Landscape Management Plan

for Services for the RTA
under the RMCC

Generic Shire Council

Long Street

Generic NSW 2345

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Generic Shire Council: Contract Landscape Management Plan

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About this release

Document Number: / GSC: CLMP:RTA:RMCCEdition 0 / Revision 1
Title: / Contract Landscape Management Plan
Author: / XXXX
Ed 0 / Rev 1 / 1 October 2008 / <New Plan OR Replaces Doc. No. OR ………….> / <Engineering Director>
Issue / Date / Revision Description / Authorised by

Management Review

This Plan will be reviewed in accordance with Section6.
Planned Review Date / Scope / Review By / Review Record
Ref no. Date
1 October 2009 / General Manager and <XXX>
1 October 2010
1 October 2011

Endorsement of CLMP

______/ / /
General Manager / Date
______/ / /
Engineering Director / Date
<XXX> / / /

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Generic Shire Council: Contract Landscape Management Plan

Table of Contents

About this release

Management Review

Endorsement of CLMP


Scope of this plan

Intent of Council’s Landscape Management Plan

2.Details of Services

3.Use of Pesticides

4.Management of the CLMP

5.Intervention and Rectification Requirements Council will meet.

Table 1 - Landscaping

6.Reviewing this Contract Landscape Management Plan

Appendix A< Generic> SC Landscape Area to be maintained

Appendix B- < Generic> SC Execution and Accomplishment Reporting

B.1 Landscaping

Appendix C< Generic> SC Pesticides Application Record Sheet

Appendix D< Generic> SC Weed Control Categories

Last Page……



Scope of this plan

This document defines the requirements for the maintenance of landscape areas that Council will observe during the Road Maintenance Council Contract with the RTA (“RMCC”).

The Contract Landscape Management Plan (CLMP) has been prepared by the Council to promote the cost effective and consistent management of roadside landscape works under the RMCC.

It includes weed control, mowing, pruning, mulching, pest and disease control, watering and maintenance of irrigation systems within the landscape areas.

This Plan is part of Council’s RMCC Contract Management System. It should be read in conjunction with Council’s Contract Management Plan which provides the framework of the system.

Intent of Council’s Landscape Management Plan

Help Council’s maintenance crews by providing procedures and guidelines for the management and maintenance of landscape areas under the RMCC.

And also encourage the concept of establishment of local native plant species.

This CLMP has been produced to comply with the requirement of RTA:

  • Maintenance Intervention & Investigatory levels1[†]
  • Maintenance Rectification Requirements2[†]
  • Quality Assurance Specifications3[†]

2.Scope of the Services

The landscape maintenance services will be undertaken by < Generic SC > in accordance with the RMCC, and pertain to services where the following landscaping planting beds exist:

Landscape Planting (Bed):

  • Type 1 for formal planting in mulch /scoria
  • Type 2 for bushland planting in mulch
  • Type 3 for trees in grass area(mown)
  • Type 4 for trees in grass area(unmown)

Appendix A of this CLMP,a list of landscape area which is not defined in “Annexure C of RTA QA Specification M2” is reproduced to be maintained. All undesirable vegetation within all areas of landscaping will be eliminated to maintain aesthetically pleasing roadside plantings.
The above maintenance work must comply with the specified requirements4[†] in RTA QA specification-M321. Accomplishment reporting must be carried out in accordance with the table in Appendix B.1.List of Council’s landscape areas to be maintained is populated in “Annexure C of RTA QA Specification M2”. It should identify each location and type of planting beds5[†]within landscape area,where visual and safety issues for both vehicle and pedestrian movements need to be constantly addressed and maintainedseparately as follows:

  • Median planting areas
  • Footways & Cycleways
  • Pedestrian Zones
  • In front of Noise walls
  • Weed control on Motorways
  • At Intersections
  • Built-up areas
  • Kerb & gutters(e.g. approaches into towns etc)
  • Sealed or concrete/paved areas
  • Granular sealed and unsealed pavements and shoulders
  • Areas in front of the guard rails
  • Areas within Clear Zones
  • Sensitive areas & Zones
  • Slopes, Retaining & Gabion Walls

3.Use of Pesticides

Application of Pesticides6[†] within landscape areas to control noxious or environmental weeds will be carried out strictly in accordance with the Pesticides Act 1999.

Pesticides application records will be maintained as shown in Appendix C.

Landscape planting beds must be sprayed to control disease and insect infestation when and where required or as directed by the RTA.

4.Management of the CLMP

Council has warranted that it will provide people, materials, resources and systems to properly perform the Services.

Council and the RTA require the people to be competent, experienced and qualified to carry out the Services.

The RMCC Organisational Chart, which includes those with landscape management responsibilities, is shown in the Contract Management Plan.

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Generic Shire Council: Contract Landscape Management Plan

5.RTA QA Specification Council will meet.

Landscaping works (maintenance and restoration) will comply with the process controls and conformity criteria listed in the table 2 of RTA QA Specification M321 and table 5 of RTA QA Specification M322 respectively.

Table 1 - Landscaping



Weeds7[†] / grass in landscape planting beds: /




Council will comply with all OH&S regulations8[†], Compliance check lists9[†], Schedule of hold & witness points10[†] Site Specific SWMS11[†] and have approved Traffic Control Plans12[†] prior to commencement of this work.
.1 / Investigate when undesirable vegetation in Type 1 Bed (in any 10 m2)reaches 10%:
.2 / Investigate when undesirable vegetation in Type 2 Bed (in any 10 m2)reaches 20%:
.3 / Investigate when height undesirable vegetation in Type 1 Bedreaches 100 mm:
.4 / Investigate when height of undesirable vegetation in Type 2 Bedreaches 200 mm:
.5 / Investigate when height of undesirable vegetation in Type 3 Bedreaches 300 mm:
.6 / Investigate and maintain mowing designated areas at the frequency indicated:
.7 / Investigate removing dead, diseased, dying, defective limbs or general maintenance pruning every:
.8 / Investigate mulching landscaped area to prevent the growth of weeds every
.9 / Investigate watering system when system becomes non-functional

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Generic Shire Council: Contract Landscape Management Plan

6.Reviewing this Contract Landscape Management Plan

The Engineering Director and Environmental Management Representativewill review thisContract landscape Management Plan to ensure it is appropriate and is being implemented effectively.

Changes may arise from a change of scope, Council internal audits, RTA audits, RTA comments or from opportunities for improvement.

The Plan will then be updated to reflect any changes which have occurred.
The revised document and the input which led to the revisions will be reviewed by the General Manager,approved by him/her and then forwarded to the RTA Representative for his/her record.

Controlled copies of this Plan will be updated.

The planned target dates (or frequencies) at which the Contract Landscape Management Plan will be subject to formal review and the personnel who will participate in the review are identified in the table at Management Reviewon page 3 of this plan. Council’s Environmental Management Representative>will maintain records of any review.

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Generic Shire Council: Contract Landscape Management Plan

Appendix A< Generic>SCLandscape Area to be maintained

A.1Control trees for sight distance in Landscape Planting Bed Type 1, 2, 3 & 4
Road No. / Road Name / From / To / Side / No of Trees pruned/cleared / Frequency
A.2Irrigation systems in Landscape Planting Bed Type 1, 2, 3 & 4
Road No. / Road Name / From / To / Side / Specific details (eg. Watering frequency and duration of watering)

Appendix B- < Generic> SC Execution and Accomplishment Reporting

B.1 Landscaping

Code / Description / Specification / UOM / Accomplishment Reporting
321 / Landscaping maintenance / RTA M321 / m2 / Report square metre of landscape maintained
322 / Landscape Rehabilitation / RTA M322 / m2 / Report square metre of landscape rehabilitated

Appendix C< Generic> SC Pesticides Application Record Sheet

1Date and time / Start Date and Time:
Finish Date and Time:
2Who applied the
pesticide / Full operator name:
Operator contact address:
Operator contact phone:
3Who owns/occupies the land / Full owner/occupier’s name:
Owner/occupier’s contact address:
Owner/occupier’s contact phone:
4Boundaries of
treated area and
order of treatment / List treated areas and order of
treatment, preferably with reference
to a map:
List order of treatment:
5Problem treated / Identify the pest or problem treated
(eg controlling of spot weed
6Product used / Record either the full name, or a
product code if a list of full product
names of pesticides you use is kept
at the front of your logbook:
7Equipment used / Describe the equipment used (eg
boom-spray, hand-held backpack
sprayer etc.):
8Quantity appliedand dilution / Total amount of pesticide product mix
Write down whether the mix was
concentrated product or a diluted
mixture (note down rate of dilution):
9Area covered by application / Area of application (in square metres
or hectares):
10Wind speed and direction / Estimate of wind speed and direction
(only if the pesticide is applied
through the air):
Write down any changes in weather
during application:
11Other weather
details / Record any weather details such as
temperature, humidity and/or rainfall
where the pesticide product label
requires you to assess these:

Appendix D< Generic>SCWeed Control Categories

The following table contains a list of common Noxious Weed species that have been declared for the State of NSW.

Maintenance staff shall be familiarised with the identification of these species as their control in accordance with the control category) is a legal requirement under the NSW Noxious Weeds Act.

Control techniques for these species are to be consistent as the standardspractices is outlined in the Noxious and Environmental Weed Control Handbook 2004-2005. Copies of this handbook can be downloaded for free from:

Where control standards have not been clearly defined for a specie, control is to utilise chemicals (where required) that are registered for use on the specie or control techniques that minimise environmental impacts.

Species / Common Name / Control Category
Acacia karroo / Karroo Thorn / W1
Alternanthera philoxeroides / Alligator Weed / W1
Cabomba spp / Caboomba / W4g
Centaurea maculosa / Spotted Knapweed / W1
Centaurea nigra / Black Knapweed / W1
Cestrum parqui / Green Cestrum / W2
Chrmolaena odorata / Siam Weed / W1
Chrysanthemoides monolifera / Bitou Bush / Boneseed / W3
Cortaderia spp / Pampas Grass / W2
Eichhornia crassipes / Water Hyacinth / W1
Equisetum spp / Horsetail / W1
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides / Senegal Tea Plant / W1
Harrisia spp / Harrisia Cactus / W4f
Hieracium spp / Hawkweed / W1
Hypericum perforatum / St Johns Wort / W2
Kochia scoparia / Kochia / W1
Lagarosiphon major / Lagarosiphon / W1
Lantana camara / Lantana (Red Flowered) / W2
Lantana camara / Lantana (Pink Flowered) / W2
Ludwigia peruviana / Ludwigia / W2
Miconia spp / Miconia / W1
Opuntia spp / Prickly Pears / W4f
Parietaria judaica / Pellitory / W3
Parthenium hysterophorus / Parthenium Weed / W1
Pistia stratiotes / Water Lettuce / W1
Ricinus communis / Castor Oil Plant / W2
Rubus fruticosus / Blackberry / W2
Salix spp / Willows / W4g
Salvinia molesta / Salvinia / W1
Toxicodendron succedaneum / Rhus Tree / W2
Actions required for Noxious Weed Control Categories
W1 / The presence of the weed on land must be notified to the local control authority and the weed must be fully and continuously suppressed and destroyed.
W2 / The weed must be fully and continuously suppressed and destroyed.
W3 / The weed must be prevented from spreading and its numbers and distribution reduced.
W4a / The weed must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed and any part of the weed must be prevented from growing within 3 metres of the boundary of a property.
W4b / The weed must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed and any existing weed must be prevented from flowering and fruiting.
W4c / The weed must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed and the weed must be prevented from spreading to an adjoining property.
W4d / The weed must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed and the weed must be fully and continuously suppressed and destroyed if it is: 3 metres in height or less, or within half a kilometre of remnant urban bushland, as defined by SEPP 19, and is not deemed by council as having historical or heritage significance or is over 3 metres in height and not included in a Management Plan approved by the local control authority.
W4e / The weed must be fully and continuously suppressed and destroyed. All reasonable precautions must be taken to ensure produce, soil, livestock, equipment and vehicles are free of the weed before sale or movement from an infested area of the property.
W4f / The weed must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed. Any biological control or other control program directed by the local control authority must be implemented.
W4g / The weed must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed.

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[†]1M30 - Clause 32.

[†]2M300 -Clause 320.

[†]3M321 & M322 - Landscape Maintenance and Landscape Restoration respectively.

[†]4Refer to RTA M321–Table 1 Weed intervention standards.

[†]5Refer to RTA M321–Landscape Maintenance.

[†]6Refer to Clause 4.4/RTA M321–Landscape Maintenance.

[†]7Refer to Appendix D,table contains a list of common Noxious Weed species.

[†]8Refer to RTA Site Specific Safety Management Plan (SSSMP).

[†]9Refer to RTA SSSMP/ Appendix D, E, F, G, H&J

[†]10Refer to Appendix C ofRTA SSSMP, Contract Mgmt Plan, RTA Environmental Mgmt Plan, RTA Traffic Mgmt Plan and Appendix B of RTA Quality Mgmt Plan.

†11 Refer to Appendix L,M,N,O&P ofRTA SSSMP.

†12 Refer to RTA Traffic Mgmt Plan.

