
Y4 (mixed ability)

/ Subject
PSHE (Teamwork)
Lesson Objectives
To learn how to cooperate effectively with one another.
Success Criteria:
I can listen to my peers.
I can communicate effectively with my peers.
I can work as part of a small group.
I can understand what is meant by ‘teamwork’ and why it is important.
Implications From Previous Learning
12.55 / Teaching Strategies (inc Introduction/Mental & Oral Starter, Pupils’ activities and plenary)
Discuss with children that we are going to go outside for today’s lesson, which is all about communication. Go through some rules for being outside – listen carefully, stay within set boundaries, noise level must remain low so as not to disturb anyone, when I clap my hands twice everyone must freeze and listen for the next instruction.
Main Task
Once outside split children into groups of six and appoint a team leader. Teams to line up behind their leader.
NB – in between tasks, mix up teams and appoint a new leader. Explain the next task, then give children twenty seconds to discuss what they could do to ensure they are working as a team. Each task can be done for 30 seconds to 1 minute. If there are difficulties, stop, discuss ways to improve and re-attempt. Take photos of the task for evidence.
Task One
All children (except for the leader) to close eyes and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Without talking or opening eyes, the leader then leads their team around courses set up using cones in the playground without bumping into anything / other teams.
Task Two
As above but this time children can open their eyes. They are still not able to talk!
Task Three
This time children can agree on non-verbal signals for the leader to use when the direction will change (i.e. put left arm out to show turning left).
Task Four
As with Task Three but verbal signals can be used instead or as well as non-verbal.
Go back into the classroom and settle. Discuss the tasks and which ones were easier / harder. Why? Discuss the key components for good team work – listening to each other, talking about things, quiet communication, looking out for visual cues, trusting the leader. Link back to why effective communication and teamwork is important in the classroom and as school in general – i.e. it makes it a happier environment to be in, it means that everyone knows what is going on, it means that we are being kind to each other.
Set the children a challenge for the next week – every time an aspect of good teamwork is used a marble will be put into the class marble jar. Where do they think they will get up to? Aim high!
End of lesson
Differentiation and role of support teachers
No TA in this lesson – CT to support and discuss ideas where necessary.
Resources Needed
cones (set up before the start of the lesson)
Assessment Methods To Be Used
Questioning and observation.