You will read a book of your choice (Nonfiction) and complete an activity from each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation). Please turn in all 6 activities onWednesday, December 13, 2017 at 7:30 a.m. All written/drawn/printed work must be affixed to a trifold board for easy presenting. Any spoken or acting parts must be well-rehearsed and the student must be able to present it multiple times. They will present these to all 3rd and 4th grade students on the 13th.Enjoy and be creative! This counts as an assessment, project, and homework grade for Reading and Language Arts Quarter 2.

Must Haves on your Trifold:

  1. Title of Book
  2. Cover of Book (or actual copy of the book to stand with the trifold)
  3. Author of the book
  4. Presenter’s Name
  5. A souvenir or treat for each visitor to your presentation (At least 20-30)
  6. You must indicate the Title of each part of your book report.

Knowledge (Pick one activity):
1.Make an A to Z list from your book.
2.Construct a timeline relating to your book.
3.Make a visual chart of things from your book. Write 5 words to describe each of them.
4.Make a list of new words (pronunciations and definitions) you’ve learned from the book.
5.Draw and write about your favorite part of the book.
Comprehension (Pick one activity):
1.Retell an interesting part of the book in your own words.
2.Recount an experience you have had that relates to the book.
3.Make a word search from the text.
4.Write a set of true/false questions (10) about the book.
5.Design a puzzle or maze that represents the main setting/topic of the text.
6.Design and decorate a bookmark featuring the title, author and summary of your book. Pictures must relate to the book.
7.Make a picture book/mural/poster/collage about your book.
8.Choose a passage from the book to read aloud and make sound effects with different objects to link with the text.
Application (Pick one activity):
1.Did this book give you any new ideas about yourself? How?
2.What did you learn from the text?
3.Draw a plan/map to scale relating to your book.
4.Write a radio advertisement for your book telling people why they should buy it. Refer to title and author.
5.What was good and not so good about your book?
1.Compare and contrast: objects in your book with each other or objects from other sources using a Venn Diagram. (i.e.- Black Mamba snakes vs. King Cobras)
2.Design a new cover for your book. Make it visually appealing so it will attract readers. Refer to other book covers to see what to include.
3.If you met the author or a character from your book, what 5 questions would you most like to ask them?
4.Pick one of the main characters/ topics. Think of a shape that fits that person’s/object’s traits. Draw the shape. Then describe the character/object inside the shape.
5.If you are using a non-fiction narrative, write a different ending to the book. Tell why you changed it.
6.Tell five ways a character in your book is like you or how the book relates to your life in five ways.
Synthesis (Pick one activity):
1.Write a short story using the topic from your book.
2.Rewrite a scene from your non-fiction narrative book from another character’s perspective.
3.Write a poem about your book.
4.Make an eight section comic strip with captions showing the main events of the book.
5.Design costumes for your book. Sketched with explanations or costumes to wear during your presentation.
6.Design a greeting card to go along with the book, as if you were giving this book as a gift to another person.
7.Design a rap, dance or mime which displays your understanding of the book.
Evaluation (Pick one activity):
1.Give your book a ranking or rating. Explain your choice.
2.If you could only save one character from the non-fiction narrative book in the event of a disaster, which one would it be and why?
3.Did you like the way the book ended? Why or why not?
4.Who do you think the author intended to read this book and why? Whom is their audience? How do you know?
5.Is the title a good one or poor one? Why?
6.Which character in the non-fiction narrative book would you choose for a friend? Why?
7.Tell about the most exciting part of the book. Be sure to give 3 reasons why it was the most exciting.
8.Choose a sound to represent each of the characters in the book. List or record (be sure to have a way for them to be played during your presentation) them and tell why you chose that particular sound.

The students will have three in class days to work on their book fair projects. On these days students will need to bring the book and any items that they need to work on piece by piece. Their work time will be independent.


November 20 & 21, 2017and December11, 2017