Week 2 - DBM380/Online

Individual Assignment: Database Environment Paper

As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students must design and develop a database using professional principles and standards.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you complete the following:

Choose a database environment from the following:

An appropriate database environment within your workplace (must be approved by your instructor)

An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum

Smith Consulting (Virtual Organization) – needs a database to track their consulting staff, each staff member’s skill sets, and what projects they are working on

This is what I expect in week 2 IA:

  • Analyze the database environment.
  • After reviewing the documentation available for the chosen database, present modeling and design problems, as well as, some options for potential improvements to the design.
  • The database consists how many basic tables? Describe which type of data each table holds and explain why the data is necessary
  • List all the entities and attributes of the actual database
  • Describe the problems and constraints:
  • Data repeated across tables: does the database, as it stands, take advantage of relational modeling?
  • Data repeated within Tables: is there data other than keys (foreign keys) repeated within tables? If so, what must be done to correct the design?
  • Calculation fields: are there calculated fields stored in the tables? Is it a good practice to store calculated fields in the database? If this is a problem, what can be done to fix the problem?
  • Describe the objectives of the database environment.
  • Why does the company need this database (which type of data is stored there? Sales, marketing, operational, etc.) What they are trying to control?
  • Describe the scope and boundaries.
  • Explain what the actual database does and what the new one will do.
  • Revise and list the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes).
  • Revise original entities and attributes the chosen database: list all entities (new and old), attributes in the revised model should address the problems and constraints listed above.
  • Paper needs introduction and conclusion

Include 3 to 5 references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Note. The database environment chosen will be used in the Weeks Three and Four Individual Assignments.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

DBM/380 paper – grading form

Content and Organization
70 Points / Points Earned
XX/70 / Comments:
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way:
•Describe the problems and constraints
•Describe the objectives of the database environment.
•Describe the scope and boundaries. / XX/10
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and /or persuasive. / X/5
The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience.
•Analyze the database environment. / XX/10
The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of database
•Revise and list the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes). / XX/10
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.
  • Paper cited two to four references
/ X/5
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. / X/5
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points. / X/5
Readability and Style
15 Points / Points Earned
XX/15 / Comments:
Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper. / X/3
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. / X/3
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. / X/3
Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences. / X/3
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. / X/3
15 Points / Points Earned
XX/15 / Comments:
The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow APA guidelines for format. / X/3
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines.
  • Paper format is consistent with APA guidelines
/ X/3
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. / X/2
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. / X/2
Spelling is correct. / X/3
Paper has 350- to 700-words / X/2
100 Points / Points Earned
XX/100 / Comments: