Kathleen M. McNamara, Ph.D.


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Kathleen M. McNamara, Ph.D.

December, 2011


Kent State University Doctor of Philosophy (1985)

Dissertation: Empathy, Assertiveness, and Satisfaction

in Social Relationships among Employed Women

Major: School Psychology

Minors: Psychology; Organizational Intervention

Master of Education (1978)

Cleveland State University Bachelor of Arts (1976)

Major: Psychology


State of Ohio Psychologist

Board of Psychology License No. 3809

National School Psychology Nationally Certified School Psychologist

Certification Board Certificate No. 11590

State of Ohio School Psychologist (Permanent)

Department of Education Certificate No. 283568805

Professional Employment

Cleveland State University (1994 - Present)

Director, School Psychology Training Program (1996 - 2010)

Professor, Department of Psychology (2008 – Present)

Chairperson, Department of Psychology (2010 – Present)


• Chief administrative officer of Department of Psychology; areas of responsibility include department graduate and undergraduate instructional program, budget, recommendations regarding faculty appointments, promotions, salary adjustments, dismissals, and conferment of tenure; promotion of department morale, quality teaching, research activity, and service; faculty workload plans and instructional assignments; and facilitating faculty engagement in planning and decision-making.

PSI Associates, Inc.

Project Consultant (1994 - 2010)

• Develop policies and programs to promote social competence among school-aged youth, and to prevent and reduce the incidence of social adjustment problems; plan and conduct professional staff training.

Director of Prevention Initiatives (1991 - 1994)

• Develop and coordinate school-based student assistance service delivery systems

• Coordinate agency activities related to federal and state grant programs

Program Coordinator and Executive Director (1981 - 1994)

School Psychologist (1979 – 1994)

Publications (Boldface type indicates refereed work)

Hunley, S., & McNamara, K. (2009). Tier 3 of the RTI model: Problem solving through a case study approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin (A joint publication with the National Association of School Psychologists).

McNamara, K.M. (1995). Best practices in substance abuse prevention programs. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology: Vol. 3 (pp. 369-382). Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.

McNamara, K. (1996). Bonding to school: The development of responsibility. Reclaiming Children & Youth: Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 4, 33 - 35.

McNamara, K. (1996). Adolescent substance abuse: A review of risk and protective factors. Journal of Psychological Practice, 2, 36 – 52.

McNamara, K. (1997, November). Current issues and practices in psychoeducational assessment. The Ohio Psychologist, 44, 29 – 31.

McNamara, K. (1998). Adoption of intervention-based assessment for special education: Trends in case management variables. School Psychology International 19, 251 - 266.

McNamara, K. (1998, March). Service: A promising alternative for youth at risk. NASP Communique, 26, 35 – 36.

McNamara, K. (2000). Outcomes associated with service involvement among disengaged youth. Journal of Drug Education, 30, 229 – 245.

McNamara, K. (2002). Best practices in promotion of social competence in schools. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology - IV (pp. 911 – 927). Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists.

McNamara, K. (2003, Spring). IBA: Are rumors of its death greatly exaggerated? The Ohio School Psychologist, 48, 9 – 11.

McNamara, K. (2008). Best practices in the application of professional ethics. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology, 5th edition. (pp.1933 – 1941). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

McNamara, K. (2008, Fall). Ethical issues in response-to-intervention: Evidence-based practices. The Ohio School Psychologist, 54, pp. 18 - 19.

McNamara, K. (2009, Winter). Ethical issues in response-to-intervention: Informed consent and timeliness. The Ohio School Psychologist, 54, pp. 23 - 25.

McNamara, K. (2009, Spring). Ethical issues in response-to-intervention: Special education eligibility determination. The Ohio School Psychologist, 54, pp. 20 – 21.

McNamara, K. M. (2010). Ethical considerations in the practice of school psychology. In T. Kehle & M. Bray (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology (pp. 762 – 773) .New York: Oxford University Press.

McNamara, K.M., & Hollinger, C.L. (1997). Intervention-based assessment: Rates of evaluation and eligibility for specific learning disability classification. Psychological Reports, 81, 620 - 622.

McNamara, K., Rasheed, H., & DeLamatre, J. (2008). A statewide study of school-based intervention teams: Characteristics, member perceptions, and outcomes. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 18, 5 – 30..

McNamara, K.M., & Hollinger,C.L. (2003). Intervention-based assessment: Evaluation rates and eligibility findings. Exceptional Children, 69, 181 – 193.

McNamara, K., Telzrow, C.F., & DeLamatre, J. (2000). Parent reactions to implementation of intervention-based assessment. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 10, 343 - 362.

Telzrow, C.F., & McNamara, K. (2002). New directions in assessment for students with disabilities. Work, 17, 1 – 12.

Telzrow, C.F., McNamara, K., & Hollinger. C.L. (2000). Fidelity of problem solving model implementation and relationship to student performance. School Psychology Review, 29, 443 - 461.

Paper Presentations(Boldface type indicates refereed work)

Lloyd, J., & McNamara, K. (2004, November). Literacy instruction using response to intervention: A district-wide initiative. Presentation to Ohio Department of Education – Ohio Inter-University Council for School Psychology – Ohio School Psychologists Association Intern Conference, Columbus, Ohio.

McMahon, C.M., & McNamara, K. (2000, March). Leading a horse to water? Teacher preparation for problem-solving consultation. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

McNamara, K.M. (1995, March). Elements of successful prevention efforts: (Not) for school psychologists only. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, Illinois.

McNamara, K. (1998, April). Ohio's implementation of intervention-based assessment: reactions of key stakeholders. In C. Telzrow (Chair), Ohio's implementation of intervention-based assessment. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, Florida.

McNamara, K. (2000, March). The culture of academia. In C. Telzrow (Chair), From trenches to ivory tower: Tips for practitioners considering academia. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

McNamara, K. (2004, March). Ethical issues in schools. In Bottoms, L. (Chair). Ethics in nonprofit practice. Symposium conducted at the Human Services Institute of the Greater Cleveland Federation for Community Planning, Cleveland, Ohio.

McNamara, K. (2004, May). Ethical issues in the practice of school psychology. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Columbus, OH.

McNamara, K. (2004, November). Ohio’s new Operating Standards: Incorporating intervention data in eligibility decisions. Presentation to Cuyahoga Special Education Service Center, Cleveland, Ohio.

McNamara, K. (2005, March). Applications of ethical principles to school psychology practice: Common dilemmas. In C. DiMartino (Chair), Ethics in school psychology. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, Georgia.

McNamara, K. (2005, May). Ethical Issues for K-12 Educators. Presentation to the Ohio Association of Pupil Service Administrators, Columbus OH.

McNamara, K. (2005, December). Response to Intervention and Intervention Assistance Teams: Models for Service Delivery. Presentation to Erie-Huron-Ottawa Counties Educational Service Center, Vermilion, OH.

McNamara, K. (2006, January). Contemporary Ethical Issues in Schools. Presentation to the Kent State University School Psychology Series, Kent OH.

McNamara, K. (2007, May). Ethical Standards: Major Themes and Common Concerns. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Columbus OH.

McNamara, K. (2007, May). Response to Intervention: Overview of the Service Model. Presentation to the Southeast Ohio Special Education Service Center (SEO-SERRC), Athens, Ohio.

McNamara, K. (2007, September – November). Response to Intervention: Overview and Implementation Issues. Series of Presentations to Professional Staff of the Shaker Heights City Schools, Shaker Heights OH.

McNamara, K. (2007, October). The Nuts and Bolts of Response to Intervention. Presentation to the Northwest Ohio Student Support Team (SST). Maumee, OH.

McNamara, K. (2007, December). An Overview of Response to Intervention. Presentation to the Professional Staff of the Erie-Huron-Ottawa Counties Educational Service Center. Sandusky, OH.

McNamara, K. (Chair) (2008, February). Response to Intervention: Resilience and Role Change. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

McNamara, K. (2008, March). Introduction to Response to Intervention. Presentation to the Lincoln Way Student Support Team (SST). Canton, OH.

McNamara, K. (2008, April). Introduction to Response to Intervention. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Conference of Community Schools. Columbus, OH.

McNamara, K. (2008, June). Response to Intervention: Overview of the Service Model. Presentation to the Northwest Ohio State Support Team.

McNamara, K. (2008, August). Response to Intervention: Implementation K – 12. Presentation to the Put-in-Bay (OH) Schools professional staff.

McNamara, K. (2008, October). Implementing Response-to-Intervention on a System-Wide Basis. Presentation to the Sylvania, OH administrative staff.

McNamara, K. (2008, October – December). Universal screening and instructional planning using the RTI model. Presentations to the Bowling Green (OH) teaching staff, K – 12.

McNamara, K. (2009, January). Overview of Response to Intervention. Presentation to the Copley-Fairlawn (OH) central administrative team.

McNamara, K. (2009, March). Ethical issues in contemporary school psychological practice. Presentation (via distance learning) to the Washington (state) Association of School Psychologists.

McNamara, K. (2009, May). Applied Ethics. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Ohio School Psychologists Association. Cincinnati OH.

McNamara, K. (2009, June). Build your own pyramid: Response-to-Intervention, K – 8. Presentation to the Washington Local and Lucas County Schools, administrative and teacher teams.

McNamara, K. (2009, August). Implementation issues in Response-to-Intervention. Presentation to the Fremont City Schools teaching staff, K - 12.

McNamara, K. (2009, October). Building Response-to-Intervention from the ground up. Presentation to the Mentor Exempted Village Schools intervention teams.

McNamara, K. (2009, October). Special education eligibility determination and response-to-intervention. Presentation to the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children Leadership Conference, Columbus OH.

McNamara, K. (2011, January – June). Adoption of a Multi-Tiered, Data-Based Model for Student Services. Northwest Ohio, State Support Team, Region 1.

McNamara, K., Crane, S., Desrochers, J., & Delaney, T. (2006, April). The Role of Ethics Committees in State Professional Associations. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Anaheim CA.

McNamara, K. DeLamatre, J., & Rasheed, H. (2002, February). Problem-solving teams: What are they, what do they look like, and does it really matter? Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists. Chicago, IL.

McNamara, K., Fiscus, E., Telzrow, C., & Wolcott-Mendelson, V. (1999, May). The Ohio internship in school psychology: Future directions. Presentation at the meeting of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Akron, Ohio.

McNamara, K., & Jacob, S. (2008, February). Learning to Think Ethically: A Guide to Decision-Making. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans LA.

McNamara, K., Jacob, S., Armistead, L., Crane, S., & Provenzano, F.(2008, February). Promoting Professional Practices at the State Level: Issues and Answers. Special session conducted at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans LA.

McNamara, K., Jacob, S., Armistead, L., Provenzano, F., & Struzziero, J. (2009, February). Ethics education and support for state association members. Special Session conducted at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.

McNamara, K., Lokhandwala, T., & Woods, P.(2005, March). Fidelity of problem-solving as implemented by collaborative teams. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta GA.

McNamara, K., McKelvey, K., & Winders, E. (2009, February). Bullies to buddies: A victim empowerment intervention. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston MA.

McNamara, K.M., Rosenberg, S.L. & Mcloughlin, C.S. (1995, March). Leadership groups for at-risk adolescents: An applied research initiative. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, Illinois.

McNamara, K., Struzziero, J., Armistead, L., & Delaney, T. (2007, March). Promoting professional practices at the state level: Issues and answers. Special session conducted at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New York City, NY.

Telzrow, C.F., Buxbaum, M., Harvey, J., McNamara, K.M., & Thomas, A. (1997, May). The future of school psychology: To be or not to be? Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Cleveland, Ohio.

Research Grants

McNamara, K.M., Principal Investigator. Variables associated with perceptions of school climate (Maple Heights City Schools; 12/95 - 7/96: $14,987)

McNamara, K.M., Principal Investigator (1997-2002). 1996-2002 IBMFE Statewide evaluation (Ohio Dept. of Education, Division of Special Education; approximately $180,000 over 6 years)

McNamara, K., Hollinger, C., & Sutton, R. Planning interventions for children with reading problems: An analysis of school teams in the Cleveland Municipal School District. (Cleveland State University, President’s Initiative Grant; Dean, College of Science 1/03 – 6/05: Approximately $43,000)

Reilly, J., & McNamara, K. Not in our school! A comprehensive response to the problem of bullying (Cleveland State University, Center for Urban School Collaboration, Teacher-Researcher Grant, 6/03 – 5/05: $10,000)


Clyde V. Bartlett Distinguished Service Award (Ohio School Psychologists Association, 1996)

Presidential Citation for Outstanding Service (Ohio School Psychologists Association, 1987; 1991)

Professional Service and Affiliations

Cleveland State University

Ad Hoc Peer Review Committee, Dept. of Speech and Hearing (Member, 2004)

Faculty Senate (Member, 2006 – present2008)

Strategic Planning Conference (Member, 1997; 2004)

Cleveland State University, College of Arts and Sciences

Liberal Studies Committee (Member, 1998 - 2000)

Faculty Affairs Committee (Member, 1996 - 1998)

Dean's Faculty Advisory Group (Member, 1997 - 1998)

Program Review Committee (Member, 2000 - 2001)

Cleveland State University, College of Sciences and Health Professions

Dean Search Advisory Committee (Member, 2004)

Associate Dean Search Committee (Member, 2004)

Nominations and Elections Committee (Member, 2004-07)

Budget and Planning Committee (Member, 2004-06)

College of Science Senate Caucus (Member, 2006 – present2008)

Curriculum Committee (Member, 2007 – 2009; Chair, 2008 - 2009)