School Name: Daves Creek Elementary School
Due 9/2/16 to Teaching Learning
/Step 1: Review 15-16 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
_X__ CCRPI Goal
_X__ Academic/Instructional Goal
_X__ Climate Goal
Step 4: Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
Step 5: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan
Step 6: 16-17 SIP Reflection due Friday, June 16, 2017
2015-18 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goals / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Third grade student Lexile levels at or above 650 will increase from 91.8% (CCRPI data from 2016) to 92.8% on the 2017 CCRPI Report.
Fifth grade student Lexile levels at or above 850 will increase from 96.5% (CCRPI data from 201) to 97.5% on the 2017 CCRPI Report. / X / Purpose & Direction / X / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning:
-continued training in F and P assessment system for new staff
-personalized learning training with a focus on content and scaffolding
Technology and Information Services:
-continue with itslearning training
-personalized learning training with a focus on creating pathways
X / Governance & Leadership / X / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / Engage & Contribute
X / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
Academic / Instructional Goal
All teachers will provide their students with quality differentiated, flexible small group instruction in reading, writing, math, on a regular basis.
-Differentiation through both process and product based on continual assessment
-Increased use of non-fiction text
-Increased integration of technology
-Use of mentor texts across content areas
-Continued use of Writing Workshop at all grade levels / X / Purpose & Direction / X / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning:
-ongoing professional learning to support the new math curriculum
-continued training in F & P assessment system for new staff
Technology and Information Services:
-continue with itslearning training
Special Education:
-additional personal to handle specialized instructional needs
X / Governance & Leadership / X / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / X / Engage & Contribute
X / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
Climate Goal
Student attendance will increase from 91.62% (CCRPI data from 2015) to 93% on the 2017 CCRPI Report.
Our school attendance from infinite campus was 97.01% for school year 2015-2016, we will try to increase that to 98% at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. / X / Purpose & Direction / Pursue Continuous Learning / Technology and Information Services:
-continued Infinite Campus support for data clerks to pull attendance data
Student Support Services:
-continued training for counselors to help address attendance concerns and positive interventions to encourage school attendance
-continued share team meetings with school social worker
X / Governance & Leadership / X / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
Teaching & Assessing for Learning / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / X / Engage & Contribute
Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Public Information & Communications, School Safety & Discipline, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
2016-17 School Improvement Plan
Third and fifth grade Lexile levels will increase by a minimum of one percentage point as measured by the CCRPI Data Report; this goal is directly tied to our academic/instructional goal. Actions, resources, and impact will be similar.
Third grade student Lexile levels at or above 650 will increase from 91.8% (CCRPI data from 2016) to 92.8% on the 2017 CCRPI Report.
Fifth grade student Lexile levels at or above 850 will increase from 96.5% (CCRPI data from 2016) to 97.5% on the 2017 CCRPI Report.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Provide job-embedded professional learning on a monthly basis through differentiated personalized learning via itslearning / If educators participate in job embedded professional learning with a focus on differentiation then their instruction will be rich with best practices and learning opportunities that offer choice, novelty, and variety will be provided thus increasing student achievement and engagement. / Monthly, it will begin mid-September, 2016 through May, 2016. / Assistant Principals, Quality Work Facilitator, Instructional Technology Specialist, and Gifted Teachers will provide teaching/sharing session to grade levels on a monthly basis. Resources needed are determined by the specific Munch-n-Learn.
Teachers will provide differentiated, small group instruction in reading throughout the school day. Reading small group instruction will focus on guided groups based on students’ assessment levels. / If teachers differentiate instruction through process, product, content, and learning environment, then student achievement will increase. / On-going / Resources:
-Fountas and Pinnell Leveling Systems
-Anecdotal record/informal assessment training (provided at Munch-n-Learn session/grade level meetings)
-Data Team sessions (in grade level meetings)
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Homeroom and student support teachers will monitor students’ F & P levels at various points throughout the year (minimally Fall and Spring checkpoints for above level students and more frequently for below level students). Monthly fluency/comprehension checks will occur throughout the year (minimally on an informal basis bi-weekly in guided reading groups).
Academic / Instructional Goal:
All teachers will provide their students with quality differentiated, flexible small group instruction in reading, writing, and math on a regular (weekly/daily) basis.
The number of students scoring at or above grade level in reading will increase from 63.4% in August of 2016 to 89% in May of 2017 as measured by the Fountas and Pinnell K-5 end of year assessment.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Provide job-embedded professional learning on a monthly basis through Munch-n-Learn sessions during teachers’ planning periods targeted at differentiation strategies through small group instruction and BYOT / If educators participate in job embedded professional learning with a focus on differentiation then their instruction will be rich with best practices and learning opportunities that offer choice, novelty, and variety will be provided thus increasing student achievement and engagement. / Monthly, it began August 16, 2016 through May, 2016. / Assistant Principals, Quality Work Facilitator, Instructional Technology Specialist, and additional teacher leaders will provide teaching/sharing session to grade levels on a monthly basis. Resources needed are determined by the specific Munch-n-Learn.
Teachers will provide differentiated, small group instruction in reading and math throughout the school day. Reading and Math small group instruction will focus on guided groups based on students’ assessment levels. / If teachers differentiate instruction through process, product, content, and learning environment, then student achievement will increase. / On-going / Resources:
-Fountas and Pinnell Leveling Systems
-Anecdotal record/informal assessment training (provided at Munch-n-Learn session/grade level meetings)
-Data Team sessions (in grade level meetings)
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Homeroom and student support teachers will monitor students’ F & P levels at various points throughout the year (minimally Fall and Spring checkpoints for above level students and more frequently for below level students).
Climate Goal:
Student attendance will increase.
Student attendance will increase from 91.62% (CCRPI data from 2015) to 93% on the 2017 CCRPI Report.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
At our summer meet and greet held at James Creek clubhouse the administration team explained how attendance impacts our CCRPI report. / If parents better understand the relationship between student achievement and academic success, then student attendance will improve. / July 12, 2016 / Administrative Team
Data clerk, counselors, and administrators will identify students with attendance issues from last year. Counselor will meet with students to discuss how attendance impacts achievement, as well as parents. Data clerk run monthly attendance reports and counselors and administrative team will meet with students to discuss their attendance. / If school staff is clearly identifying students with attendance issues, then attendance will be more closely monitored and interventions with the counselor can be initiated to teach children the importance of school attendance. / On-going beginning September 6, 2016 through April, 2017 / -Data Clerk: run reports
-Counselors and Assistant Principals: meet with students and parents, if needed
Daves Creek will recognize student perfect attendance on a monthly basis and students will be recognized. / If students understand how attendance is linked to success, then they will be more likely to attend daily. / October 3, 2016 through May 2, 2017 / -Counselors:
Recognize perfect attendance
-Data Clerk:
Run reports monthly
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Attendance reports will be run, minimally once a month, and counselors and administrative team will target students with attendance issues.
Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
Daves Creek will use the school mean growth percentile as our growth measure for Non-SGP courses.
Implementation Plan
All teachers will provide their students with quality differentiated, flexible small group instruction in reading, writing, and math on a regular (weekly/daily) basis.
Our school goal is what we follow to ensure students are prepared and meeting standards in our Non-SGP grades. If students are provided differentiated instruction across all content areas in grades K-3 and meet state standards, then they will have a good foundation to continue to build upon in grades 4-5 that will promote academic achievement.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Provide teachers with individualized professional learning to increase instructional capacity.
Timeline: Dates/Hours
(Add/Modify as Needed) / Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
NEO/SLO (K-3), July 25 / Forsyth Way, DCD 101 session / If new educators have an understanding of district initiatives, then they are better able to support the mission of the district and local school. / DCD 101 discussed differentiation and higher level questioning strategies which parallel our school goal of providing quality differentiated, small group instruction in reading, writing, and math.
NEO (K-12), July 26-27 / Itslearning (planner expectations and responsibilities) , grade level planning with your mentor / If new educators have an understanding of school expectations regarding itslearning, planning, and the school culture, then they are better able to see how school and district initiatives are directly related and support both. / Itslearning is a platform that enables us to better differentiate instruction for our students.
Preplanning, July 28-29 & Aug. 1-3 / Safety Training, Technology Updates, Mandated Reporter, Code of Ethics, Professional Leaning Overview / If staff members are aware of county policies and procedures, then they can make sure all students are safe and focus on instruction. / In order to effectively implement any SMART goals, a school must first ensure a safe learning environment.
August 16th / Munch and Learn- Dr. Lack outlined more about the Envision Math Program / If staff members know the components of a math lesson, as outlined in Envision, then they will provide quality instruction to our students. / A deep understanding of the components of the Envision program will lead to more quality differentiation of the math standards/curriculum.
Early Release/Prof. Dev., Aug. 31 / School Improvement Plan and Grade Level Goals, Social Emotional Pilot Program / If staff members are aware of our school goals and learning targets, then their strategies and interventions will support the school and grade level goals. / Staff members are given an overview of school goals for the year, learning targets are set so that expectations are clear for all.
Prof. Dev., Oct. 21 / Personalized Learning, continued learning regarding TKES / If staff members have a deeper understanding of the TKES process and are able to self-select their area of personalized learning, then staff members will take ownership of implementing their professional learning targets into their daily instructional practices thus increasing student engagement and achievement. / The personalized learning areas are differentiation, high leverage instructional strategies, engaging the gifted learner, and technology integration across content; all of these areas support our continues improvement goal of differentiation.
November 16th / Itslearning and Dr. Lack for math support / If staff members know how to effectively use itslearning and integrate math, then students will be actively engaged in differentiated activities. / Itslearning and math content differentiation parallel our school goal.
Prof Dev., Jan. 4 / SIP goal revisions as necessary, continued Personalized Learning book studies, continued learning regarding TKES / If staff members revisit school and grade level goals, then they have time to reflect and revised strategies and goals as necessary. / The personalized learning areas are differentiation, high leverage instructional strategies, engaging the gifted learner, and technology integration across content; all of these areas support our continues improvement goal of differentiation. Reflecting on our goals help our school to constantly refine and improve our craft which benefits our students.
February 8th / Munch and Learn-focus on ADDO social and emotional pilot / If staff members are aware of how to create a community of caring learners, then Daves Creek will develop students who are caring responsible, and contributing members of society. / In order to effectively implement any SMART goals, a school must first ensure a safe learning environment.
Prof. Dev., Feb. 21 / Personalized Learning, peer observations / If staff members are able to self-select their area of personalized learning, then staff members will take ownership of implementing their professional learning targets into their daily instructional practices thus increasing student engagement and achievement. / Peer observations allow staff members to see what differentiation looks like at our school and also provides an opportunity for new teacher to see what an exemplary teacher looks like.
March 8th / Munch and Learn- session TBA-we will monitor our goals and re-evaluate what areas we need to revisit
Post Planning, May 30-31 / Reflection on School Improvement Goals / If staff members reflect on our school and grade level goals, then they can examine their own practices and decide what areas they need to restructure regarding lesson planning and implementation as well as celebrate areas of success. / Reflection provides an opportunity to celebrate our hard work and begin setting a goal for the upcoming school year.
2016-17 School Improvement Plan Reflection
Please provide a short reflection summary for each goal listed below. (Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? What were your strengths / weaknesses? Did you monitor your goals throughout the year? If so, then how? Did you revise your goals throughout the year? If so, then why? What can be improved?)
Academic / Instructional Goal
Climate Goal