“By This All Will Know”

John 13:34-35

INTRO. How is the world to know that we are truly disciples of Christ? Is it by the

name we wear? Is it by having the right doctrine, organization, worship?

It is certainly important to have all these things; but if we think that be

these things alone we are truly the disciples of Jesus and that by these

things alone the world will know we are Christ’s disciples then we are

sadly mistaken.

Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus identified a key mark of discipleship.

He gave what He called “a new commandment” (v34). It was a command

to “love one another” (v34). He said, “by this all will know” who were His

disciples (v35). Love for one another is how people will know that we are

truly the disciples of Jesus. In the message today, we need to ask ourselves

three question: 1) Do we know what kind of love that is? 2) How do we

develop that kind of love? and 3) How do we demonstrate this love? In

the message we need to learn to exhibit the kind of love Jesus commands of

us, so that “By This All Will Know” that we are truly His disciples! Note three



John 13:34—“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one

another; as I have loved you…”

A. IT IS A NEW KIND OF LOVE. The word “New” here means “never

seen before.” This is a NEW love, a special love.

1.  There has always been love of family, friends, etc.

2.  The OT taught to “love your neighbor as yourself”-Lev. 19:18

3.  But Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, that

love one another” (v34).

a.  This is not simply a command to love one another.

b.  But a command to love one another in a special way.

The LORD Jesus is calling us to a new and higher standard

of love! “Love does not parade the imperfections of others

or taunt people for their weaknesses. Rather love seeks to

understand others-their imperfections and their weaknesses” (1).

B. IT IS A SACRIFICIAL LOVE. None of us like to make sacrifices.

WHY? Because sacrifice demands something of us. We must give

up something dear to us. Whether it is time, talent, or money it

is something we treasure.

1. What kind of love does Jesus command?

a.  “As I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

b.  It is a love patterned after Jesus’ love for us.

--This is what makes it a new and higher standard of love!

2. The love Jesus had for us can be summarized in one word:


a. As Jesus explained in John 15:13. “But greater love a man

may have to lay down his life for his friends, namely, if he

dies for his enemies. And herein is the greatness of Jesus’

love, that though he called us “friends,” the friendship was

all on his side at first. He called us friends, but our hearts

called him enemy” (2).

b. As John wrote in 1 John 3:16-18. Because Jesus laid down

His life for us, we should be prepared to make similar sacri-

fices for the brethren. How does this manifest itself?

ILLUS. In March of 1991, Lisa Landry Childress (daughter

of Tom Laundry) found out she had a malignant

tumor on her liver. This was just two months after

she and her husband, Gary, had learned she was

pregnant. The doctors counseled her to undergo

an abortion so she could begin immediate chemo-

therapy. She rejected the thought of abortion even

though it meant she would most certainly die. She

and her husband had for years tried to have a

baby. On December 21, 1991, after the baby was

born, Mrs. Childress said, “This baby was a bless-

ing; a gift to me. It wasn’t right to deny this gift.”

She lived three years and nine months after re-

ceiving a liver transplant, but the legacy of her love

and sacrificial gift of life will live for ever (3).

That’s the essence of sacrificial love..giving one’s self for


c. As Paul commanded in Ephesians 5:1-2. Each child of God

should be an imitator of God because we are God’s child. As

child imitates his parents, so ought believers imitate God.

3. It was this kind of love manifested by the first disciples of


a.  The Church in Jerusalem (Acts 244-45).

b.  The Churches in Macedonia (2 Corinthians 8:1-5).


1. By such love Jesus declared “all will know that you are My


a. The implication is that such love will be visible and ob-


b. And visible by ALL, not just brethren!

2. To be visible a love, requires a love…..

a.  That goes beyond the four walls of this Church building

b.  That extends beyond the few hours we are assembled


c. That can be observed by those of the world and in the

world. This world needs, in some way, to have the op-

portunity to observe the disciples in action, in which

their love that is patterned after Jesus’ love can be seen.

*Being a “warm and friendly Church” while assembled is commendable, but it

alone does not fulfill the command to have a new, sacrificial, and visible love

patterned after the love of Jesus!

*If we wish to manifest this kind of love in our lives, where do we begin? Let us




1. The Thessalonians excelled in this love (1 Thessalonians 4:9-

10). Paul encouraged them to “love..more and more” This

meant in the persistence and consistency of their love. It is

a lesson we all need to learn!

2.  For they had been “taught by God to love one another.”

3.  Certainly God’s own love for us teaches us how to love

(1 John 4:9-11). Think of the Father’s own sacrificial love

for us, in sending His Son to be the propitiation for our sins!


1. Jesus’ own example of sacrifice teaches the true meaning of

love (1 John 3:16).

2. The more we contemplate upon the example of Jesus’ life and

death, the more likely we will love like He did!


1. We are to stir one another to love and good works (Hebrews

10:24). The word Provoke used here in the Greek means “In-

cite.” It implies we should strongly encourage love among

ourselves for each other.

2. An important means of doing this is frequent attending (He-

brews 10:25). Perhaps one reason why some don’t love as

they should is because they don’t attend like they should!

*Through a careful study of the Father’s love for us, the Savior’s love for us, and

through frequent assembling where we stir up another to love and good works,

we can develop the kind of love “By Which All Will Know” we are Jesus’ disciples.

Finally, a thought of two about…



1. When we are assembled and have guests, we have an oppor-

tunity to demonstrate our love for another.

2. What do guests see? Do they see Christians who…

a.  Glad to see one another?

b.  Are willing to take time to visit with each other?

c.  Are concerned about one another?

*Our assemblies may be the only time some guests have the oppor-

tunity to see Christians interact; do they see an evident love and

concern for one another?


1. We often have the opportunity to be together in ways that

others can see…

a.  Perhaps we work with other Christians.

b.  Or we have neighbors that are Christians.

c.  Or gather to visit, or to do things together.

2. What do those in the world see? Do they see interaction


a.  Reveals a strong love and appreciation for one another?

b.  Shows a sincere interest in each other’s well-being?

3. Where there are differences, is the way we handle them dif-

ferent from the rest of the world?

a. Christians will often sin against one another, offend one


b. But will they see long-suffering and a quickness to for-

give, even as Christ forgave us (Ephesians 4:32; Colos-

sians 3:13).

CLOSING: Jesus revealed a powerful tool to persuade the world that we are his dis-

ciples. Certainly we show our discipleship by faithfulness to His doctrine

But in a world that cares little for doctrinal distinctiveness, a Christ-like

love for one another is how Jesus would have us convince the world! How

is your love for your brother in Christ? Is it Christ-like, a sacrificial love?

Is it observable, do people see your brotherly love in our Church and

community? If you admit your love for the brethren needs work (and we

all can improve), look to God as the ultimate teacher of what it means to

love one another. Charles Spurgeon said, “I am told that Christians do not

love each other. I am very sorry if that is true, but I rather doubt it, for I

suspect that those who do not love each other are not Christians” (4).

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John


NOTES: 1. Albert M. Wells, Jr. Inspiring Quotations-Contemporary & Classical. PG.


2. Charles H. Spurgeon. 2200 Quotations From The Writings Of Charles H.

Spurgeon. PG. 303.

3. Raymond McHenry. The Best Of In Other Words. PG. 216.

4. Spurgeon. PG. 301.