My Self-Assessment Essay

Brett Thornhill

Part one of the self-assessment essay was to understand our Behaviors, skills and capabilities. First I picked determination, self-motivation, self-discipline and grit. To me determination is the motive that strives you do what you do and never give up. I have determination because I never give up on something that I am doing. Self-motivation is using your goals to motivate you to accomplish what you are doing. My self-motivation is me wanting to go to college. Self-Discipline is the ability you have to control and motivate yourself, stay on track and do what is right. Grit is courage and resolve; strength of character. Next is Problem solving and team work. Problem solving is the ability to solve problems or to fix the problem. Solving problems is something I am fairly good at even though most of the time the problem I am solving was one I also created. Team work is the ability to get along and work well with others. I don’t really like teamwork when doing projects or something similar because I like to do what I want without having to ask the permission of others. The next one I chose was Financial and Computer Literacy. Financial Literacy is the ability to use your skills and knowledge to manage financial resources. Computer literacy is basically the ability to use and understand computers. Financial and Computer skills because of all the business and computer classes I have taken in high school. Last year I placed third in our states literary rally for Business Computer Applications (BCA). After that I chose Personal Capabilities and support systems. Your personal capabilities are what you are capable of doing. I am capable of doing about anything on a computer. My support system would have to be my friends and family because they are the ones who keep me going. The last part is Communication skills, comfort engaging with strangers. Communication skills are the ability to communicate properly with others. I have communication skills because I took speech. Comfort engaging with strangers is how comfortable you are communicating with people you have never met before. I am comfortable talking to strangers because I don’t have to worry about what they will think about me because they are strangers.

Part two of the self-assessment essay was based off of my self-assessment. The first part was to state my strengths from the assessment. The two highest scores I received on my self-assessment are Extroversion which means I am out going and social (My score was 93) and Conscientiousness which means I am careful and diligent (My score was 87). The second part was the areas you could improve in. My two lowest scores are Agreeableness (My score was 2) and Intellect/ Imagination (my score was 34) which basically means I don’t have a big imagination and I am more traditional and conventional.

Part three of the self-assessment essay was what I’ve learned from the self –Assessment. A new observation about myself I learned from this self-assessment is that the self-assessment taught me that I am a “Guardian” which from the self-assessment says that the guardians are the cornerstone of the society, because they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians also have natural talent in managing goods and services. Something I knew about myself that this self-assessment confirmed is that it stated I am the “Big Boss” which means I am a natural leader in the business world.

Part four of the self-assessment essay was about my career plans. The first part was about specific careers I’m interested in and why. I am interested in Business Administration because I would rather be in charge of a business rather than be told what to do, and the career has a good start out pay ($50,125). The second part is about careers I might be interested in but am not certain. I am slightly interested in welding because it is something that I have started to enjoy and they have an amazing start out pay ( $68,420). I am not certain of this career because they have really bad health risks with the job. The third part was optional and it was why I believe I might or might not be an entrepreneur and launch my own business. I don’t believe that I will be an entrepreneur or start my own business. I would rather be a part of a business that has already been established, because I do not want to risk spending money on a business and it fails and I lose all of the money I put into it. I would rather just play it safe.