/ VoteCal Statewide Voter Registration System Project
Use Case: UC03.12.01 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match CaseUse Case: UC03.12.01 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match Case through VoteCalUse Case: UC03.12.01 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match Case through VoteCal

Use Case: UC03.12.01 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match CaseUse Case: UC03.12.01 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match Case through VoteCalUse Case: UC03.12.01 Accept or Reject CDCR Felon Record Match Case through VoteCal

Attribute / Details
System Requirements: / S2.01 VoteCal must provide functionality that enables authorized county and state users to add new registered voters and to update data associated with existing registered voters.
S9.06 VoteCal must record in a voter's activity history the effective date of cancellation of a voter's registration and the basis for that cancellation.
S12.5 VoteCal must provide the ability for an authorized county user to enter its determination that the match is valid into the voter’s record and cancel registration of the voter.
S12.6 VoteCal must provide the ability for an authorized county user that has investigated and determined that the match was invalid to note that determination in the voter’s record and remove the possible felon flag.
S12.7 When counties cancel a voter's registration by reason of felony conviction and sentencing from information received locally within the county, VoteCal must automatically add that information to the current felon records stored within VoteCal.[BMc1]
Description: / The purpose of this use case is to enable Aa user to makes a determination as to whether or not a CDCR Felon Record Match Case is valid.
Actors: / SOS User, CountyUser
Trigger: / A CDCR Felon Record has been identified by the system as possibly matching an existing voter record and a resulting CDCR Felon Record Match Case has been created
System: / VoteCal Application[IVV2]. (This can be alternatively accessed through the local EMS per its integration with the EMS Integration Web Service).
Preconditions: /
  • At least one CDCR Felon Record file has been received, processed, and created resultant match cases.
  • At least one county is configured to process felon record match cases through their EMS[IVV3]the VoteCal application..
  • All global preconditions apply.

Post conditions: /
  • A voter’s record is updated appropriately.
  • The CDCR Felon Record Match Case is marked as either accepted or rejected
  • An appropriate notification is queued up to be sent to the county involved.
  • All global post conditions apply.

Normal Flow: /
  1. User accesses the Work Item Management area of the application.
  2. System presents UI999.XX Work Item Summary Screen. This screen displays the various types of work items that exist with the corresponding count of open items for each type.
  3. User elects to work with CDCR Felon Record Match Case work item type.
  4. System presents UI999.XX CDCR Felon Record Match Case List. This screen displays a list of currently “Open” CDCR Felon Record Match Cases. Each column of the list is sortable. Fields appear at the top of the screen that allows filtering on the columns.
  5. User selects a case from the list for review.
  6. System presents UI999.XX CDCR Felon Record Match Case Detail. This screen displays the record details of the voter to which the match case applies in one panel, and the details of the matched CDCR felon record in another panel. The voter’s detail panel provides a link to drill down to see the full detail of the voter record. Buttons are present to allow the user to accept, reject, or skip the match case.
  7. User elects to accept the match case. (also see alternate flow[IVV4])
  8. VoteCal checks that the work item has not been accepted/rejected by another user (through VoteCal or EMS). If the work item has not been previously accepted/rejected, continue.
  1. If the Registration Date falls inside the “active” felony time period, the Ssystem [BMc5]takes the following actions:
  2. The voter’s registration status is changed to Cancelled.
  3. A Registration Status “Changed Cancelled by CDCR Felon Record Match” Voter Activity item is appended to the voter’s record with the effective date of cancellation.
  4. A message is added to the EMS Message Queue indicating that the voter’s record must be updated in the local EMS.
  5. The CDCR Felon RecordMatch Case is changed from “Open” to “Accepted.” As a result, it is also removed from the open match case list.
  6. Add that information to the current felon records stored within VoteCal.[BMc6]
  1. The System automatically displays the next item in the match case list to the user.

Alternative Flows: / 7.a. User elects to reject the match case.
7.a.User issues the reject command.
7a.1 as above
Skip steps 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4
8.a.5 The Felon Record Match Case is changed from “Open” to “Rejected.” As a result, it is also removed from the open match case.Skip step 8.6
Step 9 as above7.a.1 User issues the reject command.
7.a.2 System marks the match case as rejected and flags the CRCR felon record and voter combination so as to not re-appear in the future. The System automatically displays the next item in the match case list to the user.
7.a.3 End Use Case.
8.a. If the Registration Date falls outside the “active” felony time period, no action is taken. End use case.
Exceptions: / 7.1 –If the work item has previously been accepted/rejected by another user, an error message is presented to the User and undoes the changes to the voter record.N/A[IVV7]
Includes: / N/A
Frequency of Use: / Monthly file is received with approximately 11,000 records. TBD how many will become match cases for review. TBD how many counties will process via EMS vs. VoteCal.TBD
Business Rules: / N/A
Assumptions: / N/A
Notes and Issues: / N/A

Revision History

Date / Document
Version / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
01/20/2010 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Chad Hoffman
01/21/2010 / 1.0 / Minor edits and release to client. / Maureen Lyon
01/25/2010 / 1.1 / Changed UC Number / Chad Hoffman
01/29/2010 / 1.2 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Chad Hoffman
02/02/2010 / 1.3 / Document Revisions / Chad Hoffman
02/02/2010 / 1.4 / Submit to Client for Review / Maureen Lyon
02/07/2010 / 1.5 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Chad Hoffman
03/19/2010 / 1.6 / Incorporate Client Feedback from Discovery Sessions / Kimanh Nguyen / Kalyn Farris
03/23/2010 / 1.7 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
mm/dd/yyyy / 1.x / Update with client feedback / Only if needed
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 1.765 / Page 1

[BMc1]This does not apply to this UC, which relates to Felon records received from the State (not locally)

[IVV2]If the county user is an actor, then shouldn’t we list the VoteCal Web Interface? (Art)

[BMc] As noted in other UCs, VoteCal application is the system, inclusive of the web based user interface.

[IVV3]No, not through their EMS. The EMS is handled by UC03.12.02, not this use case.

This should read: “….through the VoteCal Web Interface”. (Art)

[IVV4]I think we need another alternative flow…user elects to take no action. (Art)

[BMc5]Again, during the ‘active felony’ period (not sure what this means), the voter registration record should be cancelled – regardless of registration date! (Am I missing something here?)

[BMc6]What information is added to the current felon records? Isn’t this captured during the processing of the CDCR file?

[IVV7]I think this exception suggests the need for adding some business rules in the Business rules block, so it is clear who and under what circumstances a previous accept/reject can be undone.

Again, this is a sensitive area for the counties. (Art)

[BMc] VC requirements dictate that SOS staff will also have this capability. As we noted in Discovery, the circumstances and rules around when SOS might do that is a later policy discussion outside this development. I’m okay with noting in Notes and Issues that this is a policy decision to be worked out later, or to leave out entirely.