Cross off the Box you answered after you have finished the question.

One Point / Three Points / Five Points / Ten Points
1.1 What are the differences between the R.C.C and the E.O.C in the areas of; Language, Marriage, Church Leader? / 3.1 You are a Historian Living in the Byzantine Empire directly after the Great Schism. Tell us about the two past events that led to the Schism. Do not forget to explain the Double excommunication.
(8 sentences minimum) / 5.1 Draw a diagram/graph showing the Distribution of Power for each:
Magna Carta
Model Parliament
Black Death
100 Years War
For each event, explain why the power has been distributed in this way. Be sure to tell what happened to make the governing power shift. / 10.1
List the 4 reasons for the Decline of Feudalism in order of importance. This is your opinion.
For each number you have given (1st most important, 4th most important etc) Explain why you placed the event in this order.
(Questions you should ask)
Why is it not First?
Why is it not last?
Why is more or lease important than the previous event?
Be sure to include: the dates pertaining to each of these events and the important characters.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, explain how each specific event led to the decline of Feudalism.
(6 sentences for each event MINNIMUM)
1.2 What Four events contributed to the decline of Feudalism? Include the dates for credit.
1.3 List 3 factors that contributed to the spread of the Black Death. Explain each one with its own sentence. / 3.2 You are a Historian living in Europe from 1215-1218. Explain the circumstances leading to the Magna Carta being signed. What specifically, does the document say and guarantee? What Happened after the document was signed?
(8 sentences minimum)
1.4 What are three of Justinian's Major accomplishments?
1.5 What was the first major conflict between the King and the R.C.C? (Include one date and two names).
1.6 What are the Institutes? What is Justinian's Code? / 3.3 Create a timeline with 4 dates (or time frames) that are important to the decline of Feudalism?(Nothing about the E.O.C!)
Each date should have:
1. The corresponding event
2. A one sentence explanation of the event / 5.2 Write a rap/poem about the Byzantine Empire. Include;
1. Who split Rome into two lands
2. Who changed the capitol and to what?
3. Why was this location chosen
4. Justinian and the Code of laws.
5. The Hippodrome and Hagia Sophia
6. The language and church leader
7. The words (Institutes, 330,
Trade, Defend, Economy)
1.7 In Feudalism, who were the warrior class?
How did this change after the 100 Years War?
1.8 Define Habeas Corpus. Translate Magna Carta.
1.9 What are Icons? Who are the Iconoclasts?
1.10 What circumstances led to the Nika Riots. How did this relate to the Hagia Sophia?