Last updated: 26/04/2017

Interaction team

The Fact Sheet

The aim of this document is to provide information about what you can find in your fact sheet


The Fact Sheet has several Assignment Blocks covering different areas relating to that persons account. To access the Fact Sheet you need to have confirmed the customer account. You can then click on ‘Enquirer Fact Sheet’ in the left hand menu.

These assignment blocks are ‘lazy’ meaning that until we open them, you can’t see the information contained within. The exceptions are the ‘General’ block which is at the top and always opens automatically and ‘Alerts’.

This page contains details from different sources (SLM and KX Accommodation System) and the details cannot be amended from within this screen.

  • To open or close a block, click on the block title

What is contained within each block and where does the information come from?


This information comes from SLM

PrincipalOU / Will show the school that the student is in
Visa Exp. / If appropriate will show student visa expiry date
Tutor / The name of the student’s current tutor
Challenge / Information about disability
Note / If there is a note against a student, this will show an X – you would then look in the Student File launch from CRM
Date of Death / To inform us that student is deceased


This information comes from SLM (Student File, Registration tab.)

Start Date / Date Registered for Academic Year (Valid From)
End Date / Date no longer registered for Academic Year (Valid To) Which could be the term end date or an earlier date if they withdrew for any reason.
Reg. Type / Type of Registration - Regular Student, Non Degree Seeking
Programme Desc. / Title of Programme of Study
Registration date / Date first registered
Session / Semester 1 or Semester 2
(This will help you identify an exchange student)
Year / Academic Year
Part Time / Will contain a tick if registered as a Part Time Student
Stage / Shows the Stage of the programme student registered on
Status / Attending / non attending / Cancelled
LOA Reason / Student on a Leave of Absence for some reason such as personal reasons or external candidate etc.
De-Reg-Act. / Withdrawal etc.
De-Reg-Reason / Reason for de-registration action (Withdrawal)


This information comes from SLM (Student File, Holds tab and Status tab.)

Type / Hold or Status
Start Date / Date added
Hold / Status / What the hold or Status is


This information comes from SLM (Student File, Admissions tab.)

Prog. Type / Level of the study applied for
Year / Academic year applied for
Session / Whether applying for one or two semesters (full time or exchange etc.)
Prog. Code / The UCAS or PG course code
Desc. / The course title
Pgm. choice / Whether it is student’s first or second choice etc.
Decision / What type of offer the student has been made / or not
Reply / Whether the student has accepted the offer and whether that acceptance is firm or insurance
Cond. Exist / Any conditions placed on their offer
Cond. Outstanding / Whether these conditions have been met

TUITION FEES - This information comes from SLM

Amount DC / Amount of tuition fees for current academic year
Prev. Corrs / Any adjustments including scholarships and discounts
Total / Balance that is payable for current academic year

DEBT - This information comes from SLM

Fee Category / This shows the classification for fees purposes, eg Home, EU, International
Tuition fee debt / Shows tuition fees that are overdue as at today’s date. Does not show anything that is due in the future
Accommodation debt / Shows accommodation charges that are overdue as at today’s date. Does not show anything that is due in the future
Notes / An X denotes notes on any of the contract accounts

ALERTS - This information comes from SLM

Priority / Priority of alert
Category / Red / Amber / Green
Description / Shows area which alert relates to (SWS, SPS, TFT, SWS Debt, Rent Debt or AWOL priority)
Dates / Start and end date of alert
Notes / Action which must be taken if Student makes contact

sponsorship - This information comes from SLM

Funder Name / Name of Sponsor
Amount to be granted / Amount of sponsorship
Acad. Yr. / The academic year

ACCOMMODATION 1 - This information comes from KX

Acad. Yr / The academic year (could show multiple lines for long standing residents)
Application Date / The date that the online application for accommodation was completed (could show multiple lines if a continuing student)
App. Status / Shows if the current* application is live, pending or rejected
Accom Status / Shows status of current* offer eg allocated, offered, accepted, in house or departed
Accom Charge / Shows the full charge for the current academic year (this will take into account all residences occupied during any one academic year. This will NOT include any additional fines/charges)
Offer Date / The date that an offer of the current* accommodation was made
Offer Status / The status for the current* room eg, offered, accepted or rejected
Offer Expires / The date that the offer of accommodation expires for the current* room

*Where a student may have lived in more than one university residence during the same academic year this data refers to the current/most recent booking

accommodation 2 - This information comes from KX

Acd. Year / The academic year (could show multiple for long standing residents/room transfers etc)
Room Address / The student’s current* term time address
Contract Start / Contract start date for the current* address as shown
Contract End / Contract start date for the current* address as shown

*Where a student may have lived in more than one university residence during the same academic year this data refers to the current/most recent booking

service ticket history - This information is from within CRM – no explanation needed.

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