are not meant to be comprehensive. For example, if the BB holds the middle of the three hands marked in Figure 7.23, then there is an additional contribution to (EVBB(block-call) – EVBB(bet-fold)) of (B-L) times the frequency with which the SB holds a better hand than the BB and flat-calls L but would have flat-called B.