Registration at the citizen office and proof of registration

Use this document in order to fill our the registration form at the citizen office. We also provide you with an example, to show you how the form should look like.

a.Moving in date (day/month/year)

1.Address of your new accommodation (street/place, house number, floor)

b.Zip code

2.Address of your previous accommodation (street/place, house number, floor)

c.Zip code, city and country of previous accommodation

3.Do you keep your previous accommodation? (no (Nein), yes (Ja))

4.Do you or anyone else who wants to register have another accommodation? (no (Nein), yes (Ja))

●In the case of yes, please fill out the supplementary sheet “Beiblatt zur Anmeldung bei mehreren Wohnungen”

5.In case you haven’t lived in Germany, before you moved to Berlin, please write down the address of where you were registered the last time (where and when)

6. Date of birth (day/month/year)

7.Gender (m (male), w (female))

8.Last name, degree (e.g. Dr.)

d.Birth name (last name before marriage), pseudonym

9.First name

10.City of birth (for foreigners please include the country)

11.Nationality/citizenship ( if you have more than one, please name all)

12.Religious denomination (just fill it out in case your either ev. (protestant) or r.k. (catholic))

13.Marital status: solo = ledig, verheiratet = married ( if married please proof it through a certificate)

14.Date and city of wedding/marriage (day/month/year)


16.Not necessary for students


18.Information about husband/wife who is not moving with you

18.1Last name

18.2Date of birth

18.3First name

18.4Religious denomination ((just fill it out in case your either ev.(protestant) or r.k. (catholic))

18.5Address (street/place, house number, floor)

18.6Zip code, city


19.1authority who issued your passport

19.2date of issuing

19.3validity of your passport

20.Travel passport

20.1authority who issued your passport

20.2date of issuing

20.3validity of your passport

21.Legal representative (important if you under age or under disability), name, address and signature of landlord (for this you have to bring your rental contract instead of a signature!!!) and your signature

24.Don’t fill it out. The office will stamp and sign it there

Tip: If you fill out the form online, the second page will be filled out automatically based on the information from the first page!!!!