Strength and Weaknesses of Team Members:
Leslie Havens:
● Strengths
○ Human Anatomy Background
○ Circuitry
○ Electrical Engineering Theory
○ Prior Use of LabView (if that is the code language we are to use)
○ Familiarity with Microcontrollers
● Weaknesses
○ Writing Code
○ Limited Knowledge in Mechanical Engineering
○ C++ and Assembly Languages
Mike Allocco
● Strengths
● Writing Code
● Mechanical Engineering Theory
● Networking
● Problem Solving
● Weaknesses
● Knowledge of the Human Anatomy
● Circuitry
● Planning/Group Organization
Kristeen Yee
● Strengths
○ Organization
○ Planning
○ Project/Team Management
○ Familiarity with Risk Assessment
○ MS Project
○ MS Visio
○ AutoDesk Inventor
● Weaknesses
○ Knowledge of the Human Anatomy
○ Limited mechanical and electrical knowledge
○ Some but limited coding knowledge
Stephanie Zambito
● Strengths
○ Organization
○ Planning
○ Project/Team Management
○ Familiarity with Risk Assessment
○ Background in Electrical Engineering
○ Familiar with microcontrollers
○ Efficient in MATLAB and VHDL
○ Experience with Design Verification Testing from previous Co-op
○ Familiar with Robosim - could be used as a visual aid to demonstrate the test fixture
● Weaknesses
○ Knowledge of the Human Anatomy
○ Not comfortable using microcontroller; however, willing to learn
○ Assembly Language
○ C-programming
○ Limited Mechanical Engineering Knowledge
Andrew Miller
● Strengths
○ Knowledge of Mechanical Engineering Principles
○ Ability to stay on task
○ Coding skills (moderate)
○ Fluent in Matlab, moderate skills with Labview, experience with COMSOL
○ Problem Solving
● Weaknesses
○ Knowledge of the Human Anatomy
○ Knowledge of electrical principles
○ No previous systems design experience
Soham Chakraborty
● Strengths
○ Electrical Engineering principles.
○ Proficient in JAVA, C, C++ which would make me better suited to learn a new language faster.
○ MATLAB SIMULINK design of power electronic circuits (which I did for my co-op).
○ Ability to follow instructions really well.
○ Familiar with Robosim - could be used as a visual aid to demonstrate the test fixture
● Weaknesses
○ Not very good with hardware testing
○ Limited knowledge of mechanical principles
○ Limited knowledge of human anatomy.
○ Weak Microcontroller coding skills
Danielle Koch
● Strengths
● Knowledge of human anatomy
● Experience using logic to construct computer program processes
● Experience with design of experiments
● Worked with on-floor, industrial sampling practices
● Knowledge of material characteristics/behaviors
● Proficient in MS Visual Basic
● Weaknesses
● Limited knowledge of circuitry
● Sufficient programming skills in MATLAB with more effort than is typical
● Little machining experience
● Little CAD experience, primarily in ANSYS and ProE
Knowledge and Technical Gaps of the Team:
● Very few group members feel confident in their knowledge of the human anatomy
How the Team Plans on Closing these Gaps:
● Group will catch up on human anatomy knowledge by talking to Risa Robinson, literature analysis, discussions with EMT, discussions with Medical Student, and discussions with Dr. Doolittle
P14026Team’s Strengths and Weaknesses09/19/13