Captain’s Meeting Agenda

Brado’s Pizza

Nov 27th, 2016


Executive Members:President-Sandra Milne, Vice President - Shannon Wilson, Treasurer- Sandi Orr, Draw Master–Michelle Rae, Secretary-Melissa Kimmitt

  1. Call To Order – 11:02am
  1. Opening Roll Call – Rendezvous Is It In? not present
  1. Adoption of Agenda– Moved by: Heidi Mrazek

Seconded by: Corey McLeod; Carried

  1. Approval of Minutes From Last Meeting– Moved by: Shannon Wilson

Seconded by: Jason Bellikka; Carried

  1. Executive Reports:

a)Presidents Report

Good job on getting stuff in and bringing other stuff up.

b)Vice Presidents Report

TAME is getting together with the other 2 leagues (City League, Pub League) for YEG darts, which is a platform for people to go to in order to get information on dart happenings in and around Edmonton. Members of each league executive and a couple other people are running the group. The website is if you are interested in taking a look. Banquet information will be forthcoming in the future but it will, again, be a combined banquet with City and Pub leagues due to the success last year.

c)Treasurer’s Report

This is the finalized report. The only change could be YEG expenses. This year, pub fees are up due to the increase in fees plus the addition of a couple of new teams. Membership fees are up due to the addition of a couple of new teams.

d)Draw Master’s Report

Please look at the dates of play for the rest of the season and let me know if there are any issues. Jan 2 as a regular night of play and Easter Monday for the AGM were voted on and passed at the last captains’ meeting. There are 4 sections this year; 3 sections of 5 and 1 section of 4, which will rotate every round so that each section will be in a section of 4 once during the year. Make sure to write down new players and spares correctly on your scoresheets and to advise me properly so it can be accurately tracked. If you are sending texts, please make sure the scores are clear as to which team has which score and if it is the home or away side.

  1. Old Business

A motion was brought forward and passed at the AGM regarding players being allowed to play in a higher division for special events. Clarification was needed on exactly what that meant (e.g. moving all the way up to A or picking a higher division). It was agreed that, like the singles event (because of the Darts Alberta Award for byes into the provincials), the option would be to move all the way up to A division ONLY or play in the division would you be assigned.

Motion brought forth that any player, or team in the case of doubles, wishing to play in a higher division in any special event, may move up to “A” Division if they choose.

Moved by: Sandi Orr

Seconded by: Melissa Kimmitt; Carried

  1. New Business

-Smoke breaks – Please be mindful of the other players/teams and keep your smoke breaks short in order to not slow play more than necessary. There has been a large improvement this season over the last few seasons so we, as the executive, would like to acknowledge that.

-Scoring – All darts are to be left in the board until the scores are marked, at which point they may be removed. Please ensure that your ‘X’s are clearly marked and identifiable. If you are unsure if a number is closed, please ask the opposing team for clarification

-Question posed by Ian Waugh – Is there a rule in place regarding the distance required between boards?

  • There is no current rule in place regarding board placement as it pertains to a venue.

-Follow-up question posed by Ian Waugh – How long in advance of the AGM must a motion be put forward to be voted on at the AGM?

  • Any motion wished to be brought forward for voting at the AGM must be submitted in writing to the executive a minimum of 30 days prior to the AGM

-Sliders – Sliders are prohibited from being used for scoring in any way during TAME regular season or special events.

-Motion put forth to change the schedule from A division having 4 teams in the first round to D division having 4 teams in the first round – Moved by: Jason Bellikka

Seconded by: Sandi Orr; Carried

  1. Closing Roll Call – All teams present
  1. Motion To Adjourn – Moved by: Corey McLeod

Seconded by: Heidi Mrazek; Carried

  1. Meeting adjourned – 11:36am