Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form

for Courses Numbered 5000 and Higher

Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions.

1. Course prefix and number: 2. Date:

3. Requested action (check only one box):

X / New Course
Revision of Active Course
Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course
Renumbering of an Existing Course from
from / # / to / #

4. Justification (assessment or accreditation based) for new course or course revision or course renumbering:

The Department of Public Health, Master of Public Health Program (MPH) is developing a new series of courses in Long Term Care Administration, tailored to North Carolina and federation regulations in preparation for state and federal licensure exams. This new training continuum funding is made possible by a 3 year grant from the Duke Endowment. MPH 6040, a fundamentals course, is the first in a series of long term care and aging courses. The Long Term Care concentration addresses a deficit in trained professional managing long term care facilities in our region and state.

5. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog:

6040. Long Term Care Administration (3) P: MPH 6001 or consent of instructor. Overview of delivery of long term care services with an emphasis on the knowledge and skills needed for effective leadership.

6. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change:


7. Graduate catalog page number from current graduate catalog:

8. Course credit:

Lecture Hours / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / 3 / s.h.
Lab / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Studio / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Practicum / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Internship / Weekly / OR / Per Term / Credit Hours / s.h.
Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain.
Total Credit Hours / 3 / s.h.

9. Anticipated annual student enrollment:

10. Affected degrees or academic programs:

Degree(s)/Course(s) / Current
Catalog Page / Changes in Degree Hours

11. Overlapping or duplication with affected units or programs:

X / Not Applicable
X / Notification & response from affected units is attached

12. Approval by the Council for Teacher Education (required for courses affecting teacher education programs):

X / Not Applicable
Applicable and CTE has given their approval.

13. Statements of support:

a. Staff

X / Current staff is adequate
Additional Staff is needed (describe needs in the box below):

b. Facilities

X / Current facilities are adequate
Additional Facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below):

c. Library

X / Initial library resources are adequate
Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources):

d. Computer resources

Unit computer resources are adequate
X / Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition):
Hybrid course, no cost, requires smart classroom using Centra
X / ITCS Resources are not needed
The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need):
Mainframe computer system
Statistical services
Network connections
Computer lab for students
Approval from the Director of ITCS attached

14. Course information: see Instructions for Completing the Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for more detail.

14.  Textbook(s): author(s), name, publication date, publisher, and city/state/ country

Pratt, J. (2009). Long Term Care: Managing Across the Continuum. 3rd ed. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett.

15.  Course objectives student – centered behavioral objectives for the course

·  Develop a conceptual understanding of long term care as a component of the health care delivery system in the US

·  Describe and contrast reimbursement, regulations(state and federal) and managing personnel in diverse health care settings with emphasis on long term care facilities

·  Identify and analyze the resources and skills need for managing long term care facilities

·  Develop an understanding of Long Term Care financing

·  Identify key principles and methods for human resources management.

MPH Program Core Competencies associated with MPH 6040 course objectives

·  Develop cogent and persuasive written materials regarding public health topics

·  Apply descriptive techniques commonly used to summarize public health data

·  Use vital statistics and other public health records in the description of population health characteristics and in public health research and evaluation

·  Identify the main components and issues of the organization, financing and delivery of health services in the US

·  Identify the main components and issues of the organization, financing and delivery of health services in the US

·  Describe steps and procedures for the planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs, policies and interventions

·  Deliver oral presentations using recognized criteria for effective information dissemination

·  Demonstrate sensitivity to varied cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds of individuals and groups including: education, health, literacy, race, gender, age, profession, political preferences, health conditions, religion/spirituality, place of origin, sexual orientation and lifestyle

·  Identify basic theories, concepts and models from a range of social and behavioral disciplines that are used in public health research and practice

·  Use evidence-based approaches in the development and evaluation of social and behavioral science interventions

·  Recognize the principles and limitations of public health screening programs

·  Describe the role of social and community factors in both the onset and solution of public health problems

·  Apply evidence-based concepts in public health decision-making

16.  Course topic outline

1.  Nursing Facilities and Sub-acute Care

2.  Assisted Living Centers, Adult Day Care, Hospice Care

3.  Long Term Care Regulatory Process & county regulations

4.  Long Term Care Regulations-state and federal

5.  Long-Term Care Reimbursement

6.  Long-Term Quality

7.  Human Resource Management

8.  Role of Medical Director in Nursing Facilities & Transitional Care Issues

9.  Nursing Services

10.  Resident Assessment Instrument

11.  Marketing and Community Relations

12.  Ethical Issues in Long Term Care

13.  Hospice & Palliative Care

14.  HIPPA, Technology and use of EMR in LTC

17.  List of course assignments and weighting of each assignment and the grading/evaluation system for determining a grade.

-Written assignments

-Term paper

-Midterm examination

-Final examination

·  Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

o  A = 90+ Excellent

o  B = 80-89 Good

o  C = 70-79 Pass

o  F = below 70 Fail

·  Assignment weighing and grade plan:

o  Class attendance and participation 10%

o  Completion of written assignments 10%

o  Term paper 20%

o  Midterm examination 30%

o  Final examination 30%

Total points: 100%