Tuesday 9 February 2010

Who was here today:

Amanda Kent – Speakeasy Advocacy (Chair)

Florence Garland – Admin Partnership Board & LIG

Emma Dyer – HCC Adult Services (Partnership Board and LIGs lead)

Linzi Holt – Liaise Loddon

Dionne D’Sa – Just Advocacy

Brenda Thompson – Day Opportunity Coordinator (DOC) for Basingstoke and Hart & Rushmoor

Ian Purves – Fleet Self advocacy group

Alison Thurston – Basingstoke Hart & Rushmoor day service

Karen Roach – BUG, Basingstoke day services

Maria Wells – BUG, Basingstoke day services

Tracey Powell- DSO Basingstoke Hart & Rushmoor day service

Lisa Edwards – Basingstoke Disability Forum

Tara Reffell – Basingstoke LD Team

Joanne French - Speakeasy Advocacy

Bernard Pearcey – parent/carer – Hart & Rushmoor

Sheila Compton – Basingstoke Connexions

Cecilia Agbaje – Supporting People – HCC

Yvonne Paterson – Rushmoor and Hart LD Team

Elaine Baignie – Downing Care

Amanda Lee – BME community development officer, Hart Voluntary Services

Grant Stillwell – Aldershot day services


Caroline Stelling – Basingstoke Library

Jennifer Kelsey – Just Advocacy

Kew Fullick - Dimensions

Ken Dowse – parent/carer – Hart & Rushmoor

Colette Meredew-Lynch & Stephen Haynes – Community Nurses, Surrey and Borders Foundation NHS Trust

Larraine Beech – Basingstoke and Hart & Rushmoor day services

Karen George - HCC


Amanda welcomed everyone.

Notes/corrections from last meeting

Minutes agreed

The Big Health Talk

It is your opportunity to have your say! So please attend or make sure you fill in the questionnaire when you receive it and don’t forget to send it back. Amanda will have some information soon on this.

We will receive a shortened version of the questionnaire as it was too difficult to understand and we will also receive the flier/poster for circulation. The flier will have a list of dates and anybody can attend any event in Hampshire.

Basingstoke will have their event on Friday 19 March at Popley Fields 11 am to 3 pm. Teas/coffees/biscuits and fruit. It will be a drop in. It clashes with the Friday Network but Amanda said there is money to help with transport. Healthy living games will be brought by the community health team. Amanda is leading on this event.

Hart and Rushmoor event will probably be on Tuesday 23rd March 11 am to 3 pm, venue to be confirmed. Dionne is leading on this event.

Amanda would like some facilitators to help on the day but she will send a note as soon as she has more information.

Alison Froude (NHS Hampshire) will be sending letters to hospitals for reps but we might need to chase up if we want corporate stands. The press releases and contact with local papers and radio stations will be done by NHS Hampshire.

A list of GP’s surgeries who can provide annual health checks will be available on the day.

LDDF Funding

We have received 4 bids:

For the 1st aid course, we need to make sure Hart & Rushmoor is included in this. We will not fund the Alton Speak Out group to do this in Alton as they are part of another LIG.

The LIG supported all 4 bids and there were no major concerns for anyone.

Amanda said that she does not know precisely how much money will be allocated for the LIG but it will be around £40,000. We haven’t put our bids in order, but Amanda will make sure we get as much as we can.

Amanda is still happy to go the panel on 10th March and represent the LIG.

Plan for 2010

We would like to talk about housing, complex needs and autism at the next meeting. This is based on the local information we have, and teh issues people face in our area.

There is a strategic review of Hampshire Supporting People and Cecilia Agbaje is keen to let us know about consultation events coming up soon. Amanda said it is really important to have the views of people with a learning disability, not just mental health or physical needs.

So for the 20th April meeting, we would like:

  • Terry Snuggs (Hart and Rushmoor) and Tez Cook (service user involvement) to do a presentation 15/20 minutes – easy to understand (speakers confirmed)
  • Autism – Amanda will invite Gill O’Leary and Linda Burgess from HCC (TBC)
  • Proud2Be – presentation from Ania Kinross (TBC)

Flo also added that the LD Partnership Board topics are likely to be:

24 March – employment, day opportunities and colleges

19 May – housing

14 July – carers

29 September - transport

Chairing the meeting

Jennifer Kelsey is happy to chair this meeting providing that the LIG meets every 2 months. She emailed Amanda to confirm this. The LIG all agreed that they would like Jennifer to take over as chair, and Amanda will e-mail her to let her know. Flo will confirm the PB and LIGs and Leads dates.

Anything else

Partnership Board update: Amanda passed on the information from the LIG on transition to the Board. The conclusion of the meeting was that people should be involved much earlier in the transition process and that communication should improve.

Tara said that Dave Newton from HCC has now been appointed as Team manager to the Basingstoke Integrated LD Team. Someone else has also been appointed (health background) but she does not know the name yet.

Dates for your diaries

(All meetings from 10.30 am to 1 pm at Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook, room 4)

Basingstoke Hart & Rushmoor LIG 2010

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