2016-2017 Spark Reading School Grant Report Form

Greetings! We hope that you have had a joyful and successful year with your students. As the school year begins to come to a close, we kindly request that you complete the below report on your Spark Grant funded project. Please submit this report electronically to no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, May 19, 2017. Teachers who do not submit this report by the deadline are not eligible for future grants. If you received a Spark Reading School Grant as part of a team of teachers, please have one teacher submit a report for the entire team.

We are excited to learn how your project has progressed. Thank you!

School:Click here to enter text.

Principal: Click here to enter text.

Participating educators:Click here to enter text.

Email of project lead: Click here to enter text.

Grant #: Click here to enter text.

Grant amount: Click here to enter text.

  1. How were the funds spent?

Expense / Description/Purpose / Amount
Enter vendor. / Briefly describe purpose/use. / Enter amount.
Enter vendor. / Briefly describe purpose/use. / Enter amount.
Enter vendor. / Briefly describe purpose/use. / Enter amount.
Enter vendor. / Briefly describe purpose/use. / Enter amount.
TOTAL / Enter total.
  1. Please describe, beyond the budget above, how the funds were used and how students were engaged. Describe which, if any, standards were addressed.(Limit: 300 words)

Click here to enter text.

  1. Spark Reading School Grants are grounded in the beliefs that imaginative reading and assimilation of context can make learning fun and exciting, and that a childhood love of reading holds promise for long-term success. In what ways did this grant help to inspire/reinforce your school’s culture of reading? How do you know you were successful? (Limit: 750 words)

Click here to enter text.

  1. What are the unanticipated outcomes and lessons that resulted from the project? For example, are there aspects of the project that didn’t work as expected? Would you structure the project differently? (Limit: 750 words)

Click here to enter text.

  1. You are welcome (not required) to attach samples of the work funded through this project, if appropriate. If you have enclosed attachments, please indicate below.

Click here to enter text.