ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force
September 17-18, 2014
Washington, DC
TITLE: Meeting Notes for the September 17-18, 2014 ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Face-to-Face Meeting in Washington, DC
SOURCE*: ATIS Committee Administrator
These are the meeting notes of the ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force meeting September 17-18, 2014, in Washington, DC.
This is a draft document and thus, is dynamic in nature. It does not reflect a consensus of the ATIS Committee and it may be changed or modified. Neither ATIS nor the Committee makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the sufficiency, accuracy or utility of the information or opinion contained or reflected in the material utilized. ATIS further expressly advises that any use of or reliance upon the material in question is at your risk and neither ATIS nor the Committee shall be liable for any damage or injury, of whatever nature, incurred by any person arising out of any utilization of the material. It is possible that this material will at some future date be included in a copyrighted work by ATIS.
* CONTACT: Drew Greco; email: Tel: 516-796-6087
ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Face-to-Face Meeting
September 17-18, 2014 Meeting Notes
Washington, DC
Martin Dolly (AT&T), ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Co-Chair, called the meeting to order and welcomed participants at 10:02 a.m. ET on September 17, 2014.
The meeting participants are listed below:
1. Martin Dolly (TF Co-Chair)* / AT&T /
2. Chris Wendt (TF Co-Chair) / Comcast /
3. John Barnhill (TF Co-Chair)* / Genband /
4. Jim Calme* / Alcatel-Lucent /
5. Elise Lavigne* / Allstream /
6. Ray Singh* / Applied Communication Sciences /
7. John Wullert* / Applied Communication Sciences /
8. Penn Pfautz / AT&T /
9. Elise Lavigne* / Allstream /
10. Scott Mullen* / Bandwidth /
11. Steve Showell* / CenturyLink /
12. Harsha Bellur* / Comcast / harsha_bellur@
13. Hala Mowafy* / Ericsson /
14. John Curreri / iconectiv /
15. Gary Richenaker / iconectiv /
16. Doug Bellows* / Inteliquent /
17. John Bullock* / Inteliquent /
18. Douglas Ranalli / NetNumber /
19. Tom McGarry / Neustar /
20. Ken Politz / Neustar /
21. Carol-lyn Taylor* / OEC /
22. Peter Heinemeyer* / Shaw Communications /
23. Richard Shockey * / Shockey Consulting /
24. David Holmes / Sprint /
25. Jim Castagna * / Verizon /
26. Mark Desterdick* / Verizon /
27. Rebecca Goodman / ATIS /
28. Jim McEachern / ATIS /
*Virtual Participation
It was noted that the agenda was made available to participants via ATIS Workspace as IPNNI-2014-000095R001. The agenda was approved as written.
ATIS Procedure Notice: ATIS Forum and Committee activities must adhere to the ATIS Operating Procedures (including basic principles such as fairness, due process, respect for minority opinions, and common sense).
IPR Notice: In connection with the development of an American National Standard, or other deliverable that requires use of patented inventions, the use of patented inventions shall be governed by the ANSI Patent Policy as adopted by ATIS and as set forth in Section 10 of the "Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees." Under this policy:
· Disclosure of relevant patented inventions at the earliest possible time in the development process is encouraged. An opportunity will be provided for the members to identify or disclose patents that any member believes may be essential for the use of a standard under development.
· Neither the Committee, nor its leaders, can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any disclosure, investigate the validity or existence of a patent, or determine whether a patent is essential to the use of an ATIS deliverable.
· ATIS prohibits any discussion of licensing terms in its Forums and Committees.
Antitrust Risk Notice: The leaders further remind attendees that participation in industry fora involves the potential for antitrust concerns or risks. To avoid such concerns and risks, participants should carefully observe the "Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees". In addition, sensitive discussion topics such as price, territories, specific contractual terms, etc., should be avoided.
Questions: Participants having questions, comments, or concerns regarding any of these topics should consult with their company's legal counsel, the Committee leadership, ATIS staff, or ATIS legal counsel.
It was asked if there were any patents to identify or disclose at this time. There were no patent disclosures made by the attendees.
The following previous meeting notes were posted on ATIS Workspace for participant comment:
· IPNNI-2014-00090R000, September 4, 2014, Virtual Meeting
The meeting notes were approved as posted.
IPNNI-2014-00011R011, IP Interconnection Profile
This version of the baseline document is a redlined document which reflects the input approved at the September 4, 2014, virtual meeting. The clean version of this document is contained in -00011R012.
IPNNI-2014-00011R012, IP Interconnection Profile
It was noted that -00011R012 is the clean version of -00011R011 and contains input approved at the September 4, 2014, virtual meeting.
Agreement Reached: Participants agreed to accept -00011R012 as the current baseline document as a basis for future contributions.
Participants discussed the distribution of this document for comment outside of the Task Force. It was noted the document will be sent with a cover letter emphasizing the draft document is a “work in progress snapshot”, and that the Task Force is seeking outside comment against it. When the document is distributed to ATIS Committees and industry bodies with relevant work (a list will be determined offline), those groups should be encouraged to circulate the document outside of their organizations to broaden the document’s exposure. To facilitate this, the document should also be posted to an ATIS website that does not require a password. The same process will be used to distribute a draft of the IP Interconnection Routing Report for external comment.
Action Item: Rick Shockey (Shockey Consulting), the ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI CO-Chairs and ATIS Management staff to draft a cover letter to accompany the distribution of the IP Interconnection Profile document and the IP Interconnection Routing Report.
Contribution Number / SummaryIPNNI-2014-00011R011 / Noted
IPNNI-2014-00011R012 / Accepted
IPNNI-2014-00083R006, IP Interconnection Routing Report (marked version)
This version of the baseline document is a redlined document which reflects the input approved at the September 4, 2014, virtual meeting. The clean version of this document is contained in -00083R007.
IPNNI-2014-00083R007, IP Interconnection Routing Report (clean version)
It was noted that-00083R007 is the clean version of -00083R006 and contains input approved at the September 4, 2014, meeting.
Agreement Reached: Participants agreed to accept -00083R007 as the current version of the baseline text as a basis for future contributions.
IPNNI-2014-00083R008, IP Interconnection Routing Report (marked version)
This version of the baseline document is a redlined document which reflects the input approved at the September 17, 2014, face-to-face meeting. The clean version of this document is contained in -00083R009.
IPNNI-2014-00083R009, IP Interconnection Routing Report (clean version)
It was noted that this document contains the clean baseline as approved during the September 17, 2014, meeting. -00083R009 was accepted as the basis for future contributions.
Participants reviewed and modified IPNNI-2014-00083R009 on September 18th and made several live edits and assigned action items as needed.
Action Item: Penn Pfautz (AT&T) will review (and revise as necessary) the last paragraph in the Section 5 preamble to ensure the text is consistent with the rest of the document.
Action Item: Penn Pfautz (AT&T) will delete the Tier 1 registry label in Figure 7.
Action Item: Ken Politz (Neustar) will update Figure 8 and Figure 19 to re-entitle the NPAC to be Registry.
Action Item: Mark Desterdick (Verizon) will update Figure 14 to correct the color of connection (C) between service bureaus to red.
Action Item: Gary Richenaker (iconectiv), Document Editor, will perform a global search and replacement for the following terms: AOCN to OCN; interwork to interoperate; registry operator to service bureau; remove industry before NPAC; remove instances of “standard” where appropriate; and check consistency of A/AA or A/AAA in text and figures.
The next revision (-00083R010) will contain these completed action items. The clean version (–00083R011) will be posted and then reviewed by the ATIS Technical Editor. The resulting document (00083R012) and will be reviewed (high level) at the next virtual meeting on September 30, 2014 before being released as a “work in progress” for external review and comment.
IPNNI-2014-00091R000, New sub-section for current Section 5 of the IP Interconnection Routing document (IPNNI-2014-00083R007 – clean version)
Ken Politz (Neustar) presented this contribution which proposes how service providers can support more molecular routing than that based on NANP aggregation elements as previously discussed.
Agreement Reached: This contribution was accepted as input to the baseline document.
IPNNI-2014-00092R000, Interoperability Considerations
Gary Richenaker (iconectiv) presented this contribution which proposes some interoperability scenarios between service providers using Aggregate and Per TN routing approaches. Significant discussion occurred and feedback was submitted to the author, Mr. Richenaker. The document was noted.
IPNNI-2014-00093R000, IP Interconnection Routing Report: Appendix A update
Mr. Holmes presented this contribution which provides a Word document version of Appendix A that was added to IPNNI-2014-00083R007, including some additional clarification and ordering of the criteria, for ease of review & application.
Agreement Reached: This contribution was accepted as revised in -00093R001 as input to the baseline document.
IPNNI-2014-00094R000, Some comments/questions across Sections 1, 4, 5 and Appendix A of the IP Interconnection Routing document (IPNNI-2014-00083R007 – clean version)
Mr. Politz presented this contribution which contains a set of questions/comments across several sections of the IP Interconnection Routing Report.
Action Item: Document Editor, Gary Richenaker (iconectiv) to update the figure titles in the document to the follow a common format, i.e., Section Number - “Call Flow [Title]”
Agreement Reached: This contribution was accepted as modified in-00094R001 as input to the baseline document.
IPNNI-2014-00096R000, Edits to Section 1.1 Scope
Jim Castagna (Verizon) presented this contribution which suggests changes to the scope based on the proposals described in IPNNI-2014-00094R000.
Agreement Reached: This contribution was accepted as modified in -00096R001 as input to the baseline document.
Contribution Number / SummaryIPNNI-2014-00083R006 / Accepted
IPNNI-2014-00083R007 / Accepted
IPNNI-2014-00091R000 / Accepted
IPNNI-2014-00092R000 / Noted
IPNNI-2014-00093R000 / Revised (R1) and Accepted
IPNNI-2014-00094R000 / Revised (R1) and Accepted
IPNNI-2014-00096R000 / Revised (R1) and Accepted
It was noted that there is no new information on STIR to share.
The following interim meeting was scheduled:
· September 30, 2014, from 2:30p.m. – 5:30p.m. ET (Virtual)
The following face-to-face meeting was scheduled:
· Co-Locating with PTSC in Austin, TX, October 30, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m. CT
The ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Co-Chairs noted their appreciation of Mr. Richenaker’s role of Document Editor.
With no further business to conduct, Mr. Dolly thanked attendees for their participation and adjourned the ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI TF meeting at 2:01 p.m. ET on September 18, 2014.
Notes submitted by:
Rebecca Goodman, ATIS Committee Administrator
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