It is imperative that everyone assists in helping to keep Coral Cove Elementary School students safe, and that all accidents and injuries are referred to the clinic. Any sick or injured student coming to the clinic must be in possession of a completed clinic pass. The front office or school nurse will contact the parent. When treating minor incidents within the classroom, contact parent and notify the front office.Teachers are to keep copies of blank clinic passes in the classrooms. Additional passes are in the P.E. office in case an injury occurs on the playground or field area.

In case of a serious student-injury in the classroom, the teacher must contact the main office. In the event of a serious injury to a student or staff member, the principal must be notified immediately and a call will be made to 911, if applicable. If a serious student injury occurs on the playground, the teacher in charge should contact the front office or send two reliable students for help. The office will notify the parents immediately. The teacher will complete a student accident form. Accident forms can be obtained from the main office and must be completed in ink. Students injured while in the care of an adult other than the homeroom teacher, i.e., special areas, cafeteria, should have accident reports filled in by the adult(s) responsible for them at the time of the accident. Ultimately, the supervising personnel must complete an accident report immediately, even if they did not actually see the accident occur.


All student activities (parties, assemblies, etc.) must receive administrative approval at least two weeks in advance. This involves activities during the school day, after school, and on weekends. All food related activities should be held in the cafeteria, whenever possible.

If parents wish to conduct a small birthday celebration, it will be allowed inside the cafeteria during lunchtime. NO HOMEMADE FOOD ALLOWED. Food must be store bought and inside the original container. For safety reasons, no siblings or balloons are allowed in the cafeteria or classrooms. In addition, parents are not allowed to take pictures of other students.

Please note the following requirements for school related programs:

• All major activity dates are to be cleared through the principal/designee and posted on the master activity calendar.

• During assemblies, the teacher accompanies the class during the entire program. If an assembly is during a teacher’s planning time, the special area teacher is responsible for the supervision of the students.

• During the school year, additional activities that are part of a learning experience may be planned with approval of the principal/designee at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed event.


Our before-school program is available from 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. Our after-school program is available from 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Currently, the after-school program is operated by Coral Cove Elementary.If teachers keep Coral Cove Academy students after school, prior arrangements and approval must be made with the parents/guardian and the Coral Cove site director. This should only be done when absolutely necessary.


The use of agenda books in grades K-5 is strongly encouraged as an organizational strategy to increase students’ academic focus. Agenda books also provide an added avenue of communication between teachers and parents/guardians. Specifics of implementation are left to the discretion of individual classroom teachers.


Opening exercises and morning announcements will be broadcast daily over the closed circuit television on Channel 15 (CAT TV), at 8:00 a.m. Morning announcements are an important part of the school day and important information is often disseminated through these means.


Coral Cove Elementary adheres to the school board of Broward County's anti-bullying policy. The school board believes that all students and employees are entitled to a safe, equitable, and harassment-free school experience. Bullying, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated and shall be just cause for disciplinary action. Policy 4001.1, nondiscrimination statement policy, addresses requirements for discrimination against defined federal, state, and local protected categories of persons. Please refer to the Anti-Bullying Handout for addition information and guidelines.


Students who participate in the breakfast program must be in the cafeteria between 7:30 a.m. and 7:55 a.m. These students are to report to their appropriate waiting areas after they finish eating. Students not eating breakfast should report to their assigned areas until the teacher picks the class up. Designated personnel are required to be at their assigned posts promptly. Supervision is extremely important. Teachers must be aware of the school's responsibilities and liabilities. No students should be on campus prior to 7:30 a.m. (unless enrolled in the Coral Cove Academy Before-Care program) norshould they be left inside the classroom unattended.


Attendance is to be taken daily by all teachers (including special subject teachers). Proper recording of tardies and absences are of crucial importance. Attendance records are legal documents. Notes regarding student absences, including those written in agenda books must be given to the IMT (main office) daily by 3:00 p.m.

Students are allowed to enter the classroom by 8:00 a.m. There should be no students waiting outside of the classrooms after this time. Parent conferences and/or meetings should come to a conclusion by this time so that student instruction can begin. Students arriving to the classroom after 8:00 a.m. are considered tardy. Teachers should note the students’ arrival time in Pinnacle using three digits to represent the minutes (ex. 8:15 = 015). No student should be admitted to class after 8:30 a.m. without a tardy slip from the main office.

Teachers are responsible for investigating absences through a telephone call to the parent/guardian if a student does not bring a written excuse. Teachers must take note of habitual absences and tardies and make personal contact with these families. Notify the Guidance Counselor/Assistant Principal if the school Social Worker needs to follow-up on absences, tardies, and/or early sign-outs.

Schools will monitor students for early signs of truancy when they accumulate more than 5 days of absence from school without acceptable documentation. Absences include missing school all day and/or missing school part of the day (being tardy, being signed out early). It is important for students to be in every class every day.

Regardless of the reason, students will be able to make up work for their absences. It is critical that students remain current with their classroom work in order for them to be successful in the learning process.

Student attendance summaries will be reviewed on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Teachers will confirm the accuracy of report, check for discrepancies, and meet with the IMT when corrections are adjustments are necessary.

Please refer to the helpful reminders below.


All attendance documentation should be acquired and dated prior to parent receipt of BTIP notice.
Teachers should not attempt to obtain documentation once the parent has received a BTIP letter.

To Be Signed at the Beginning of School Year

• Open House Parent Sign-in Form (attendance information reviewed via PowerPoint in August)

• Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement (from student First Day Packet)

• School Policy and Procedures (bottom of page 6 student agenda)

Can Be Used as Reminders

• Attendance Policy and Procedures (page 4 of student agenda)

• Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedures (page 5 of student agenda)

• Attendance Policy Reminder

• Summary from Code of Student Conduct

• Code of Student Conduct, Section I - Attendance

• Attendance Summary Review (be sure to review the summary with the IMT to check for discrepancies prior to sharing the information with a parent)

Other Means of Notification (keep a log and/or documentation)

Parent conferences, interims, report cards, telephone calls, student agenda, email, conversations, etc.

Tardiness (in a grading a period)

• 5 tardies - verbal or written contact via conference/interim form, etc. will be completed by the teacher (obtain parent's signature)

• 10 tardies - a letter is sent home by the school administrator (Please email Ms. Lee and cc Ms. Padron.)

• 15 tardies - the school's social worker will intervene (Please email School Social Worker - Mr. Victor Mora and cc Ms. Padron and Ms. Lee.)

Broward Truancy Intervention Program (BTIP)

BTIP is a joint partnership program of the Broward State Attorney’s Office and the School Board of Broward County. The program is designed to prevent excessive absences through notification and accountability, school interventions, and daily monitoring of attendance. Parents are expected to communicate with school personnel regarding absences.

BTIP Information - a pattern of non-attendance, and/or accumulation of minutes for unexcused absences, tardies, and/or early sign-outs per school year, 1 day = 360 minutes

• 1,080 minutes – teacher will place a telephone call to the parent

• 1,800 minutes – conference with school administrator determined by state attorney’s office

• 3,600 minutes – parent may be referred to the Broward Truancy Intervention Program

As you are conducting parent/teacher conference, please remember to review any attendance issues if it applies. This includes tardies, absences, late arrivals and/or pick-ups (especially if you have noticed a pattern of non-attendance or if it is negatively affecting student achievement.)

Parents must report the absence the day before, the day of, or within 2 school days following the absence(s) or the absence(s) will be considered unexcused.

Excused Absence

  1. Student illness
  2. Illness of an immediate family member
  3. Death in the family
  4. Religious holidays of the student’s faith
  5. Required court appearance or subpoena by a law enforcement agency
  6. Special event (must obtain permission from the principal/designee at least five days in advance)
  7. Scheduled doctor or dentist appointments
  8. Students having or suspected of having a communicable disease or infestation that can be transmitted. Students are allowed a maximum of five days excused absence for each infestation of head lice.


The Media Specialist checks out AV equipment to teachers. Equipment checked out is the teacher's responsibility and should be maintained properly. In the event that anything requires repair, please inform the Media Specialist. All AV equipment/materials must be accounted for. Teachers will need to request and return equipment/materials at the beginning and at the end of the school year.


Bulletin boards should directly reflect ongoing classroom activities and, as such, be current and changed at least once a month.


Teachers must accompany their students to and from the cafeteria during lunch in a timely manner. It is important that students arrive to the cafeteria on time and are picked up from the cafeteria on time. Students must enter quietly and in a line. In the event students are delayed from arriving to or being picked up from the cafeteria, the teacher is to notify the front office.The office staff will radio personnel in the cafeteria in regards to the delay. It is important that teachers reinforce appropriate cafeteria behavior on a regular basis with their students. All students must either have their assigned lunch cards or know their lunch numbers and how to input it via the

keypad. If a student loses a lunch card, the teacher must email the cafeteria manager for a replacement.

Please allow students the opportunity to use the restroom prior to their lunchtime or have a scheduled bathroom break immediately following lunch. Only in emergency circumstances will students be allowed to go to the restroom. Teachers are to inform the Assistant Principal and cafeteria monitors if there is a student who must go to the restroom due to a medical condition.

Monthly incentives will be awarded to the classes (per grade levels) receiving the highest score.Teachers are encouraged to reinforce positive cafeteria behavior based on their class points and feedback.

Visitors and staff are prohibited from using the kitchen as a passageway. They are also not to stand behind the serving line. This is a violation of Health Department guidelines. The parking lot behind the cafeteria is to be used by cafeteria employees only. Teachers and staff must have money at the time of purchase or have enough money in their lunch account. Lunch will not be given on a credit basis. Condiments and utensils are not to be taken unless a meal is purchased.


Teachers may refer any student for evaluation to the CPS Team. Reasons for referring students include: academic difficulty, advanced academic achievement, emotional or behavioral problems, etc. RTI Referral forms are available from the ESE Specialist, Reading Coach, Autism Coach, Curriculum Specialist or Guidance Counselor. The RTI provides Tier 2 and 3 interventions to help resolve student difficulties. Please refer to the ESE Specialist for procedures regarding CPS team referrals.


Students who become ill or are in need of medical attention should be sent to the clinic with a clinic pass. The office will attempt to contact parent/guardian or emergency contact person. Medication may be dispensed by authorized personnel ONLY, upon written consent from the student's physician. Additional health related papers must be kept within the health folder inside the cumulative folder retained in the CUM room in the main office. Any student returning to school after having a contagious illness must present a note from the doctor stating he/she is permitted to return.


Students have opportunities to participate in a variety of after school clubs. Each activity requires parental permission. The effectiveness of these clubs will be assessed each year in order to maximize the impact on the instructional program. Teachers conducting the after school clubs are responsible for providing a class participation list to the front office, the homeroom teacher, bus liaison, and the assistant principal. The list must be submitted at least 2 days prior to the club/camp meeting and contain the specific dates and times of the meetings. Any changes and/or updates must me provided in writing. In the event of club/camp cancelations, the supervising teacher is responsible for contacting the front office, the homeroom teacher, the bus liaison, the assistant principal and the parents of the students prior to dismissal. The supervising teacher is also responsible for providing supervision in the event of a late parent pick up.


The Acceptable Use Policy “AUP” will be required for students and teachers to have access to the Internet. The Code of Ethics Guidelines will be online. Parents/guardians are requested to go online and read this information and return the signed document to their child’s classroom teacher.


Committee assignments are made at the beginning of the school year. Together with their teams, teachers choose which committee they would like to participate in throughout the year. The committees meet monthly and representatives report back to their grade level teams, as well as, to the School Advisory Council with pertinent information to increase student achievement. Additional committees are organized as needed to promote a cooperative approach to problem solving, meeting needs, or objectives. Teachers are encouraged to be involved in the school operation by participating on committees. The building of strong communities will help Coral Cove Elementary School achieve the Everglades Innovation Zone's continuous goal of “Achieving Academic Excellence.”


Throughout the year, various competitions are available for students' participation. Teachers are encouraged to make students aware of these competitions and to promote their participation.


A cumulative folder is to be maintained for each student. Procedures for completion of the cum folders are issued by the District. Please follow these procedures closely when completing a folder. All cumulative folders are located in the main office cum room. CUMULATIVE FOLDERS MAY ONLY BE IN THE POSSESSION OF AN ADULT STAFF MEMBER.


The custodial staff is responsible for maintaining the building. Daily expectations include: emptied trash cans, bathroom/toilets/sinks cleaned and sanitized, floors swept, etc. Soap, paper towels, and toilet paper should be available in the classroom daily. If the classroom is not up to expectation, and/or any needs for maintenance or repairs should be requested via email to the head custodian and “cc” the Assistant Principal. Spills, blood, etc. must be reported immediately to the main office for custodial assistance. Students should clean up after themselves and stack their chairs at the end of each day.

In order to maintain the upkeep of our building and walls staples, the use of a staple gun, and duct tape are not allowed. Blue painters tape will be provided to each teacher and they must remind their volunteers and parents who help them display items of the policy. To help keep our floors shiny, hand sanitizer should be used only in the sink area and bathroom, not in line. The use of tennis balls on the bottom of desks, chairs and tables are also highly recommended. To have tennis balls installed on the classroom furniture, email the head custodian.