Appointment of Deputy Further Education Commissioners
Applicants Pack
June 2016
1. The Organisation
2. TheRole
3.Job Specification and Selection Criteria
4. TermsofAppointment
5. Selection Process
6.Howto Apply
7. Making a Complaint
8. Conflicts of Interest
9. Diversity and Equal Opportunities
10. Political Activity
11. Candidate Summary Form
12. Diversity Monitoring Form
13. Political Activity Questionnaire
14.Consent to receive information
15.Check list
16.The Seven Principles of Public Life
1. The Organisation
The post-16 education sector is critical to the Government’s strategy of raising productivity and economic growth. In addition to the expansion of the Apprenticeship programme, two major planks of reform are critical to achieving our objectives:
- Clear, high quality professional and technical routes to employment, alongside robust academic routes, which allow individuals to progress to high level skills valued by employers; and
- Better responsiveness to local employer needs and economic priorities
This policy context means that major reform of post-16 education and training institutions in necessary, in a way which also addresses the significant financial pressures on institutions including a declining 16-19 population and the need to maintain very tight fiscal discipline in order to tackle the deficit.
In July 2015, the Departments for Education and Business, Innovation and Skills announced a programme of area-based reviews to review 16+ provision in every area, and do so quickly. These reviews provide an opportunity for institutions and localities to re-evaluate their provision to ensure it meets local educational and economic needs and sets institutions on a secure and sustainable financial footing.
The Further Education Commissioner is at the heart of the area review programme and the Government’s FE intervention strategy and with the support of Deputy Further Education Commissioners, plays a key role working closely with the Sixth Form College Commissioner, the Joint Area Review Delivery Unit (JARDU), funding agencies (Skills Funding Agency and Education Funding Agency), the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department for Education (DfE).
BIS is the principal regulator and sponsor department of FE colleges.
2. The Role
Deputy Further Education Commissioners have two core responsibilities, working to the Further Education Commissioner:
Leading area reviews of post-16 education in England. This is a high priority Ministerial programme for both BIS and the Department for Education. These reviews are ensuring that colleges are better able to meet the economic and educational needs of local areas whilst also achieving long-term financial sustainability. There are five waves of area reviews of post-16 education, with 38 reviews in total, mainly focused on local economic areas. All general FE colleges and sixth form colleges (331 in total) are covered by the reviews and the programme is due to be completed in March 2017. Area reviews in waves 1-3 are already underway. Wave 4 will start in September 2016, followed by Wave 5 in November 2016.
Leading interventions in Further Education Colleges. Deputy Further Education Commissioners are responsible for leading interventions in FE institutions which have been judged to be failing or in poor financial health. ‘Rigour and Responsiveness in Skills’, published by BIS in April 2013, explains that, in cases where quality or financial health in FE institutions is inadequate and intervention is needed, rigorous intervention action will be taken to secure the necessary improvements. The FE Commissioner and team are at the heart of the intervention strategy. They advise onand supportintervention including exploring and developing new and alternative solutions for FE Colleges to implement and making recommendations to the Minister on this basis.
In both roles Deputy Further Education Commissioners will oversee and direct the work of a specialised team of Further Education Advisers.
3. Job Description and Selection Criteria
Working to the FE Commissioner, Deputy Further Education Commissioners will lead on the oversight and facilitation of area reviews of post-16 education and training in specific areas of England. Deputy FE Commissioners will work with a wider team in the relevant areas to contribute to determining the best way in which Further Education services can be delivered, having regard to the needs of learners, employers, national and local FE policies and value for money.
These reviews will be undertaken in line with the published procedures and in co-operation and collaboration with the relevant Government departments, the funding agencies, key local stakeholders including local authorities and LEPs and local providers.
As part of the Government’s regime for FE colleges and other FE institutions where intervention action is deemed necessary to bring about improvement, Deputy FE Commissioners undertake assessments of underperforming colleges. This includes reviewing the position of each relevant FE college, advising Ministers and the Chief Executive of the funding agencies on the relevant course of action, and working with the college, the funding agencies and departments to ensure the end to end process of assessment is managed effectively, so that necessary changes are delivered swiftly and changes are communicated effectively to those affected.
The Deputy FE Commissioners will be supported in these tasks by a pool of FE Advisers. A key element of the Deputy FE Commissioner role will be the leadership and management of the Advisers. The Deputy FE Commissioners will work to the FE Commissioner who will determine the allocation of activities as between the Deputy Commissioners and the FE Advisers in consultation with the department and will ensure the overall quality of work undertaken and the outputs.
Successful candidates will have:
- Ability to lead and influence complex organisational change within an educational context, delivering at pace
- Ability to develop and implement quality and improvement strategies
- Outstanding communication skills and the ability to influence, persuade and engage stakeholders at the highest levels, in addition to excellent management and interpersonal skills.
- Work effectively with Ministers, civil servants, college leaders and key stakeholders and will show resilience and the ability to maintain a positive approach in challenging circumstances.
4. TermsofAppointment
This appointment will be made on the basis of a twoyear fixed-term contract, allowing for up to 330 days’ work. It is expected that this position shall initially represent a full-time commitment, based on five days’ work per week, until the end of academic year 2016-17, reducing to approximately three days per week thereafter until the expiration of the fixed-term contract in September 2018. The postholders will be engaged on a PAYE basis, as office holders.
These positions attract a rate of £700 per day, per Deputy Education Commissioner.
These posts involve significant travel and it is expected that the successful candidates shall use their home as a base.
5.Selection Process
Closing date: 18 July 2016
Shortlist panel meeting: early August 2016
Assessment exercise and Panel interviews in London: late August 2015
Ministerial decision on whom to appoint: early September 2016
Appointment to be announced: mid-September 2016
Successful candidate takes up post: mid to late September 2016
The selection panel membership is planned to be:
Chair of Panel:Bobbie McClelland, Deputy Director, Reforming FE Provision Unit, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Peter Mucklow, Sixth Form Commissioner
Independent panel member:TBC
6. Howto Apply
The applicant pack can be completed electronically and should be submitted by email to . Please ensure that you include“Deputy FE Commissioner 2016” in the email subject box.
Alternatively you can send completed applicant pack by post to:
Public Appointments Team (Ref. Deputy FE Commissioner 2016)
Partner Organisations and Governance Team
4thFloor (Orchard 2)
1 Victoria Street
The closing date for applications is 18 July 2016. Late applications will not be accepted.
Please submit the following documents:
1)a full CV;showing your professional and educational qualifications and the work that you have undertaken in a paid or unpaid capacity, in employment, self-employment and/or community activities, showing any particular responsibilities or achievements that you think are relevant to this applications
2)a coveringletter (maximum2pages) summarisingyourprovenabilityrelatingtothe role specification and selection criteria.
3)a completed copy of the candidate summary form; below to include:
- an email address and daytime and evening telephone number which will be used with discretion
- the names of two referees who are in a position to comment on you professionally, with an indication of how long and in what capacity they have known you
- a declaration of any public appointments held
- disclosure of any personal or business interests which may be, or may be perceived as, relevant to or in conflict with the appointing organisation
- data protection consent and consent to hold your contact details
- Guaranteed Interview Scheme declaration if applicable
- a completed copy of the equal opportunities monitoring form
- a completed copy of the anonymised monitoring form.
The applicants pack can be made available in an alternative format on request; please contact Craig Welsh 0207 215 0516
7. Making a Complaint
If you feel your application has not been treated fairly and you wish to make a complaint, you should contact: in the first instance: email: .
8. Conflicts of Interest
If you or a family member have any personal or business interest or potential conflict of interest with the activities of the Body you will be expected to declare this. Any conflict will not prevent you going forward to interview, but may be explored with you during the selection process. You will also be required to uphold the standards of conduct established by the Committee on Standards in Public Life, also known as the Nolan principles.
9. Diversity and Equal Opportunities
The Commissioner for Public Appointments has a legal responsibility to promote diversity and equality of opportunity in the procedures for making public appointments. He is committed to working with Government Department’s to ensure they have the capacity to attract the widest field of candidates and to make the best possible appointments. All applicants are asked to complete an anonymised Diversity Monitoring Form used for data gathering information only in order for the Commissioner to check whether Department’s are recruiting from the widest possible pool.
TheDepartment forBusiness InnovationandSkillsiscommitted to theprincipleofpublic appointmentsonmeritwithindependentassessment,opennessandfairnessof processandtoprovidingequalopportunities forall.
Under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme if you are a disabled applicant (as defined under the Equality Act 2010) and you meet the minimum criteria for the role, you will be selected for interview.
10. Political Activity
You are asked to provide details of any significant political activity that you have undertaken within the past five years. Political activity in itself is no bar to appointment. To allow the panel to explore such activity with the candidates in the context of their ability to perform in the role, you should declare any significant political activity. This information will only be provided to the panel for those applicants selected for interview and if you are successfully appointed to thepost,details of your response will beincludedinpressreleases announcingyour appointment.
11. Candidate Summary Form
Day -
Please tick box below, if here if you would like to be consider under the Guaranteed InterviewScheme:
ReferencesPlease give below the name and contact details of two people who may be asked to act as referees for you. They will be expected to have authoritative and personal knowledge of your professional achievements / competencies. The referees will be approached only if you are invited for interview.
Referee 1
In what capacity, and over what period of time, has this individual known you?
Email address:
Referee 2
In what capacity, and over what period of time, has this individual known you?
Email address:
Potential or Actual Conflicts of Interest
Please give details of any business or other interests or any personal connections which, if you are appointed, could present a conflict of interest holding this role. These could include financial interests or share ownership, membership of societies, activities, associations or employment of a partner or friend in the particular field in which the public body operates.
Any potential or actual conflicts of interest detailed here will not prevent you going forward to interview but may, if appropriate, be explored with you during your interview to establish how you would address the issue(s) should you be successful in your application. If there are no potential conflicts of interest, please write "none".
12. Diversity Monitoring Form
Please tick or complete the appropriate boxes. The following information is required for monitoring purposes only and will not be provided to the selection Panel members.
Date of birth Date Month Year
Prefer not say
Ethnic origin
Please show which group best describes your ethnic origin or descent by ticking only one of the boxes in the right hand column below.
WHITE / EnglishIrish
White other, please specify
BLACK / of Caribbean origin
of African origin
of other black origin (please specify)
ASIAN / ASIAN BRITISH / of Indian origin
of Pakistani origin
of Bangladeshi origin
of East African origin
of Chinese origin
of other Asian origin (please specify)
MIXED / Asian and white
Black African and white
Black Caribbean and white
Of any other mixed background
Many people do not consider themselves to be disabled,however under the Equality Act 2010 you can consider yourself disabled if you have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Taking this into account, do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?
YES / NO------
Sectoral Background
Is your career background:
Mostly in the civil service
Mostly in the public sector (not including civil service)
Mostly in the private sector
Mostly in the third sector/charity
Mixture of above, please state:
Religion or Belief (optional)
You may wish to let us know your faith / religion / belief. Please tick against one of the following:
Agnostic / JewishAtheist / Muslim
Buddhist / Sikh
Christian / Other please specify:
Humanist / Prefer not to say
Sexual Orientation (optional)
You may wish to let us know how you describe your sexual orientation?.
Prefer not to say
Other, please state:
13. Political Activity Questionnaire
All applicants for a public appointment should complete the questionnaire below. This question is asked as it enables the monitoring of political activity of candidates for a public appointment in so far as it is already in the public domain. Neither activity nor affiliation is a criterion for appointment (except where statute dictates specific representation). If you are successful, the information provided will be published with the announcement of your appointment.
Please indicate which of the following activities you have undertaken during the past five years by ticking the appropriate box and by providing details of your involvement. You should tick all relevant categories.
Within the last five years I have been politically active, and as follows:
Obtained office as a Local Councillor, District / County Councillor, MP,
MEP, MLA, etc. Please state:
Canvassed on behalf of a party or helped at elections,please state:
Undertaken any other political activity which you consider relevant
Made a recordable donation to a political party[1]
I have not carried out any of the activities listed above in the
last five years (please place a cross in the box)
15. Check List
Please tick items below to make sure you have included/completed the following documents when sending:
1. A covering letter / 6. Potential or Actual Conflictsof Interest
2. A CV / 7. Data Protection consent
3. Candidates Summary Form / 8. Diversity Monitoring Form
4. References / 9. Political Activity Questionnaire
5. Declaration of Public
Appointments Held / 10. Consent to receive information
on other appointment Opportunities
16. The Seven Principles of Public Life
In 1995, the Committee on Standards in Public Life defined seven principles, which should underpin the actions of all who serve the public in any way.
Consistent with the Commissioner’s Code of Practice, applicants will be assessed on merit, and all candidates for public appointment will need to uphold the standards of conduct set out in the Seven Principles of Public Life. These will be tested as part of the selection process and the selection Panel must satisfy itself that all candidates for appointments can meet these standards; which are:
Holders of Public Office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or other friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
Carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
[1]The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 requires the Electoral Commission to publish a register of recordable donations (donations from any individual totalling more than £5,000 in any calendar year, or more than £1,000 if made to a subsidiary accounting unit such as a constituency association, local branch, women’s or youth organisation). These provisions became effective from 16 February 2001.