Executive Workgroup Meeting

12:00 noon

Java By The Bay



CTC Members Present: Pam, Becky, Cindi, Sherrie, Jamie

Others present: Terry DeRocher Lerma

I. Development of a Recruitment Plan: In order to be more effective at events we need to otain a banner. Pam will have more time now for recruiting – BCMH CEO has provided more work hours to devote to this. Pam presented Luce County recruiting materials as examples. We will be doing business-to-usiness recruiting face-to-face. Pam will be meeting with Kristi to get ideas for making up a packet to take on outreach. We will ask the Chamber of Commerce for their mailing list and work to identify those businesses to approach first. Nikki has agreed to contact Kristan regarding Bay Area Youth in Motion as we have not been able to reach this organization. We will ask key leader orientation participants to send some recruitment materials to those they identify as leaders. We especially need to reach out to the prosecutor and the probation departments. The youth involvement workgroup is having difficulty as those who have state they are interested do not respond to invitations. Placemats to be given to local eateries to use as a recruitment tool are in the works. Katie W. will esign. We have one local printer quote but it is very high – we will look in Houghton/Hancock area for anoter quote. We have an example the workgroup is using. It was also suggested that we have a booth for recruiting and education purposes at the local waterfront concert series on Wednesday nights.

II. Neon Night Event planning: Our waivwer and registration materials came from revisions to the Lake Trout festival materials. The event will take place 8-7 at 8:30pm. We will use the school trail system for route – 2 laps around will be linked. Luce County is being used as a model for funds and staffing. Must register a month in advance to get t-shirt ordered. Bohemia will print shirts at a good rate ad need 7 days notice. Early entry will mean being entered to win family-oriented prizes such as pizza, bowling, movies. Cindi will make contacts to seek donations. We could have a costume contest, but would need judges and prizes. We could add an educational component – work with state polices and maybe next year expand in this direction. We will ask Kim about getting a contact at the casino – the have glow hats, etc. Members were asked to save water bottles to make lanterns for the event.

III. Website up-date: The website is live but Kevin needs additional content. Members were asked to review the site and provide missing information. Kevin will present the website at the CTC Board meeting.

IV. Planning for Community Plan Training reschedule: We need dates that Katie, Gery and Dalene are available for the two-day training. Katie stated she was not available on the date in June most members could attend. She told Terry not to try to get dates from the CTC members until we first knew when she, Gery and Katie would be available. They have not yet provided any dates. Katie also stated we need to get those who provide youth services locally to commit to attend. That is difficult for small organizations to do, given that the training is two full days and we can’t tell them when it is going to be held. At this point, all weekends in the local event calendar are taken up with other events, making it even more difficult to get people to a Friday-Saturday training. However, others have said that they cannot take two work days to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry DeRocher Lerma, PhD, LMSW

Baraga County Community that Cares Coordinator