Hello, and welcome to Deltek Vision timesheet training. If you have access to the internet, you have access to the software to complete your timesheet.

The first thing that you need to do is log on to the Deltek Vision Website, the web address is You can wait for Deltek to load, or you can click on the “Deltek Vision” Hyperlink.

Enter your User ID and password, and your Database should default to Vision. Then click Login.

You should now be looking at your “Dashboard.” Click on the timesheet icon. This will bring up a small window asking you to select the timesheet period you are working on. This will usually be the current week unless you are going on vacation and need to submit early. Go ahead and click okay.

You are now looking at the current week’s timesheet. If you have any time that is not project related you will see that your timesheet already has all the general administrative tasks listed, such as PTO, Marketing, Admin, etc. You can enter your time accordingly on the right hand side of the screen by day. Please be sure to enter your time in 15 minute increments. An error box will pop up if you enter an invalid amount. Lets enter 15 minutes of training for Friday and a half hour of admin time for Monday.

To enter project related info, please click the yellow project field under Admin. You can search in a couple different ways:

  1. In the project field, click on the binoculars to bring up the Project Lookup Window. (F2 also works) If you click on the down arrow next to“Search By” you can choose how you would like to search for a project. Let’s search by project name and I am going to Search for Pinole General Plan. You do not need to type in the full project name, but the more info you type the more accurate result you are going to get. So once you type your search text in, hit the search button. Highlight the project you are working on and click select. Tab over to the Billing Group field and click the binoculars again. Click the Bill Group and Labor code you are working on and your timesheet will populate with this info. Enter your hours on the right side of the screen by day. Lets enter 8 hours for Tuesday.
  1. Another way to search is by typing in a keyword in the project field and hitting the tab key. This will bring up a drop down list of all the projects with that word in them and you can scroll through them until you find the one you are working on. Let’s search for the Pinole General Plan again. Go ahead and click the project you want. Just as we did before, tab over to the Billing Group field and hit the binoculars again. Click the Bill Group and Labor code you are working on. Enter your hours on the right side of the screen by day. Lets enter 4 hour and 45 minutes on Wednesday.
  1. As always, if you know the project number that you need, you can simply type it in and enter your bill group and labor code as we did previously.

If you would like to enter a comment for any time that you enter on your timesheet all you need to do is make that specific time slot the active cell and enter your comments in the bottom section of the timesheet. So for our 8 hours entered to Pinole lets enter a comment saying that 2 hours of this was travel time. You will notice when you click off that cell that it turns gray so you will be able to quickly tell which hours you have entered a comment for. Please remember that some comments get printed on our invoices,so they need to be client friendly.

When you are done working on your timesheet for the day, go ahead and hit the “Save” button on the main toolbar. This will save your timesheet as “In progress,” so the next day when you log in, you will be able to add additional time. Just remember to re-save every day.

If you work on the same projects consistently, you can copy all your project numbers over from a previous timesheet. To do this, bring the current week’stimesheet up on your screen. Click the Copy button on the main toolbar, choose the timesheet you wish to copy from, and click ok. This will bring all your project info over and you are ready to enter your hours and comments for the week.You can copy at any time, and any projects and hours already listed will not be deleted.

When Friday noon rolls around and you have finished entering your time for the week, click the submit button on the main toolbar. This will change your status to “submitted”. You are able to make changes to your timesheet after it is submitted, but if you do, it changes your status back to “in progress” so please remember to click your submit button again. Once the accounting department is ready to print for payroll, your timesheet will be locked. You will notice that the status changes to “approved”. After that, you will need to contact accounting with any changes. We ask that you please try to make any necessary changes before your timesheet is approved. This will help us to have more accurate records for payroll and project reporting purposes.

If you would like a hard copy of your timesheet, you can print one from the “print” button on the main toolbar. You have the option to do a detail or summary view.

If you need any assistance, please contact the Accounting department.

To log out of Vision, please click on the icon under the Deltek logo.

If you are a supervisor, please also note the following…

When in the timesheet screen you have access to review your staff’s timesheets. To do this, click on the employees’ button on the main toolbar. Select the period ending date that you wish to review using the dropdown arrow. If you supervise multiple groups, you can select a specific group by clicking the Group drop-down arrow. Click on the employee you wish to review and select, or the select all button if you wish to see all your staff’s timesheet that are listed on your screen. This will bring up the employees timesheets that you selected and you can scroll through them using the arrows buttons on the top right hand side.

If you are interested in the employee reports that are available, you have a variety to choose from through the employees’ button as well. Please feel free to explore them and contact our accounting Dept if necessary.

Thank you and that concludes our Deltek Vision Training,

Happy Timesheet Entering!
