High Gear Archives – January, 2004 - June, 2004

HIGH GEAR for June 30, 2004
"The time has come, the walrus said…" Tonight the time came for transitions, our annual handing over of the medallion and bell from one club leader to another. And a great night it was, full of good food, good friends, and "good, good, good vibrations."
Event Chair Mary Martin reported outstanding attendance of one hundred ten people, including incoming President Dan's daughter, Michele, and her husband, Larry, who came all the way from Boca Raton, Florida to attend this special evening - (or was it to escape the heat wave in South Florida?)
Outgoing President Neal (is "outgoing" the right word for this man's personality?) started the evening off with a crisp ring of the bell and a smart handoff to the soon to be Pittsburgh kid, Roger Nicholson, for his usual thoughtful invocation. The welcome song was enthusiastically lead by Art and Tom with Don on the keyboard. Sergeant at Arms Jack Ghagan, who never takes a night off had sparse pickin's, able to extort money only from Dave & Chickie Amberg celebrating their 42nd anniversary, Art & Charlotte Bradbury who check in with 57 years of wedded bliss, and from a couple of hackers who got lucky in Doug Willett and Bob Brown (a hole-in-one and an eagle, respectively).
Bill Leone took the mike to relay some good news about brother Tom Galvin, who is home from the medical wards, trying to figure out how to eat with half his stomach missing, and still very much in command of his sense of humor - Tom "complained" he had so many cards and letters from the Rotary family, he had to spend an extra day in the hospital to read them all! You are missed, Tom, especially now that you have become a cheap date.
President Neal took a moment to announce that the Board of Directors has named Roger Nicholson an Honorary Member of the Club, insuring that though he and Anne are relocating to distant climes, he will continue to extend his record as our member with the longest tenure in the Club, dating back to 1957. Speaking of being missed.
At this point, President Neal took a moment to recognize the key leaders of the Club in the past year, briefly noted the long list of Club accomplishments this year and sketched out the $45,000 in donations and good works completed in his administration. With that and accompanied by a rousing round of applause for a most successful tenure, he handed over the medallion and bell to President Dan, accepted the traditional plaques and Club gift (a digital camera in this case) and faded into the immediate obscurity of an Rotary Past President.
Out with the old, in with the new. President Dan began by introducing his family and the incoming Board of Directors and took a few minutes to outline his plans for the year. The 2004-2005 Rotary International Theme is Celebrate Rotary with special emphasis on Health concerns, Water management, Literacy and the Family of Rotary. Dan plans to concentrate on "growing the Club" - (starting with the cheesecake served for dessert this evening) - and compiling a manual for use of future officers and committee chairman. He ended his first session at the helm with an insightful alpha-numeric anecdote about the folly of trying to exceed 100% effort. A good start on his yearlong journey. He'll do just fine, once he can shake hands with his right arm, like an honest man.
Announcement: Past President's Picnic will be held Sunday, July 18th at the Stewart's lakeside clubhouse. Details to follow.
And so we headed out in night, wending our way back to the shore, listening to Ruthie's beloved Sox once again self-destruct in the heat of a New York night …all is right with the world. See ya in September. WDOUGW

HIGH GEAR for June 23, 2004

A bright, beautiful day for the first meeting of Summer 2004 and the penultimate session in President Neal's reign. The day got off to the right start with the always witty greeting from Treasurer Dan Larson, a man of adroit verbal misdirection while inserting his hand deep into your pocketbook. Speaking of which, Secretary Carol Krantz handed out invoices for July-December dues. Pay quickly since rumor has it that RI is about to announce a modest dues increase for each of the next three years. (He ain't heavy; he's our Frank!)
A lot of discussion today about news articles proclaiming the increase in polio cases in the African subcontinent. RI VP and soon to be RI - UN Ambassador Frank tells us much of this is due to the "idiocy" of a governor in a region of Nigeria who has up to now refused for religious reasons to allow vaccinations of his population. Good news is that the World Health Organization has intervened and got the program back on track. Rotary has run out of money for this project (over $600,000,000 invested to date) but G-8 countries have stepped up and agreed to cover remaining costs to complete the elimination of this dread disease.
PDE Dick Seidman was our only guest today. Fines were collected from Herb Tischofer (Rotary Anniversary), Peter & Sue Klock and Skip Guillemette (Wedding Anniversaries), Bill Flynn (birthday), President Neal and Doug Willett (Pix in paper) and Dick Seidman (whole list of happy thoughts). Don Hallquist played "New York, New York" in honor of the missing John Mozzicato.
Good news on the Tom Galvin front. Tom had surgery on Tuesday and the doctors reported they think they got it all. (Hope they left this man's funny bone intact. It is a unique one but well exercised so it probably survived.) Tom will probably be in Hartford Hospital for a few days so cards and letters are appropriate.
President Neal was the recipient of a well-deserved Presidential Citation, presented by ADG Doug Willett on behalf of DG Jeff Tager. President Neal also reported that the E.H. Gazette ran an eight-page spread on the work of the Club with the School Business Partnership. And he read well-written thank you notes from scholarship recipient Dave Liner and the teacher of the young elementary student who we provided with clothes and other assistance. Both letters made the day even brighter.
Mary Martin reported that there has been a Gazebo sighting on the town green. Work is "half-done" on the structure and after landscaping we should be ready for a dedication ceremony this fall.
George Stewart invited one and all to an Open House this Sunday between 1:30 and 4 p.m. at his home at 207 Country Lane. The party is a celebration of George and Jay's 80th birthdays. Jay called this scribe later to reiterate the universality of the invitation and to discourage gift giving.
Bill Saunders modeled a golf windbreaker that will be presented to each golfer in our upcoming tournament. If you are playing, call him with your shirt size to ensure proper fit. He also encouraged all members to get on the stick soliciting players, sponsors, and raffle prizes. Although he is too polite to say it, Bill is somewhat discouraged that over half the membership historically contributes nothing to this event each year. Since this is our major fundraiser, there is no good excuse for any of us to shirk our responsibilities here. Golf Committee meetings at 11:30 a.m.on July 14th and July 28th.
Our speaker, Mary Dansinghani, presented some interesting insights on using mandalas and labyrinths to help people get centered and connected to the wholeness of life. These symbols are universal in art and religions, not to mention in the form of the Rotary wheel.
- An interesting presentation.
Makeup's turned in from Lionel Lessard, Bob Wood, and Frank and Ceil Collins.
That's enough. See you at the Stewarts on Sunday and at our Installation Dinner next week. . WDOUGW

HIGH GEAR for June 16, ,2004

"As the days dwindled down to a precious few…" our erstwhile President Neal presided with aplomb and a command presence over our annual visit to the Leone manse for our Sergeant At Arms Party. The crowd was goodly as was the fare. Spotted among the boisterous revelers were old friends Fred Campbell, Frank Kreson, Richard O'Brien, and Bob Popp.
As at all Sergeant At Arms parties the grub was first rate. Wielding his tongs and spatula like the culinary maestro he is, Bill Leone produced succulent steaks and sensuous salmon for all in attendance. Sided by tossed salad, ziti, and garlic bread, the main course was soon history. And this was after much imbibing of drink and inhaling of hors d'oeuvres from cheese, pepperoni and crackers to chicken tenders. And it preceded the traditional dessert of make your own vanilla sundaes. On my, no one was seen to leave the table hungry. Bill was ably assisted by Kathy McCabe, Spurge Stokes, Dean Roland, the inestimable Bev Leone and others behind the scene. As always the set up and clean up opportunities brought out a host of volunteers. All in all, a successful and enjoyable event. Let's do it once a month instead of once a year.
My recollection (this is my first sergeant at arms party since 1995) was that the Sergeant at Arms always took a night off at the annual Sergeant at Arms Party, but tonight this was not to be. Indeed, Sgt. John Mozzicato took the occasion to "clean up the books." So Bob Popp paid for three anniversaries, up to and including his 44th. Don Cramer and Frank Kreson both paid for anniversaries last year and this. Don is up to 26 and Frank is at 23. And Darlene Roberts paid for her 1st anniversary and her birthday on February 6! Brian Hall paid to celebrate a promotion with the Boy Scouts and Doug Willett paid for his new, used wheels. The Yankee fans paid still again and George Schoen paid for his forty five "yard" putt which brought tears to the eyes of Amberg and Bradbury. And finally, Larry Churchill paid for jumping to the head of the food line, shattering all protocol and embarrassing his peers.
One prominent Rotarian missing (and greatly missed) from our gathering was Tom Galvin. Tom, who has done so much over the years to coordinate this event, is in Hartford Hospital with a "rather nasty gastric ulcer" waiting for test results. Our prayers and warm wishes go out to you, Tom. You are one of the good guys - get back to us soon.
Jeanette and Fred Campbell are in town for the best of reasons. Their grandson, Ari, is graduating from EHHS on Thursday evening as the Valedictorian. And, Rotary friends, Ari will be joined on stage by Salutatorian, David Liner, whose proud grandparents are none other than Bill and Bev Saunders. Number One and Number Two. Not bad, not bad at all. Congratulations.
Declaring that the Club, in the last few days of his stewardship, had experienced enough "gaiety and frivolity" for one night, President Neal dismissed the group with a resounding clang of the bell. (The neighbors sitting on their deck behind the Leone property jumped six inches off their chairs.)
Two weeks to go. See you at the Ridge. WDOUGW

HIGH GEAR for June 9, 2004

"Help us to be true to the Four Way Test" was Bill Flynn’s prayerful request as he blessed our weekly gathering, this after we had sung to Rotary and America respectively. President Neal, poised and calm as usual, presided over one of his last few meetings, with distinguished District guests at the head table, PDG Tom Voorhees and DGE Dick Seidman, both under the hospitable wing of Jim Watts, one of our Club’s strong participants in District activities over the years. Other guests today were Jeff Aube, guest of Dan Firestone, and Tommy Bates, son of our own Steve, and new Kindergarten graduate. Moe Moshovos led the Welcome Song, with reminiscence of Zorba in his style, a fortissimo effort by our members! SA Roy Spiller, duly chastised by someone for not wearing his Rotary pin, paid a fine and then asked all Rotarians without a pin to "fess up" and pay up. Count on Roy to use every advantage to raise a buck or two! Roy then announced Club membership anniversaries for Dave Amberg (5), Chuck Clarke (9), and Pat Porteous (4). He fined Gerry Brady for arriving late and leaving early, and Skip Guillemette the same. This man is dedicated! Roy also told us that Sue and Peter Klock are about to observe their 37th wedding anniversary, for which Sue contributed handsomely.

And get this: Roy fined Yankee fans for their team being in first place, and suggested that the same apply to the Red Sox fans when they are there. Steinbrenner’s Rep, Doug Willett said that this would only be needed in April and May!

President Neal announced steady progress on the gazebo at the Town Center. Concrete and conduit in place and construction kit due any day now. He called on Darlene Roberts, YMCA Director, who presented Rotary a citation for its substantial support of the "Strong Kids Campaign". Neal asked for volunteers to assist Tom Galvin next Wednesday at 1:30 at the Ridge with loading tables, tent, etc. for the SA cookout at the home of Bill and Bev Leone, Remember, this is the official meeting on June 16, no noon meeting. Mary Martin appealed for payment by the twelve who signed up but have not paid for the June 30 Installation Banquet at Adam’s Mill, Manchester. Social hour at 6 and dinner at 7. Please pay no later than the SA party.

Makeup cards were handed to your scribe for Steve Jacoby (Savannah West,GA), Lionel Lessard (Rockville), and Roy Spiller (Manchester). We thank these boosters of our rank in the District where we are usually near the top in percentage of attendance. Jim Watts introduced our special guests from District 7890. Dick Seidman our incoming District Governor is a member of the West Hartford Club. Tom Voorhees, speaker, is a member of the Avon-Canton Club and was 7890 DG in 1999-2000. He joined Rotary in New Jersey in 1973. Tom is District Chairman of the Rotary Foundation Committee, of which our own Jim Watts is a member. Tom said he knew he was talking to a Club which has been very loyal to the Rotary Foundation through the years, contributing almost a quarter of a million dollars.

Last year District Clubs gave $148,000 to the general program of the Foundation, and another $198,000 in restricted gifts (endowment). The Foundation began in 1917 and its first contribution was $26.00 by the Kansas City Rotary Club. In 2002-2003 Rotarians contributed 55.8 million dollars!! Rotarians can be proud of the great educational and humanitarian programs which the Foundation makes possible in the world:Polio Plus, Youth Exchanges, Group Study Exchanges, Ambassadorial Scholarships, Matching Grants for development projects, all seeking to bring unity, peace, and security to the human family. The Rotary Foundation needs and deserves the support of every Rotarian, This year’s District goal has been to seek gifts from every member of $75, either by direct individual donations or through a Club donation recognizing this ratio. Our thanks to Tom for this informative talk about the very heart of Rotary’s mission.

I close with Tom’s closing quote from Winston Churchill, "You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give."

I’ve enjoyed my six weeks as your reporter. Enjoy the gift of each day.

Perambulatin’ Parson (Roger and Anne Nicholson)

HIGH GEAR for June 2, 2004
"Lend a Hand, Rotary International’s current theme as the year winds down was the theme of our meeting today as we welcomed a delegation from the East Hartford/Glastonbury Magnet School on May Road. Pupils Jessica Mello and Tapan Dalal, along with their Principal, Rotarian Glen Peterson, the Community Service Coordinator Elayna Szkrybalo and PTO President Tracy Mello (Jessica’s mom) came to report on their fund raising project for Heifer International, and to receive our Club’s promised contribution toward their efforts. Our Club’s contribution was $1,000 which we added to what the children raised, $1,948, making a total donation to the work
of Heifer International of close to $3,000. Your Scribe, representing the Northeast Region of Heifer, presented the Magnet School a citation from Heifer International. Hungry families around the world will get a helping hand in the form of food producing animals. Rotary is in partnership withHeifer International.Luncheon today was eggplant parmigiana with ziti and strawberry/ rhubarb pie for dessert. Side salad also. Herb Tischofer, back from his travels, led a vigorous welcome song accompanied by a natty looking keyboard artist named Donald. Roy Spiller, SA, reported a very good day: Birthdays for Steve Bates, Chuck Clarke, Don Cramer, Herb Tischofer and "Lefty": Firestone. Dan was the only one who requested song, but he wanted only those who had suffered a broken arm in their lives to sing. Surprisingly there were several who were qualified and sang pretty well! Club membership anniversaries were duly paid for by Steve Bates, Walt Kupchunos and Gil Wishart. Dave Amberg paid for a new car (brand not
clear) and Dan Russell paid for his fiftieth college reunion (pretty sure it was Syracuse U.).
Sue Klock, our hard-working roster preparer with a mind for detail and accuracy asked us to check the latest version and inform her of any needed changes. We appreciate your sticktoitedness, Sue!
Bill Saunders reminded everyone of the Golf T. Committee meeting next Wednesday at 11 AM at the Ridge. Sponsor forms were circulating for the tournament, so it’s time to get cracking on recruiting support. Let’s give Bill and his
committee our best effort. They deserve it, our service projects need it, the community will be better for it.
President Neal announced nice thank you letters from East Hartford Basketball coach/coordinator for our financial support of the Town’s program to keep kids busy and out of trouble through sports; and from the
Performing Arts program for our Club’s support of creative programs for children in the community. Again, Rotary at work, this time in the avenue of community service. Neal does a great job of keeping us informed about
the good we are doing. Thanks, Neal, it’s been a super year with you at the helm.
Our District reputation for high attendance was maintained by the loyal maker uppers, Herb Tischofer, twice at Naples, FL; Lionel Lessard and Chuck Clarke at Rockville; and Frank and Ceil Collins at W. Springfield, MA (District Assembly), Beijing, China (Provisional Club Meeting), Seoul, Korea (Rotary Club of Hanyang), Osaka, Japan (International Institute)
and Osaka, Japan (International Convention). Just think: our East Hartford Club gets around!
Mary Martin says the numbers look good for our Installation Banquet June 30 at Adams Mill in Manchester. Social hour at 6 PM and Dinner at 7 PM.
Please get your checks in to Mary ASAP, $35 per person. This occasion is a high light of our Rotary year as we thank our outgoing President and welcome our new President to take over July 1st.
Today’s winning raffle ticket was held by Carmen Piscatello, even if he didn’t seem to care. Jack Ghagan, however, was looking after him!
ROTARY AT A GLANCE: 1,211,723 Rotarians; 31,603 Clubs; 529 Districts; 166
Let’s all do our best in some way, great or small, to "LEND A HAND".
Perambulatin’ Parson (reporter: Roger Nicholson)