Advisory committee on Transit for the Mobility Impaired Meeting

Alvarado Transportation Center – 2nd Floor

December 16, 2014

Board Members Attendance:

Jim Copeland, Lorna Cross, Darlend Fattorusso, Jayne Frandesen, John Standish, Joseph Yake.

Transit Department Attendance:

Bruce Rizzieri, Director; Phyllis Santillanes, Administrative Assistant.

Public in Attendance:

Georgia Kincaid, Ellen Nolan, Joe Sorenson, Diana Marquez

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Jayne Frandesen at 11:38am.

Acceptance of Agenda:

Ms. Cross motioned to accept the Agenda and Mr. Copeland secondedand the agenda was approved by the Board.

November’s Meeting Minutes:

Mr. Copeland motioned to approve and Ms. Fattourusso seconded and the Minutes were approved by the Board.

Public Comment:

Mr. Sorenson thought that he understood that the meeting this month was at 10:30a.m. When he got herehe found out that the meeting was changed to 11:30a.m. His thoughts were that there was no notification of this change for the public. Ms. Nolan also stated that this notification should have been made to the public, because she also sends out this information on newsline. Mr. Rizzieri stated that the information was posted on the website, which is the official notification site. Ms. Nolan is requesting to be e-mailed any meeting changes. Ms. Nolan stated the IVR in working.

Director’s Report:

Mr. Rizzieri stated that the monthly report is still being worked on. Only one staff person has on-going responsibility for preparing this reports. Occassionaly, he receives assistance for individuals on “light-duty” work status. Mr. Rizzieri has noted that the reports for November and Decemberwill be available for January’s meeting.

Ms. Frandesen asked if the Interview process has been doubled, as discussed in the previous meeting. It was confirmed that Transit has doubled the interview process.

Chairperson’s Report:


Old Business:

Mr. Rizzieri gave an update on the “Transit Board” resoulutions. Mr. Rizzieri distributed to the Board copies of the resolution that was approved by Finance and Government Operations Committee Mr. Rizzieri stated that he doesn’t expect any oppositon to the Resolution when it goes to the full City Council.

Ms. Frandesen commented that Mr. Rizzieri has been the most approchable Transit Director that she has worked with during the past 13 yearsand she was thankful for the responses that the Board recieves.

Mr. Rizzieri handed out information regarding the second Resolution, regarding the fixed route service and the money received from the sale of fare products and advertising. Mr. Rizzeir explainedthat the current farebox recovery ratio covers 10-12 percent of operation costs. Mr. Rizzieri stated that the draft Resolution establishes a minimum farebox recovery ratio of 25 percentby June 30, 2022. Mr. Copeland asked if a 25 percent recovery ratio is dueable. Mr. Rizzieri stated it is dueable over a period of time.

Ms. Fattorusso asked if UNM Ridership was subsidized. Mr. Rizzieri stated that UNM contributes $100,000 to Transit, which translates to about 11cents per ride; the average passenger fare is 35 cents. Mr. Rizzieri statedthat CNMcontributes$75,000.

Mr. Standish asked if Transit gets compensated for the veterans who are able to ride for free. Mr. Rizzieri stated, “No”, there is no compensation.

Mr. Copeland asked for the current average cost per ride. Mr. Rizzieri stated that he would bring information to the next meeting.

Ms. Frandensen asked if Transit has insurance that pays for repairing buses damanged in accidents. Mr. Rizzieri stated that the City does have insurance. Any received money goes into the general fund.

Next Meeting:

January 20, 2015, at 10:30a.m. in the training room at the ATC.

Meeting is adjourned at 12:04pm.