
Admin Assistant – Job Description

Purpose of Post

To work under the direction of the Officer Manager to ensure that the front office effectively acts as first point of contact for the school community and visitors, filters information for the school and effectively disseminates it to the appropriate staff effectively.

Pay Scale: scale 4

Reporting to:

  • The office manager

Areas of Responsibility:

As a member of the school community

• To have due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils and young people and to follow the child protection procedures adopted by the school.

•To comply with the school’s code of conduct and contents of the staff handbook.

•To comply with all other policies within the school including health and safety, data protection and confidentiality

•To ensure the health, safety and safe behaviour of all pupils and report concerns or details of accidents/incidents as necessary to the class teacher or appropriate member of staff

•To uphold and contribute to the school’s vision and school development priorities

•To demonstrate a commitment to raising standards across the school.

•Appreciate and support the role of other professionals.

Relationship of the school to parents, pupils, education authority and the wider community

Ensure that the appropriate systems for communication with parents, pupils and the wider community including messages on phone systems, website, screen and availability of staff in the office to address queries is followed precisely.

Accurate and up to date records on pupils

  • As part of the admin team to maintain accurate and up to date records on pupils (to include attendance and class lists)
  • Ensure that records of home/school contacts are up to date

After School Activities

  • To ensure that the offer places for the clubs are typed and distributed
  • To collect the monies form the clubs and ensure it is banked.

General Admin Duties

  • To liaise with the Finance Officer re the financial aspect of school trips
  • To carry out the general admin duties such as typing letters and filing documents
  • To act as the SEND admin link in the afternoons– this includes typing and sending out the letters to gain parents’ consent for interventions and to inform them of meetings (e.g. structured parents meetings)
  • Open post and distribute it as appropriate
  • To manage the emails that come to admin address

PTA link

  • To liaise with the PTA and ensure that all communication from them is shared with the school community.
  • To work with the Assistant Head to ensure that the findings from the annual parent survey is shared with families

I have read the job description and I agree to adhere to it.

Signed ……………………………………………….. Date………………

This job description will be reviewed annually with the member of staff and the line manager

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