Donna Independent School District
A.M. Ochoa Elementary
2015-2016 Campus Improvement Plan
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary
A. M. Ochoa Elementary is 99.27% Hispanic, .48% White, and .24% African American. Other sub-populations include 9% Migrants, 81% At Risk and 8% of our students are in Special Education. In the last five years, enrollment rates had not changed too much with this year being the exception of have a 21% decrease in total number of students. Most of these students do come from economically disadvantaged homes, they are inner-city students coming from rental properties and have English as a second language.
Our professional staff demographics have not changed very much in the past 5 years. Stability in staff is very good. 16% of the professional staff holds a Master’s degree, 71% are bilingually/ESL certified and 23% meet the Gifted and Talented 30 hour requirement. None of the professional faculty hold a master in math or science which are areas in need.
Demographics Strengths
1.Teacher/student ratio is mostly within state guidelines with classes ranging between 18-22 students per teacher.
2.LEP students exiting the program are receiving good support to meet expectations.
3.Teacher demographics demonstrates a good balance of support for the campus.
4.71% of the faculty is bilingual and/or ESL certified to serve our 52% ELL population.
Demographics Needs
1.Decrease the mobility rate for the campus.
2.PreK classrooms' ratio is 24:1. It stayed the same as last year. Smaller classes are preferable due to the needs and demands of early childhood groups.
3.Only one PK teacher is avaialbe to service all PK students. Classes result in bigger groups due to limited number of PK teachers.
4.More males in the staff would benefit the school environment as a whole to better serve the male student population when needed.
5.A gifted and talented program to service GT students outside of the classroom would be a great asset to the school and students.
Student Achievement
Student Achievement Summary
The data indicates there is still a need to increase the reading, math, and science student preformance, especially for the LEP and Special Education student population.
Student Achievement Strengths
1.Student Improvement in the areas of Reading
2.Improvement with the LEP population
3.Intervention Programs that target struggling students.
4.Student improvement for Special Ed. population.
5.Guided Reading: Leveled Readers on grade level
Student Achievement Needs
1.Intervention resources for all grades.
2.English and Spanish material/books for classroom libraries.
3.Reading resources.
4.Science resources.5. Writing resources.
6.Math resources.
7.English Leveled Readers for grades K-5th grades.
School Culture and Climate
School Culture and Climate Summary
A. M. Ochoa Elementary provides an academic environment of high expectations. An institution that promotes an overall positive learning environment. However, the vision and mission statement of Ochoa elementary needs to be at the forefront. Campus stakeholders appreciate being recognized at award's assemblies every six weeks. Yet, they would like a consistent system for tracking and recognizing student attendance and behavior. Students would like to add more clubs to the already existing extracurricular clubs to get more students involved. Overall, Ochoa stakeholders are very proud of being a part of the campus.
School Culture and Climate Strengths
1.Collaboration, Communication, and Cooperation to meet student's needs.
2.High expectations and positive learning and working atmosphere.
3.Positive and Safe school environment.
4.More students involvment in extracurricular activities.
School Culture and Climate Needs
1.Impress upon staff and students the vision and mission of the campus.
2.Communicate to parents the importance of attendance in relation to student achievement.
3.Communicate to parents the importance of following the Student Code of Conduct.
4.Consistency in recognition for attendance, grades, and behavior.
4. Create extracurricular programs to encourage good behavior/achievement.
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Summary
A. M. Ochoa Elementary has been consitent with supporting staff in developing their craft through on-going staff development and campus mentor programs. It has ensured that it's teaching positions are filled with highly qualified teachers. The retention and turnover rate is excellent, maintaining at 93%. We believe that is the reason that our district, state and federal data is showing a consistent and gradual improvement over the last three years.
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Strengths
1.Minimal to no turn over in staff from year to year.
2.Teachers are certified in their field and are in compliance with NCLB. Paraprofessionals are in compliance with NCLB.
3.The data dissegregation for STAAR, benchmarks, TELPAS, TPRI/Tejas Lee between administrators and teachers has led to the increase of scores.
4.Conference and after school tutoring help teachers meet the needs of the students.
5.Teachers are recuited through job fairs and teacher recommendatons.
6.Teachers are rewarded with perfect attendance stipends for each semester.
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Needs
1.Staff Attendance.
2.Consistency in reward system.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Summary
A. M. Ochoa disseminates and analyzes data continuously throughout the year. The data is used to create focused and targeted lessons for class and tutorial instruction. Educators consistently utilize the Texas Essential Knowledge and Sills student expectations to ensure that the taught curriculum is effective. Staff also provide daily guided reading instruction. Students are also given opportunities to be challenged through various performance assessments, tapping into higher order thinking lessons. When students are struggling teachers may begin the C-BIT process or provide small group Tier I intense focused targeted instruction. Students are also given opportunities to utilize research based computer programs for additional academic practice.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Strengths
1.Staff meets regularly to assess students' strengths and weaknesses.
2.Instruction is student-centered.
3.A variety of approaches and techniques are being used to promote student learning.
4.Lesson plans and lesson delivery is based on curriculum
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Needs
1.More and good quality material for special populations such as recent immigrants, special education and bilingual students.
2.Assessments for special populations need to be modified to meet their needs.
3.Resources that focus on improving Reading which include the following: quality staff development, materials.
4.Resources that focus on improving Math which include the following: quality staff development, materials.
5.Resources that focus on improving Science which include the following: quality staff development, materials. 6. Resources that focus on improving Writing which include the following: quality staff development, materials.
A.M. Ochoa Elementary
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A.M. Ochoa Elementary
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Generated by Plan4Learning.comJune 16, 2016 3:32 pm
Family and Community Involvement
Family and Community Involvement Summary
Family and community involvement are frequent and constant at A. M. Ochoa Elementary. Throughout the school year parents and community members are invited to participate in various campus events. Parents are also invited to become active members of various campus committees to discuss campus strengths and needs. We want to continue to promote a strong school and community connection by increasing parental involvement. We believe parental involvement will help improve student achievement.
Family and Community Involvement Strengths
1.Campus provides during and after-school activities and programs.
2.Parents attend school board meetings, C-Bits, ARD's, Health Fair, Parent Learning Academy, Art and Literacy Festival, Shac meeting, and PAC Meeting.
3.Services are provided for the community and parents.
4.Flyers and presentations are given in English and Spanish.
5.Different services target students in special programs, such as an Autism Symposium and monthly special education meetings.
6.Parents are invited to attend adult literacy sessions, such as ESL classes at the campus and through Region I at the parental office, and computer classesare offered.
7.Businesses from the community are invited to provide or help obtain services to the parents.
8.Parents are notified of LPAC and CLPAC meetings.
Family and Community Involvement Needs
1.Need to educate parents on the importance of attendance.
2.Need home visits in an effort to recruit more parents.
3.Need more parents to volunteer.
School Context and Organization
School Context and Organization Summary
The district supports the organization to a large degree. The campus administration supports the organization by providing teachers with half day planning for the first six weeks, allotting monies for after school migrant tutorials PreK-5th and regular tutorials for 3-5th. The staff is also provided with professional development, PLCs, and many other trainings. Through these PLCs and trainings, teachers are able to understand the importance of analyzing data from various sources, to ensure effective instruction in small group, one-to-one, and differentiated instruction to help target each students individual needs. Teachers are provided with teacher assistants to help aid in the classroom while teachers do small group instruction in all subject areas. When it comes to communication, staff and administration have a very open one. Teachers can voice their decisions when it comes to school policies through DLPAC,
CLPAC, grade level meetings, head teacher meetings, staff meetings and through email notices. Teachers are free to voice their concerns about anything they feel may improve students performances. When deciding what assessments to use to evaluate individual students or the program as a whole, teachers know that they must provide any testing accommodations according to the students individual learning needs. Through teacher input/curriculum writing the district provides scope and sequence. The teachers determine what assessments will be given to the students according to bundles (i.e math). It is also quite easy for teachers, parents, paraprofessionals, support staff, and students to be heard. Through CLPACs, which include principals and teachers and at times parents and the community, we are able to easily discuss anything that needs to be looked at. We hold yearly open houses to which all parents are invited to attend, in addition to the 'meet the teacher' night prior to the start of school and report card night. Parents can also volunteer on campus and help make our school an even better place. With this, the views of the school are quite positive. With the help of everyone involved with our school we are able to fix any negative perceptions placed on the school and turn them into positive ones. Without insight to what students, parents, and the community think of our school, we would simply be an ordinary school with no room to grow. That being said, in growing as a school we must constantly reflect back to what our expectations are. We strive to keep a high expectation of our students, staff, and even parents. We expect all students, staff, and parents to follow rules ( for instance understanding that classes start at 7:50am) so that we can help create a positive learning and working environment for our students. In creating this positive learning and working environment we allow our students to reach for the stars and truly learn and achieve. By holding great school expectations, that are flexible at the same time, we allow for constant growth and adjustment so that we can achieve any goals we set ourselves to accomplish.
School Context and Organization Strengths
1.Campus culture is positive and continually learning to work as a team.
2.Administration and staff collaborate, cooperate, and communicate.
3.Schedules are manageable and flexible.
4.Administration visible throughout the campus.
5.Different methods of instruction to meet the students' needs.
6.The master schedule provides teachers with the support to plan an implement effective learning activities without loss of instructional time & smoothtransitions, to help create an effective routine.
7.Support/mentor teachers ensure that all our new teachers could provide/maintain a quality & effective teaching and learning environment.
8.Duty rosters provide effective student safety.| - Supervision Structure
9.Support schedule provides assistance in the classroom.| - Support Structure
10.Extracurricular activities help students take responsibility of their learning.| -Support Structure
11.Behavior and academic celebrations per six weeks.
12.CLPAC meetings are held as required.
School Context and Organization Needs
1.Increase parental involvement.| - Communication/Collaboration
2.Invite parents, community members, business representatives, and students to CLPAC meetings.| - Communication/Collaboration
3.Increase teacher sharing and involvement.| -Communication/Collaboration
4.Increase classroom management. | -Supervision Structure
5.Visuals of Expectations throughout Campus (i.e Cafeteria, Hallway, Recess, PE Rules).| -Supervision Structure
6.Enforcing of Expectations throughout Campus (i.e Staff and Administration).| -Supervision Structure
Technology Summary
A. M. Ochoa Elementary provides a variety of programs for students to use on the computer. These programs are instated to help support and develop various academic skills. This programs are used to support students who are going through RTi process (Tier II and Tier III). The staff is provided with necessary technology support through district trainings. About 90% of the campus classrooms are equipped with the appropriate technology that helps enhance and support the curriculum.
Technology Strengths
1.Campus is networked for internet access.
2.90% of core classes are equipped with multimedia technology: teacher computer, student computers, interactive whiteboard (in most classes), multimediaprojector and document camera.
3.Willingness of staff and students to become proficient users of technology.
4.The vast variety of technology programs available for staff and students to ensure skill proficiency in most subject areas.
5.Computer labs, Science lab and Information Literacy Center available for full class computer use and printing capabilities.
6.Cameras and video cameras ara available for teacher use to incorporte technology in their lessons.
7.Cafeteria and Information Literacy Center are equipped with multimedia technology to deliver lessons to multiple classes.
8.Kineo tablets and Study Buddy devices are available for migrants students to strengthen skills in a variety of subject areas.
9.8 iPad minis are available to use at the Information Literacy Center for student use for a variety of purposes.
10.Available technology programs to students that support classroom lessons:
Think Central (All Grade Levels-Mainly used by 2nd Grade & K)
Think Through Math (3rd Grade -5th Grade)
Istation-Reading ( All Grade Levels)
Lexia (All Grade Levels - Mainly used for Intervention)
Rosetta Stone(2nd Grade-5th Grade- Spanish speaking students, recent immigrants) 11. Classrooms are full equipped with 4 stand alone computers that have an internet connection.
12. Most classrooms have a Smartboard/Eno Board installed (as of 5/23/16):
5 Eno Boards (working)
8 Smart Boards (working)
Technology Needs
1.Mobile carts with up-to-date laptops for student use in the classroom (chrome books)
2.Updated technology equipments (ie. laptops)
3.Equip all classroom with color printers or updated color printers (find a cost effective printer)
4.Purchase a PA system for campus (to be used during assemblies in the cafeteria or other events)
5.Purchase a class set of durable headphones for both computer labs.
6.Mount projectors to ceiling to allow more classroom space for classes with larger desks (4th-5th grade)
7.Ensure that all SmartBoards/EnoBoards are functioning (teacher need to place work orders) (as of 5/23/16):
1SmartBoard not working
2Classrooms with neither SmartBoard/EnoBoard
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Goal 1: A. M. Ochoa Elementary will create an inviting educational climate that enhances learning and academic performance for all students so that they may excel in all areas of education and meet state and federal passing standards.
Performance Objective 1: A. M. Ochoa Elementary will focus on instructional improvement resulting in all students meeting goals for all accountability measures.
Applies to all content instructional areas - Reading/ELA, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
Applies to District, State (STAAR, EOC, TELPAS, IStation, PBMAS) and Federal/NCLB (AYP). Teachers will be provided with incentives for STAAR testing.
Summative Evaluation: Teachers will be provided with incentives through out the school year.
Strategy Description / Title I / Staff Responsible for Monitoring / Evidence that Demonstrates Success / Formative ReviewsSept / Dec / Mar / June
1) Teachers will use the district curriculum and instruction guide as their primary source of instructional direction for all subject areas. / 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 / Campus Principal and Curriculum Specialists. / Increased number of students meeting or exceeding STAAR standards per core content area. / / / /