CiA News – February 2016



Writers are URGENTLY needed to keep the weekly Christian Forum column going in the Abingdon Herald newspaper. Could you help by writing a one-off article (350 words) or join our circle of writers that submit one article per year? Articles do not have to be original - they can have appeared in a church newsletter or similar – but need to have a Christian message. If you are interested or would like to know more, contact Debra Mcknight, the CiA Administrator, on 07896 860381 or at .

Back to 35, Abingdon Baptist Church Hall, Ock Street

These meetings, a joint venture between Age UK Oxfordshire and 35 Ock Street, provide an opportunity for conversation, activities, support and fellowship for the over-50s with tea and cake as well. They take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday mornings, 10.30 – 11.30 am. Forthcoming meetings are as follows:

21 Jan 2016 – Thames Valley Police – Ali, Susie, Matt

4 Feb – Pastor Stephen and Heather Millard

18 Feb 2016 – Your choice of music on CD

3 March 2106 – Age UK – Laura Freeth

17 March 2016 – Oxfordshire Fire Service

7 April 2016 – Spring quiz

21 April 2106 – Seated exercise class – Elizabeth Glover

For further information, please contact David Lovegrove on 01235 533373.

The Abingdon Progressive Christianity Network Group

The next meeting will be on:

Tuesday 2 February 2016, 7.30 pm, St Michael’s, Church Room

The topic for discussion will be ‘Thinking about Heaven and Hell’, with the starting point being the content of the relevant chapter from A Thoughtful Guide to Faith by Tony Windross. All welcome. For more information, contact or 01235 530480.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – CiA events

The following events will be taking place during the week of 18-15 January 2016:

Midday prayers: Monday 18 January to Friday 22 Jan 2016, 12-12.30 pm, St Nicolas’ Church – refreshments will be provided.

Inter-church quiz: Friday 22 January 2016, 7.30 pm, All Saints Church – to book your team (from 1 December 2015), contact Judith Penrose Brown on 01235 522837 or at . Max of 8 people per team and 2 teams per church. Refreshments provided at half-time but people are welcome to bring snacks and drinks (no alcohol). We suggest each person taking part in the quiz makes a donation of £2.50 and funds will go toAbingdon Passion Play 2016.

United Service/Annual Celebration: Sunday 24 January 2016, 3 pm, St Edmund’s Church.

Studies in the psalms – Jan to March 2016

St Michael’s has invited five speakers to share their reflections on how these ancient song texts have shaped their own life and work. The five speakers are: Professor John Barton (Christian biblical scholar), Norman Solomon (Jewish scholar), Fr Oliver Holt OSB (monk), Dr Phillip Tovey (liturgist) and Dr Paul Sheppy (hymn writer). These talks will take place on Tuesday mornings at St Michael’s at 11 am (refreshments from 10.30 am) on the following dates:

19 January

2 & 16 February

1 & 15 March

and will conclude with a short time of worship at 12.15 led by Revd Paul Smith. For more information, contact David Duce on 01235 522591.

Silent reflections

The next meetingwill be on:

Tuesday 26 January 2016

St Michael and All Angels Church, Park Road, 7.30 - 9.00 pm, last Tuesday of the month (except December). Enjoy prayerful activities in the quiet of the sanctuary with the option of coming together to share your journey at the end of the session. All welcome.

Fresh Vision

Fresh Vision is a discussion group for those who wish to explore ideas about Christianity in an open, liberaland non-dogmatic setting. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month 7.30 – 9 pm inthe Garden Room at St Ethelwold’s House, 30 East St Helen Street, Abingdon. Everyone is very welcome. The next meetings will be on:

27 Jan 2016

24 Feb 2016

For further information, contact Liz Domoney at .

Christian Aid Malaria in Nigeria appeal dinner
Come along and enjoy the final local event for the 2015 Christian Aid Christmas appeal on 30 Jan 2016, 7 pm at Trinity Church Centre - a West African-style meal with an after-dinner speaker, Phil Evans, from the regional Christian Aid office. Funds raised will support work to eradicate malaria in Nigeria and will be doubled by a contribution of up to £5m from the Government's UK aid budget. Tickets available from your Church Christian Aid representative or contact Cliff Marshall on 01235 530480 to secure a seat.

This will take place on Thursday 4 February 2016, 7.45 pm, at Salvation Army in West St Helens Street. All welcome.

Lent Lectures 2016: When suffering is glory – Mark 14-16

David Perry will be giving a series of five lectures on Monday evenings at 8 pm at All Saints Methodist Church, Appleford Drive, starting on Monday 22 February 2016 based on his passion narrative of St Mark’s Gospel:

1: Mon 22 Feb Mark 14:1-11

Anointing for Burial: A prophetic act as the end draws near

2: Mon 29 Feb Mark 14:12-26

Breaking and Pouring: The gospel revealed in a meal

3: Mon 7 March Mark 15:1-20

Why the Crown of Thorns?

4: Mon 14 March Mark 15:21-27S

Surprised by Glory: The tearing of the curtain and what it means

5: Mon 21 March Mark 16:1-8

He Goes before Us: Good news for failed disciples

Dave Perry is a popular bible teacher and speaker in the Salt & Light family of churches (of which Abingdon Community Church is a part). Originally from Canada, he has been based in Oxford for several years, where he was the Dean of Theology and frequent lecturer at the King’s Bible College & Training Centre; he is now a main lecturer for the King’s School of Theology. He is also the author of Why Jesus Is Good News - The Gospel of Mark and the Coming of God. He is an informed, entertaining and encouraging speaker who is passionate about the message of the gospels and in particular Mark’s succinct presentation of it.

Women’s World Day of Prayer
St Helen’s Church is hosting two services prepared by Christian women of Cuba on Friday 4March 2016 at 10.30 am and 7.30 pm. The theme ‘Receive children Receive me’ brings us a message that we are called to accept every human being as unique and equally worthy to God - young and old, rich and poor, just and unjust - whoever they are. We can learn a great deal from children. Small children are honest and straightforward, and accepting of other people. They do not discriminate nor judge. That is how we should be in our response to God and his love, and in our attitudes to other people. Everyone - men, women and children - is all very welcome to join us in this worldwide annual celebration of prayer.

Abingdon Passion Play – 13 March 2016

The 2016 production will once again be a mass community effort with input from all the main churches in Abingdon and involvement from a large cross-section of the whole community, including schools and community groups. The production will be under the direction of Sam Pullen-Campbell, ex-Director of Drama at Radley College. The Passion Play is a unique opportunity for Christians to take the Easter story out to the people of Abingdon. For further information, contact Julie Kemp Harper on 01235 521049 or at .

CiA Maunday Thursday shoe cleaning event – 24 March 2016
To symbolise Jesus’ washing of feet, we are joining in with lots of groups – especially bishops from cathedrals - around the country who go out and offer to clean people’s shoes for free. If you would like to join us for an hour or so, either cleaning shoes or just talking to interested passers-by, contact Debra Mcknight, the CiA Administrator, or Pastor Ed Evans, Abingdon Community Church.

CiA Good Friday Procession of Witness and United Service
There will be a procession of witness (11.45 am from Abingdon Library) through the town on Friday 25 March 2016 with a United Service (12 midday) at St Nicolas’ Church, led by Revd Paul Goodliff. All welcome.

Church Twinning

A visit to Argentan is being planned for the weekend of 24 April 2016 (Thursday to Monday) to celebrate 60 years of Twinning between Argentan and Abingdon. The people in Argentan have requested that representatives from the various churches attend. If you would like to join the group, please contact Astrid Nielsen-Schuumans at Peachcroft Christian Centre.

Acorn Christian Healing Foundation

Abingdon Christian Listeners will be hosting two new modules on Saturdays 16 and 23 April and 7 and 21 May 2016 at the New Barn, Christ Church, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, from 10 am to 12.45 pm. Module 1 needs to be completed before moving on to Module 2. Only 24 places available – cost £40.

Module 1 - Effective Listening Practice
For churches and communities to flourish and for relationships to thrive,

time must be used well for listening and attending to others.

Explore what it means to listen to God, yourself and those aroundyou.

Be equipped with effective, reflective listening skills.

Module 2 - Applied Listening Practice

Listening to life's changes.

Listening to bereavement.

For more details and a booking form, please contact Jane Lane at r on 01235 532759.

Parish of Abingdon 8-day celebration: The hope within us: Exploring, explaining and celebrating Christian faith: 15-22 May 2016

An ecumenical team of presenters, and performers, will participate in a range of events, including:

A school for prayer

An icon-painting school (for beginners)

Poetry reading


Lectures and panels

Visit of former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (22May)

For further Information, go to

Cake & Conversation –St Edmunds Church

This friendly, informal session for anyone whose first language is not English takes place every Wednesday during term time from 9.30 to 11 am at St Edmund’s Parish Centre (entrance in Oxford Road). For further information, please contact Ann Corbett (01235 559471) or Anne Dodd (01235 525997), otherwise just come along.

Nourishment in Christ –St Nicolas’ Church

This new informal and reflective service takes place monthly on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm. All welcome with refreshments from 7 pm.

Mobility Café -St Nicolas’ Church

This social group for those who use a mobility scooter, wheelchair or other mobility aid takes placeevery Thursday, from 10.30 am to 12 noon in St Nicolas’ Church. Drop in for coffee and cake, help and advice, make new friends and enjoy the company of others.Contact Laura Freeth on 07827 235 429 or Age UK Oxfordshire Resource Centre for further information.

Trinity Evergreen Club, Trinity Church, Conduit Road

Meetings have changed from the first Monday in the month to the third Monday at Trinity Church.Although mainly for senior people, it is open to anyone. Meetings start at 2 pm, with a varied programme and refreshments. Transport can usually be provided. For further information, contact Rita Gilbert on 01235 528837.

The Archway Foundation

Since 2008, The Archway Foundation has been developing its service in Abingdon and surrounding areas by providing social evenings and other special events, a befriending service for those who are unable to get out, as well as offering volunteering opportunities through driving, befriending or helping at social events. Meetings are held at Abingdon Baptist Church Hall from 8 to 9.30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Fridays. For more information, contact Joy Dadswell on 07718 769103.

Abingdon gospel choir and music group

Do you like gospel music and would you like to sing it? Then maybe our music groupis for you - some 25 members. We meetweekly on Thursdays atTrinity Church, Conduit Road, 8.00 - 9.30 pm. Singers of all standards are welcome. We sing mainly gospel and spirituals in three parts with some instrumental backing. This is mainly for fun and enjoyment but we also aim to give two local concerts each year. For further information, contact Ian Miles on 01235 715873 or at .

Abingdon circle dance group

This groups meets on Thursday mornings from 11 am to 12 noon at St Michael’s Church, dancing traditional folk dances and modern steps in a circle, to a variety of music from around the world, some lively, some joyous and celebratory, and some more meditative. All dances are demonstrated and then broken down into smaller stages for teaching. No prior experience/partner needed. For more information, contact Mary on 01235 520608 or at .

Abingdon Emergency Foodbank (Christ Church) – how you can help

A huge thank you for your generosity in supporting the Foodbank this Christmas. We were able to give out over 150 hampers full of delicious Christmas goodies to local households in need.

Our store is full to bursting with most of our essentials at the moment; however, we are short of fruit juice, squash, jam, carrots and toilet rolls.

Please deliver your donations to Christ Church on Northcourt Road, weekdays 9 am – 4 pm, or drop off your donations at the collection point in various supermarkets. For further information, contact: Sarah Fry or Hilary Beale on 01235 539172 or at .

Abingdon Street Pastors

For more information on how to get involved with Abingdon Street Pastors, either as a street pastor or a prayer pastor, contact .

The CiA News is circulated by the Church in Abingdon to member churches within Abingdon to promote church activities and groups, news and any other information that may be of interest to CiA news readers. If you would like to submit news or receive the news by email, please contact Debra Mcknight at . The deadline for publication is the 15th of the month previous to publication. For more information about the Church in Abingdon, go to