Title: / Reminder - KidZania Free Ticket Allocation 2015/16 – Please make bookings as soon as possible
Summary: / Partnership between KidZania and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, offering free tickets to pupils aged 4-14
Target school(s): / 4-14 year olds - Primary, Secondary, Special
Specific schools / Heads, Deputy Heads, SENCO, Careers Advisers
For attention of: / Headteachers/Head of year
Author: / Isha Degun
Contact: / Isha Degun/Kimmy Bryceland
Email: / /
Telephone: / 020 7745 6465
Newsletter Date: / 07 March 2016
Action required/
due date: / Tickets to be booked by 11 March 2016

Dear Headteacher,

As a result of the partnership between KidZania London and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham we are pleased to inform you of the free ticket allocation for the academic year 2015/16.

Please read the information below carefully and feel free to contact KidZania London regarding operational matters such as bookings, re-visits, and Hammersmith and Fulham Council regarding the ticket allocations. Once you have booked your school visit you will automatically receive further information about the visit itself, preparation, learning resources and much more.

So here we go …

What is this all about?

There is an agreement between the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) and KidZania London that we will make available 7,333 tickets annually to schools (‘Section 106 Agreement’). This ticket allocation works on an academic year basis and is to be reviewed in June of each year. All correspondence with schools regarding the agreement will be sent jointly between KidZania London and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.

How many tickets does my school get?

There is a proportional allocation to each school: by formula each pupil aged 4 to 14 equates to 0.35 ticket – so a school with 100 children is entitled to 35 tickets (adult tickets are free in addition to this). In addition there is an adjustment in favour of those schools in excess of 50% Pupil Premium.

Our aim is to ensure that those children who would benefit most from the opportunity will always be included. Bookings are for school visits only and the expectation is that there will be one visit per school. An additional ‘school’ is created for the most vulnerable children (300 tickets) and jointly coordinated by LBHF and KidZania London.

The annual ticket allocation will be made public in the light of transparency – uptake will also be publically available. Please find attached the allocation for all LBHF schools.

When can I use our tickets?

January, February, March and May 2016: Monday to Friday, term-time only. All bookings must be made by 11 March 2016.

Where do I get our tickets from?

Bookings are to be made through the KidZania Contact Centre (0330 131 3331), quoting: LBH&F + School Name. We strongly recommend that schools arrange a pre-visit in order to prepare for the KidZania experience.

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

The KidZania Contact Centre (0330 131 3331) or Kimmy Bryceland, School Sales Manager (0203 815 3894).

Your LBHF contact is: Isha Degun, Executive Support Officer (020 7745 6465).


“As soon as we got off the coach I saw this big building. But as soon as I entered the real KidZania I was lost for words. I thought the sky was real, I thought all of it was real!” (Joe, age 12)

and because …

“Children can only aspire to what they know exists …”

We look forward to welcoming you to KidZana London in the not too distant future.

Dr Ger Graus OBEIan Heggs

Director of Education & Partnerships for KidZaniaDirector of Schools


KidZania London Sketchbook

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