Contusion, sprain, strain, muscle/ligament injury due to surgical operation

Usually acute soft tissue injury symptoms will subside within 7 days, but if the injury is severe, deep, or the constitution is weak, symptoms will last longer or become chronic.

If qi and blood stasis become chronic, blood fails to nourish the tissues, qi and blood deficiency develops, wind-cold-damp invade easily.

First Stage: can last for a few days, and up to about 7 days


Pain at site with tenderness to touch


Limited mobility

Takes 2-3 days for extravasated blood to coagulate

Treatment Principles:

Move Blood Stasis, Clear Heat

Reduce Swelling, Relieve Pain

Invigorate Channels and Collaterals

Second Stage: lasts 10 days to 2-3 weeks

Swelling and pain begins to subside

Bruising remains - purple blue skin discoloration

Skin usually feels warm

If injury is mild, this stage may begin 2-3 days after initial injury

Treatment Principles:

Invigorate Blood, Move Stasis

Relax ligaments and tendons

Invigorate Channels and Collaterals

Relieve Pain

Third Stage: may be prevented if treated properly in stage 1-2, or can become chronic

Almost no pain and swelling

Mobility improved

Bruise color is light yellow brown

Pain exacerbated by damp or cold and physical movement

Treatment Principles:

Move Qi and any residual Blood stasis

Disperse Cold and Damp

Relax ligaments and tendons

Warm and Harmonize Channels and Collaterals

Tonify Liver / Kidney if indicated


Invigorate Blood

Tao Ren

Hong Hua

Dang Gui Wei

Xue Jie

Niu Xi

Chuan Xiong

Yu Jin

Shen Jin Cao

San Qi

Ru Xiang

Mo Yao

Ji Xue Teng

Da Huang

Alleviate Pain

Ru Xiang

Mo Yao

Zi Ran Tong

Xue Jie

Reduce Swelling

blood invigorating herbs

Di Long

Tu Bie Chong

Wei Ling Xian

Fu Ling

Che Qian Zi

Mu Tong

Hai Tong Pi

Promote Bone and Tendon Growth

Zi Ran Tong

Xue Jie

Gu Sui Bu

Tu Bie Chong

Strengthen Tendons / Bonedue to Liv/Kd Def

Niu Xi

Xu Duan

Gou Ji

Du Zhong

Qian Nian Jian

Wu Jia Pi

Disperse Wind Damp Obstruction

Qin Jiao

Qiang Huo

Du Huo

Wei Ling Xian

Hai Tong Pi

Mu Gua

Wu Jia Pi

Sang Zhi

Gui Zhi

Song Jie

Di Long


Stage 1-2:

Extravasated blood, maybe clots, stabbing pain, pain is worse with pressure, hematoma or bruising with swelling is dominant, decreased ROM, tongue may be purple or normal

He Ying Zhi Tong Tang

Chi Shao 10-15

Dang Gui Wei 10

Chuan Xiong 6-10

Su Mu 10-15

Tao Ren 10

Xu Duan 10

Ru Xiang 6

Mo Yao 6

Wu Yao 6

Mu Tong 6

Chen Pi 6

Gan Cao 6

If there is also qi stagnation - especially if in chest/abdomen (wandering pains, worse with exertion, difficult or labored breathing):

Add Chai Hu, Bai Shao, Zhi Ke, Xiang Fu

If bleeding (due to injured blood vessels in local tissue, or internal bleeding):

Add San Qi or Yunan Bai Yao, or use San Qi alone for 1-2 days

If there is heat with the stasis - slight fever or feels hot, restless, poor sleep, thirst, tongue is red with thin yellow coat, pulse is rapid and slippery:

Add Mu Dan Pi, Zhi Zi, Sheng Di, Huang Bai

Subtract Chuan Xiong, Wu Yao

If there is heat due to local infection:

Add Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin

(Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Ying, Zi Hua Di Ding, Ye Ju Hua, Zi Bei Tian Kui)

If purulent (wind-damp-heat):

Add Chi Fu Ling, Mu Dan Pi, Huang Lian, Xia Ku Cao

To stop bleeding:

Add Chi Shao, Sheng Di, Mu Dan Pi

For blood in stool, add Di Yu, Huan Hua Mi

For blood in urine, add Da Xiao Ji, Bai Mao Gen, Ou Jie

For vomiting blood, add Ce Bai Ye, Bai Mao Gen

Golden Flower Chinese Herbs Trauma 2 Formula:

San Qi, Dang Gui, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Hong Hua, Su Mu, Da Huang, Ji Xue Teng

Chi Shao, Chuan Niu Xi, Fu Ling, Bai Zhi, Fang Feng, Gan Cao

For blood stasis in the chest/rib cage (thorasic or hypochondral pain) due to injury or surgery:

Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang

Chai Hu 10-12

Tao Ren 10

Dang Gui Wei 8

Tian Hua Fen 8

Da Huang 8

Hong Hua 5

Gan Cao 5

For more pain relieving action: Add Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Yu Jin

For post-herpetic pain: Add Xuan Shen, Yan Hu Suo, Bai Shao

For intercostals neuralgia: Add Chuan Lian Zi, Bai Shao

Stage 3: later stage or chronic

Shu Jin Tang

Dang Gui 10 - tonifies blood

Gu Sui Bu 6-10 - repairs bones, decreases scar tissue

Guan Jin Teng 6-10 - loosens, stretches muscle fibers

Jiang Huang 10 - treats residual pain and stasis

Xu Duan 10 - tonify Liver/Kidney, generates new tissue

Chen Pi 6 - move qi, assists digestion

Qiang Huo 6 - treats or prevents wind-cold-damp invasion

Song Jie 15 - treats or prevents wind-cold-damp invasion

Hai Tong Pi 3-5 - unblocks channels and wind damp

Fang Feng 2-3 - disperses wind

Bai Shao 10-15 - nourishes Liver blood, with Gan Cao treats spasms

Gan Cao 3-6 - harmonizes formula, with Bai Shao treats spasms

For upper extremeties:

Add Qiang Huo, Jiang Huang

For lower extremeties:

Add Du Huo, Niu Xi

If limited ROM and rigidity:

Add Wu Gong, Tu Bie Chong

If deep, severe pain:

Add Gui Zhi, Fu Zi, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Di Long

If nodules due to phlegm:

Add Bai Jie Zi, Zhe Bei Mu, Tian Nan Xing

For later stage chronic conditions with Liver/Kidney Deficiency

Weakness in injury region, difficulty moving muscels or limbs, dull aching or no pain, maybe repeated fractures or osteoporosis, maybe chronically weal tendons or low back, maybe significant muscle atrophy

Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan

Tonifies Kidney and Liver, Qi and Blood, disperses Wind-Cold-Damp

Emphasis on treatment of low back and lower body

Jian Bu Hu Qian Wan modified

Niu Xi 10

Dang Gui 10

Shu Di 10

Gui Ban 10

Suo Yang 10

Bai Shao 10

Du Zhong 10

Xu Duan 10

Chen Pi 6

Gan Cao 6

If Kidney yang deficiency:

Add Lu Jiao Jiao

If Kidney yin deficiency with empty heat:

Add Zhi Mu, Huang Bai

If residual pain and stasis:

Add Hong Hua, Tao Ren, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao

If decreased ROM, spasticity, or numbness:

Add Di Long, Mu Gua


Stage #1: severe fixed pain, worse with pressure, swelling

Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang modified

Dang Gui 10

Tao Ren 10

Hong Hua 6

Ru Xiang 6

Mo Yao 6

Xue Jie 10

Dan Shen 10

Zhi Da Huang 10-15

Wang Bu Liu Xing 10-15

Tian Hua Fen 10

Gan Cao 6

Stage #2: swelling decreased, pain with use and pressure

Xue Jie 6-10

Hong Hua 6

Dan Shen 10

Tu Bie Chong 6

Wang Bu Liu Xing 10-15

Di Long 10

Gu Sui Bu 12

Zi Ran Tong 10

Dang Gui 10

Stage #3: limited range of motion due to muscular rigidity

Dang Gui 10-15

Ji Xue Teng 15-20

Xu Duan 10

Hong Hua 6-10

Chuan Xiong 6

Yu Jin 10

Sang Zhi 12-15

Gui Zhi 6

Qin Jiao 10

Qiang Huo 10

Gu Sui Bu 10

Mu Gua 6

Di Long 15

Golden Flower Chinese Herbs: Bone and Sinew Formula

Dang Gui, Xu Duan, Du Zhong, Sang Ji Sheng, Bu Gu Zhi, Da Zao

Shen Jin Cao, Wu Jia Pi, Gu Sui Bu, Zi Ran Tong, Du Huo, Qiang Huo,

Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Ji Xue Teng