Caroline Galluzzi

April 26, 2010

IB History / Griffin

Mao & Nasser: Totalitarianism: Use of Technology, Physical Size of Nation, Use of Terror

I.  What this criterion means for the single party state leader.

a.  In order to exist, a totalitarian government must be constantly striving towards a unified goal. They are driven by the belief that “man and his nature can be reshaped by the ruling group into something ideal.” The leading party must have a great energy and convince the people that their lives will improve through the totalitarian system.

b.  Totalitarian governments are usually characterized by propaganda, state-controlled media, a controlled economy and terror. There are no limits to the government’s authority. It controls private and public life, including all social, economic and religious aspects.

c.  Technology: makes it easier for the leader to dominate all aspects of the citizens’ lives because he/she can monitor the public, furthering power and control.

d.  Physical Size of Nation: This can make the adoption of totalitarianism more or less difficult. If a nation had preexisting freedoms and rights it will be much more difficult to control the masses.

e.  Terror is effective in obtaining and maintaining control over the masses, however it can only last so long. Eventually the public will unite and override a government that over-terrorizes the nation.

II. An explanation for how this criterion applies to Mao and Nasser.

a.  Mao

a.  Technology – used technology to aid the “Great Leap Forward”, a propaganda campaign that was an attempt to convince the public that they were improving the quality of life.

b.  Size of Nation – Before Mao took over westernization was beginning to infiltrate Chinese society. However this was in response to an oppressive dynasty that was beginning to lose its control and power over society. Therefore, China was used to harsh rulers, but it had been exposed to freedoms and western ways of thinking. This could make it difficult for Mao to control the entire society.

c.  Terror – Mao is quoted as saying, “red-terror ought to be our reply to these counter-revolutionaries. We must, especially in war zones and in the border areas, deal immediately, swiftly with every kind of counter-revolutionary activity.”

b.  Nasser

a.  Goal: Nasser aimed to unite Egyptians against the former corrupt parliament and monarchy. He wanted to diminish any gap between the wealthy and the poor. Equality. Also united against the British.

b.  Technology – Nasser used technology to improve the military power of Egypt with the help of the Soviet Union. This made him more feared and nationalism stronger within the nation, helping to increase his power.

c.  Size of Nation – Egyptians had been under an unsatisfactory regime under King Farouk that was very corrupt and filled with foreign influence and involvement. The Egyptians were very unhappy with this, so Nasser came into power. Egypt was eager to unite under Nasser because he has nationalistic and took great pride in the independent abilities of the Egyptian nation, and it made it easy to unite his front. There had been a collapse of order, so the people welcomed Nasser’s organization through totalitarianism.

d.  Terror – Nasser eliminated any opposition. The Egyptian police under Nasser greatly expanded their areas of jurisdiction and became very powerful by infiltrating all areas of public life. Purged unfaithful judges in the ‘60s. Nationalized newspapers to consolidate control over the media.

II.  An analysis for how similar these two are to one another based on this criterion.

a.  The success of any totalitarian government is based largely upon the skill and dedication of the leader, including their ability to single-mindedly strive towards a goal.

i.  Nasser was successful as a totalitarian leader because he made progress within the realm of quality of life in Egypt, more so than Mao in China. Great leap forward was hand in hand with a great famine.

ii.  Mao used indoctrination more than Nasser did.

b.  Technology – both used the media to display nationalistic military forces.

i.  Public speaking skills: Mao was inferior to Nasser.

c.  Size of Nation – both used their strong opposition to the previous leadership in order to justify their actions and unite the nation.

d.  Terror – both employed terror through secret police forces and eliminating any political opposition.