% Final Exam Week Details
% CS1371 exams are MTWTh at 6pm
% Read the announcement carefully
% PRS Ch > 56 <
% Concept: Strings
% What are they
% simple, obvious statements
% ... but necessary
% manipulating strings
% casting
% useful functions:
% strtok
% str2num
% num2str
% never submit files containing calls to:
% input
% fprintf
Stirngs **********
str = 'abcd''ABCD' % Note the ‘ needed another ‘; 1X9 array
ascii = double(str); % cast to double, don’t think as string
next = str + 1 % What? Because 1 is a number
next = char(str + 1); % want next character not numbers
strr = '1234' % ASCII chars
num = str2num(strr) % now double
num1 = 8976.5
str1 = num2str(num1)
% capitalize all these words
str = 'now, is... the time for all good...'
% find the spaces
spaces = (str == ' ')
where = find(spaces)
firstLetts = [1 (where+1)];
str(firstLetts) = str(firstLetts) + 'A' - 'a'
[token1 rest] = strtok(str, ' ,.;?')
[token2 rest] = strtok(rest, ' ,.;?')
[token3 rest] = strtok(rest, ' ,.;?')
str = '123.4'
num = str2num(str)
num = num + 3000
nstr = num2str(num)
close all
car = imread('gray_car.jpg');
% car1 = car
wtlc = 77;
wtlr = 80;
wbrc = 101;
wbrr = 109;
ptlc = 144;
ptlr = 95;
pbrc = 192;
pbrr = 145;
% make the wheel black
% car(wtlr:wbrr, wtlc:wbrc) = 0;
% car(ptlr:pbrr, ptlc:pbrc) = 255;
patch = car(wtlr:wbrr, wtlc:wbrc);
[prows, pcols] = size(patch);
bprows = pbrr - ptlr + 1;
bpcols = pbrc - ptlc + 1;
rindex = round(linspace(1, prows, bprows));
cindex = round(linspace(1, pcols, bpcols));
bigPic = patch(rindex, cindex);
car(ptlr:pbrr, ptlc:pbrc) = bigPic;