Goss 1



Home Address: 212 Harwick Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15235

(412) 829-1545

Business Address: 113 Trees Hall

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261

(412) 648-8259

(412) 648-7092 (fax)

E-mail –

Date of Birth: February 15, 1953


Ph.D. Exercise Physiology

Dissertation: "Thermoregulation During Prolonged Exercise"

Virginia Tech, August, 1983

M.S. Physical Education

Virginia Tech, June, 1978

B.S. Biology

Pennsylvania State University, June, 1975


University of Pittsburgh

Associate Professor/Co-Director, Human Energy Research Laboratory; Department of Health, Physical and Recreation Education (Current department name: Health and Physical Activity), September, 1991-present.

Co-Director, Center for Exercise and Health-Fitness Research, Department of Health, Physical and Recreation Education (Current department name: Health and Physical Activity), September, 1997-present.

Adjunct Faculty, Emergency Responder Human Performance Lab, Center for Emergency Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, 2004-present.

Associate Department Chairman - Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, January, 1996 - 2004.

Associate Professor/Co-Director, Human Energy Research Laboratory; Department of Instruction and Learning; Program in Health and Physical Education, September, 1989-September, 1991.

Assistant Professor/Assistant Director, Human Energy Research Laboratory; Department of Instruction and Learning; Program in Health and Physical Education, September, 1983-August, 1989

Virginia Tech

Graduate Assistant; Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, September, 1979-June, 1983

Instructor; Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, January, 1979-September, 1979

Graduate Assistant; Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, June, 1977 - December, 1978


University of Pittsburgh

Undergraduate Teaching

Human Physiology

Applied Human Anatomy and Kinesiology

Applied Human Anatomy Lab

Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology Lab

Nutrition in Sport and Exercise

Directed Study in Exercise Physiology

Clinical Study in Exercise Physiology

Graduate Teaching

Exercise Testing, Prescription, and Supervision

Nutrition in Exercise and Sport

Exercise Specialist Workshop

Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Physiology

Skeletal Muscle Biochemistry

Graded Exercise Testing

Exercise Leadership

Directed Study in Exercise Physiology

Clinical Study in Exercise Physiology

Research and Experimental Design in Exercise Physiology

College Teaching Practicum

Advanced Research Methods in Movement Science

Research Advising

Thesis and Dissertation advisor for Masters and Doctoral students in Exercise Physiology


Academic Coordinator, Health and Physical Activity - 2001-present

Associate Department Chairman - January, 1996 - 2004

Director - Exercise Science Program - September, 1983-2000

Co-Director - Human Energy Research Laboratory - September, 1991- present

Co-Director - Pittsburgh Exercise Program - September, 1991-present

Co-Director - Faculty/Staff Wellness Program - September, 1991-present

Co-Director – Pittsburgh Performance Profiles (PPP) Program – 1990-present

Assistant Director - Human Energy Research Laboratory - September, 1983-August, 1991

Assistant Director - Pittsburgh Exercise Program - September, 1983-1991

Assistant Director - Faculty/Staff Wellness Program - September, 1983- August, 1991

Virginia Tech

Undergraduate Teaching

Scientific Foundations of Physical Fitness and Training

Theory and Principles of Coaching Baseball

Personal Fitness



Graduate Teaching

Applied Physiology of Exercise Laboratory


Laboratory Coordinator - Laboratory for Exercise, Sport and Work Physiology

Exercise Leader - Adult Fitness Program


Cardiac Exercise Rehabilitation

Adult Fitness - Wellness Programs

Cardiovascular, Metabolic and Hemodynamic Responses to Exercise

Combined Arm and Leg Exercise

Ergogenic Aids/Nutrition

Environmental Physiology

Perceived Exertion

Body Composition


White, D.A., S.D. Rothenburger, L.A. Hunt and F.L. Goss. Comparison of affect and cardiorespiratory responses between structured gym activities and traditional aerobic exercise in children. International Journal of Exercise Science.

Willis, E.A., D. White, A. Shafer, K. Wisniewski, F.L. Goss, L.B. Chiapetta, V.C. Arena, R.J. Robertson, and E.F. Nagle. Relation of income and education level with cardiorespiratory fitness in young adult males and females. International Journal of Exercise Science.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, A. Deldin, B. Barone Gibbs, and D. Hostler. Observation of OMNI scale of perceived exertion during fire suppression training. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 119(1): 183-190, 2014.

Mays, R.J., F.L. Goss, E.F. Nagle-Stilley, M. Gallagher, Jr., M.A. Schafer, K.H. Kim, and R.J. Robertson. Prediction of VO2peak using OMNI ratings of perceived exertion from a submaximal cycle exercise test. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 118(3): 863-881, 2014.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, M. Gallagher, L. Haile, J. Morley, J. Suyama and D. Hostler. Validation of the OMNI Scale of thermal sensations. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 116(3): 773-783, 2013.

Schafer, M.A., R.J. Robertson, S.J. Thekkada, M. Gallagher, S.E. Hunt, F.L. Goss and D. Aaron. Validation of the OMNI RPE seven day exertional recall questionnaire. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 84(3): 363-372, 2013.

Schafer, M.A., F.L. Goss, R.J. Robertson, E.F. Nagle-Stilley and K. Kim. Intensity selection and regulation using the OMNI scale of perceived exertion during intermittent exercise. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism. 38(9): 960-966, 2013.

Sinkule, E.J., J.B. Powell and F.L.Goss. Evaluation of N95 respirator use with a surgical mask cover: effects on breathing resistance and inhaled carbon dioxide. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 57(3): 384-398, 2012.

Haile, L., F.L. Goss, R.J. Robertson, J.L. Andreacci, M. Gallagher and Nagle, E.F. Session perceived exertion and affective responses to self-selected and imposed cycle exercise of the same intensity in young men. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 113(7): 1755-1765, 2013..

Haile, L., R.J. Robertson, E.F. Nagle, M.P. Krause, M. Gallagher, C.M. Ledezma, K.S. Wisniewski, A.B. Shafer and F.L. Goss. Just noticeable difference in perception of physical exertion during cycle exercise in young adult men and women. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 113(4): 877-885, 2012.

Krause, M.P., F.L. Goss, R.J. Robertson, K. Kim, H.M. Elsangedy, K.Krinski and S. DaSilva. Concurrent validity of an OMNI rating of perceived exertion scale for bench stepping. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26, 2: 506-512, 2012.

DaSilva, S.G., H.M. Elsangedy, K. Krinski, W. deCampos, C.F. Buzzachera, M.P. Krause, F.L. Goss and R.J. Robertson. Effect of body mass index on affect at intensities spanning the ventilatory threshold. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 113, 2: 575-578, 2011.

Smith, K.A., M. Gallagher, A.E. Hays, F.L. Goss and R.J. Robertson. Development of the physical activity index as a measure of total activity load and total kilocalorie expenditure during submaximal walking. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 9(6): 757-764, 2011.

Gallagher, M., Jr., R.J. Robertson, F.L. Goss, E.F. Nagle-Stilley, M.A. Shafer, J. Suyama and D. Hostler. Development of a perceptual hyperthermia index to evaluate heat strain during treadmill exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112(6): 2025-2034, 2011.

DaSilva, S.G., L. Guidetti, C.F. Buzzachera, H.M. Elsangedy, K. Krinski, W. DeCampos, F.L. Goss and C. Baldari. Gender-based differences in substrate use during exercise at a self-selected pace. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25, 9: 2544-2551, 2011.

Vianna, J.M., V.M. Reis, F. Saavedra, V. Damasceno, S.G. DaSilva and F. Goss. Can energy cost during low-intensity resistance exercise be predicted by the OMNI-RES? Journal of Human Kinetics, September: 75-82, 2011.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, M. Gallagher, A. Piroli and E.F. Nagle. Response normalized OMNI RPE at the ventilatory breakpoint in Division I college football players. Perceptual and Motor Skills 112, 2, 539-548, 2011.

Colburn, D., J. Suyama, S.F. Reis, J.L. Mosby, F.L. Goss, Y.F. Chen, C.G. Moore, and D. Hostler. A comparison of cooling techniques in firefighters after a live burn evolution. Prehospital Emergency Care. 15, 2, 226-232, 2011.

DaSilva, S.G., L. Guidetti, C.F. Buzzachera, H.M. Elsangedy, K. Krinski, W. DeCampos, F.L. Goss and C. Badari. Psychophysiological responses to self-paced treadmill and overground exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 43, 6, 1114-1124, 2011.

Guidetti, L., M. Broccatelli, C. Baldari, C.F. Buzzachera, F.L. Goss, A.C. Uter and A. Sgadari. Validation of the Italian version of the OMNI Scale of Perceived Exertion in a sample of Italian-speaking adults. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112, 1, 201-210, 2011.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, L. Haile, E.F. Nagle, K.F. Metz and K. Kim. Use of ratings of perceived exertion to anticipate treadmill test termination in patients taking beta-blockers. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 111,3, 310-318, 2010.

DaSilva, S.G., L. Guidetti, C.F. Buzzachera, H.M. Elsangedy, M.P. Krause, W.DeCampos, F.L. Goss and C. Baldari. Age, physiological, perceptual and affective responses during walking at a self selected pace. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 111, 3, 963-978, 2010.

Bolgar, M.R., C.E. Baker, F.L. Goss, E. Nagle and R.J. Robertson. Effect of exercise intensity on differentiated and undifferentiated ratings of perceived exertion during cycle and treadmill exercise in recreationally active and trained women. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 9(4): 557-563, 2010.

Mays, R.J., F.L. Goss , M.A. Schafer, K.H. Kim, E.F. Nagle, and R.J. Robertson. Validation of the adult OMNI perceived exertion scales for elliptical ergometry. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 111, 3, 848-862.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, L. Haile, E.F. Nagle, K.F. Metz, and K. Kim. Use of ratings of perceived exertion to anticipate treadmill test termination in patients taking beta-blockers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 111, 310-38, 2010.

Krause, M.P., Albert, S.M., Elsangedy, H.M., Krinski, K., Goss, F.L., and daSilva, S.G. Urinary incontinence and waist circumference in older women. Age and Ageing, 39 (1), 69-73, 2010.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, L. Haile, M.P. Krause, E.F. Nagle, K.F. Metz and K. Kim. Identification of a rating of perceived exertion based warning zone to anticipate graded treadmill test termination. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110, 1, 213-223, 2010.

Mays, R., N. Boer, A. Mealey, K. Kim and F. Goss. A comparison of practical assessment methods to determine treadmill, cycle and elliptical ergometer VO2peak. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24 (5): 1325-1331, 2010.

Robertson, R.J., F.L. Goss, D.J. Aaron, E.F. Nagle, M. Gallagher, I. Kane, K.A. Tessmer, M.A. Schafer, & S.E. Hunt. Concurrent muscle hurt and perceived exertion of children during resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 41(5): 1146-1154, 2009.

Robertson, R.J., F.L. Goss, D.J. Aaron, E.F. Nagle, M. Gallagher, I. Kane, K.A. Tessmer, M.A. Schafer, & S.E. Hunt. Concurrent muscle hurt and perceived exertion of children during resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 41(5): 1146-1154, 2009.

Ghigarelli, J., E. Nagle, F. Goss, T. Myslinski, R. Robertson. The effects of a 7-week heavy chain elastic band and weight chain program on upper body strength and power in a sample of division 1-AA football players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 (3): 756-764, 2009.

Hostler, D., M. Gallagher, F. Goss, et. al. The effect of hyperhydration on physiological and perceived strain during treadmill exercise in personal protective equipment. Eur. J. Appl.Physiol., 105(4): 607-613, 2008.

Krause, M., F.L. Goss, et al. A comparison of functional fitness of older Brazilian and American women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 17(4): 387-397, 2009.

Suminski, R., R.J. Robertson and F.L. Goss. Validation of the OMNI Scale of perceived exertion in a sample of Spanish speaking youth from the USA. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 107(1): 181-188, 2008.

Goss, F.L., H. DeBoever, K. Brown, K.F. Metz, Y. Liu and R.J. Robertson. A RPE-based zone of normality for use in evaluating graded exercise test responses in women. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 106,251-258, 2008.

Robertson, R.J., F.L. Goss, D.J. Aaron. One repetition maximum prediction models using the OMNI RPE Scale. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 22(1), 196-201, 2008.

Krause, M.P., T. Hallage, M.P.R. Gama, F.L. Goss, R.J. Robertson and S.G. daSilva. Association of

adiposity, cardiorespiratory fitness and exercise practice with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Brazilian elderly women. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(5): 288-292, 2007.

Goss, F.L., R.J. Robertson, K.F. Metz, B.J. Noble, & L. Adler. A normative zone of RPE ratings for use during graded exercise testing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104, 339-346, 2007.

Robertson, R.J., F.L. Goss, D.J. Aaron & A. Utter. OMNI Scale RPE at ventilatory breakpoint by direct kinematic observation in children. Perceptual and Motor Skills 104, 975-984, 2007.

Northington, W.E., J. Suryama, F.L. Goss, C. Randall, M. Gallagher, & D. Hosteler. Physiological responses during graded treadmill exercise in chemical resistant personal protective equipment. Prehospital Emergency Care. 11(4), 394-398, 2007.

Dixon, C.B., R.J. Robertson, F.L. Goss, J.M. Timmer, E.F. Nagle & R.W. Evans. The effect of acute resistance exercise on serum malondialdehyde in resistance-trained and untrained collegiate men. J. Strength Cond. Res. 20(3): 693-698, 2006.

Andreacci, J., C.B. Dixon, C. Ledzema and F.L. Goss. Effect of intermittent sub-maximal exercise on percent body fat using leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance analysis in children. J. Sports Sci. and Med., 5, 424-430, 2006.

Pintar, J.A., R.J. Robertson, A.M. Kriska, E. Nagle and F.L. Goss. The influence of fitness and body

weight on preferred exercise intensity. Med. Sci Sports Exerc. 38(1), 981-988, 2006.

Robertson, R.J., F. L. Goss, et al. Observation of Perceived Exertion in Children using the OMNI Pictorial Scale. Med. Sci Sports Exerc. 38(1), 158-166, 2006.

Dixon, C. B., R. J. Robertson, F. L. Goss, et al. “The Effect of Acute Resistance Exercise on Serum Malondialdehyde in Resistance-Trained and Untrained Collegiate Men”. J. of Strength and Cond. Res. 20(3), 693-698, 2006.

Dixon, C., S. LoVollo, J. Andreacci and F. Goss. The Effect of Acute Fluid Consumption on Measures of Impedance and Percent Body Fat using Leg-to-Leg Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 60, 42-146, 2006.

Andreacci, J., C. Dixon, M. Lagomarsine, C. Ledezman, F. Goss and R. Robertson. Effect of Maximal Treadmill Test on Percent Body Fat using Leg-to-Leg Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Children.

J. Sports Med. and Physical Fitness., 46(3): 454-457, 2006.

Govindasamy, B., R. Robertson, F. Goss, C. Suprasongsin and S. Arslanian. Short-term Pharmacological Induced Growth Study of Ontogenetic Allometry of Oxygen Uptake in Children. Annals of Human Biology 32(6): 746-759. 2005.

Robertson, R.J., F.L. Goss, et al. “Validation of the Children’s OMNI-Resistance Training Scale for Perceived Exertion.” Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37(5), 819-826, 2005.

Zoeller, R. F., R. J. Robertson, F. L. Goss, et al. “Relation Between Muscular Strength and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Persons With Thoracic-level Paraplegia”. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 86(7), 1441-1446, 2005.

Robertson, R. J., F. L. Goss, et al. “Validation of the Children’s OMNI RPE Scale for Stepping Exercise”. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37,290-298, 2005.

Goss, F.L. et al. A comparison of measured and predicted residual lung volume on body composition