2013 Cenovus Energy Environmental Education Leadership Clinic Word Application Form

Building the capacity of your organization to better deliver excellent environmental education!

Monday, November 4th, 12:00pm

to Thursday November 7th, 1:00pm

Sanctum Retreat Centre, Caroline, Alberta

The Cenovus Energy Environmental Education Leadership Clinic is a premier leadership clinic (valued at over $7000.00) that ACEE is able to offer free-of-charge (thanks to Cenovus sponsorship) to the Alberta environmental education community.

The leadership clinic brings together 8 to 10 teams from a variety of organizations (non-profits; various levels of government – provincial, municipal, or counties; school jurisdictions; or schools). Each team consists of 3 to 4 individuals from an organization that have identified a goal they would like to achieve. During the leadership clinic, the teams receive professional development geared to their needs and spend over 40% of their time in team planning. The teams come with a goal and leave with an action plan.

Past teams have identified that the planning time is extremely valuable and that they accomplish 8 months of work during the leadership clinic. Please review the information on the leadership clinic application web page to answer questions you may have about the leadership clinic. This document is designed to help you draft your application. Please submit your application using the online process that will open in early May 2013.

Use the Word format to prepare your application and then submit your application online (this will be available in early May, 2013). Application deadline is July 5th, 2013.

1.  About your team

a)  Name of your organization:

b)  Organization web site:

c)  State your team’s goal in a one sentence statement (complete this after you’ve answered question 2):

Note regarding Team Members – teams of 4 members are preferred as this provides diversity and ensures successful team planning time during the leadership clinic. Applications of 3 team members will be considered. If you submit a team with 3 members and one member is unable to attend, your team will not be able to attend the clinic (unless you can identify another team member that will bring value to the team). We do have a waiting list of teams each year so please ensure your team is committed to attending the leadership clinic before submitting your application.

Information / #1 / #2 / #3 / #4
First and last name
Postal code
Daytime phone

d)  For each team member, briefly describe why they were chosen, what their role will be on the team and how they will contribute to the success of the team.

Team member #1:

Team member #2:

Team member #3:

Team member #4:

e)  Diversity on the team (cultural, professional, or geographic) can help create an excellent action plan. Describe your team’s diversity.

f)  What will your team need to do to get approval to implement your action plan (e.g. decision makers will be part of the team, the plan will need to be reviewed by decision makers after the leadership clinic, we will have approval for the plan before we attend the leadership clinic, we will connect with decision makers during the leadership clinic)?

2.  Your team’s goal

The theme of the leadership clinic is to build the capacity of your organization to better deliver excellent environmental education!

a)  What type of environmental education is your organization currently delivering?

b)  What are you hoping the leadership clinic will offer to help build the capacity of your organization to better deliver excellent environmental education?

c)  What is the goal your team has set for the clinic? It should be clear, measureable and realistic.

d)  What is the ultimate outcome your organization wishes to achieve from your goal (e.g. who will you impact – audience, # of people; and what will change as a result of your work)?

e)  Why is your team well positioned to make the most of the leadership clinic?

3.  About your organization

  1. Has anyone from your organization attended prior leadership clinics?
  1. If yes, what year did they attend?
  1. What was the goal for the team that attended?
  1. What progress has been made in implementing the action plan? Please be specific.
  1. How does your goal for the 2013 leadership clinic relate to and/or build on the previous goal?
  1. ACEE has limited funding to support groups that may require funding to cover staff time to attend the clinic (e.g. substitute teacher costs, non-profits with limited capacity building funding). Please indicate the number of team members that require funding and the daily team cost. ACEE will confirm the amount of the bursary your team will receive after all of the teams have been selected. Note: ACEE may not be able to cover all 4 team member costs but we will do our best to cover as much as we can.

(______# of team members x ______number of days) x ______daily team cost = ______total bursary request

4.  We ask that you commit to ALL of the following items:

Our commitment / Yes / No
All of our team members will attend the entire leadership clinic
Our team will support all travel costs to attend the leadership clinic
We will create an action plan, at the clinic, to accomplish the goal described above
We will implement the action plan to the best of our ability
We will evaluate the effectiveness of our action plan
We will participate in 3 post-clinic sessions to outline our progress and discuss challenges

5.  Is there anything else you would like us to know?