Homework Overview

Year 1 Spring 1

Our Literacy units this half term will beInformation Texts. We will also be focusing on saying what will come next in a story and planning and writing a new patterned story.
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. This homework may be sent home in the homework folders, posted on the blog or be available on ‘Purple Mash’. This half term someLiteracy homework will be sent home in the homework folder.

You will also be expected to practice your weekly spellings, read your reading book daily, complete activities in your reading diary and contribute to our class blog. / Maths
In Maths this half term we will be focusing on number bonds up to 20. We will also be learning to apply and use our knowledge in different ways and solve mathematical problems.
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. This homework may be sent home in the homework folders, posted on the blog or be available on ‘Purple Mash’. This half term some Maths homework will posted on the class blog or on ‘Purple Mash’.

You could also practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s times. Practice adding and subtracting. Do not forget to use the Blog.
Our Science unit this half term is Animal Antics. Please look around the local environment and listen for the different animals that you can see and hear.
Keep looking out for Science links and challenges on our class blog. / Topic
Our topic this half term will be Fantastic Foleshill. We will be learning about the local area and comparing it to other localities.
PSHE:Our SEAL unit this half term is Citizenship. We will be learning about what makes a good citizen and a good community.
You will be set a piece of SEAL homework in Week 6. This will be posted on the class blog.
ICT: Our ICT unit this half term is I am a story teller.

Music:Our Music unit this half term will be Morning of music and we will be learning a variety of songs ready for our Morning of Music in March.

SMSC:Worship in different religions

PE:Our PE units this half term will be throwing and catching and multi-skills