Introduction to Chemistry and Physics - Fall 2008
Governor Thomas Johnson HS
Mr. Rippeon
240-236-8200 ext 68314
In Introduction to Chemistry and Physics, ICP, we will study the basic properties of matter and energy and the interrelationship between the two. We will investigate the structure of atoms, how atoms bond to form new substances, why the Periodic Table is arranged the way it is, how matter is classified, how and why things move, how energy changes from one form to another, the behavior of waves (especially light and sound) and the basics of magnetism and electric circuitry. All other honors level science classes build upon the content of this course. Successful completion of this course helps to ensure your success in all subsequent science courses. We will use a very challenging text titled “Conceptual Physical Science” by Paul G. Hewitt. Specific information as to the curriculum of this course can be obtained at
Career Pathway
The ICP curriculum is most suited to steer students along the Industrial Engineering and Technology career pathway. Students seeking these careers will present themselves as viable candidates for employment if they have an extensive knowledge of both the physical and chemical properties of numerous materials, a strong math background, accurate perceptions of physical and chemical phenomena, and a reliable procedure for methodically solving all sorts of diverse problems.
Academic Level Description
Honors courses are designed for students who generally exceed the objectives and expectations of the essential curriculum, both in terms of content knowledge and application. Coursework includes a balance of concrete and abstract material, with a an emphasis on both teacher-directed and independent work. Successful completion of Honors ICP coursework will prepare students for entry into Honors Chemistry and Honors Physics.
Classroom Expectations/ Student Responsibilities
1. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings
2. Follow the directions the first time given (essential during lab work)
3. Bring your notebook , ID card and student planner to class each day.
(You may not leave class without your ID)
4. Cell Phones off and out of sight.
5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Respect yourself, your classmates and your teacher.
- Simple warning
- 30 second conference after class
- Thirty minute detention – either lunch or after school
- Parent Contact
- Office referral/Removal from class pending parent conference
If a more severe behavior occurs, the order of consequences will not be followed and the school’s overall discipline policy will “take over.”
You are expected to be on time and seated at the start of class, otherwise you are late. We will be proceeding in this course fairly quickly. If you are absent, you should see the teacher the day you return to determine what work will be required to “catch up”. You will have two days to make up work and five days to make up a test or quiz. Any work not made up in that time, or missed due to an unexcused absence will receive a zero.
1. BOTH pen and pencil (please don’t use any outlandish colors, as these are irritating
to the eye and to the person marking the paper)
2. Notebook , I would suggest that you have a section for labs, one for notes and a section for daily work.
All assigned work should be completed prior to the beginning of class.Lab sheets are provided for most labs. It is imperative that you read each lab prior to beginning to work on the lab. This is necessary both for safety reasons and if you hope to gain anything from the lab. Please be sure you understand the instructions prior to starting the lab. There is no reason to do “Cookbook Science”, by that I mean blindly following instructions from one step to the next with no idea what is coming next.
This is the single most important issue in this course. There will be times during the year when we will be working with a variety of potentially hazardous materials, as well as in contact with things in the room. There is absolutely no reason why you should be in any danger, provided everyone follows instructions and works carefully. Unsafe actions would result in hazards to that person AND others around them. Therefore, persons whose actions suggest that they cannot act in a responsible manner will not be allowed in the lab.
(However, if you are curious, and your idea poses no danger, I will be happy to try most anything, within reason.)
LABSEach quarter, roughly eight to ten labs will be collected at random to be marked. Most labs will be on a scale of one to ten(with a few marked from 1 to 20)
Late labs are accepted at a penalty of 10% per day
NOTE: any lab receiving a mark of less than nine may be resubmitted for additional credit,(up to a 9), any time prior to the test on that material. The first resubmission of the lab must be in two days after the lab is returned to the student, and additional resubs can continue at a reasonable pace after that. Any lab not resubbed by the test on that material will lose any possibility for earning additional points. It will be in your best interest to do your very best on the initial submission, both in order to earn a mark of ten, and to avoid having as much work in resubs. The resubs are for your benefit, in order to learn the material. However, please note that you will be expected to stay within certain time constraints.
HOMEWORK will occasionally be checked for completeness or corrected for a grade.
VALUES OF EACH CATEGORY Tests 40% Labs 40%Quizzes 10% Homework 10%
Extra help will be available. I will be at school every day between 6:30 6:45 AM (dependent upon the behavior of my kids) In addition, I will be available during your lunch shift and after school each day until at least 3 PM.
Please realize that scheduling conflicts do happen, and that letting me know you are coming is the best way to be sure I am here. Feel free to stop by any time I’m free. However, if you come unannounced, please don’t be upset if I am already working with someone else.
It is a guiding principle of my classes that each of you become more effective problem solvers, seeking to reconcile your own questions and to stretch your own limits. It is my hope that during the course of the year, you will not be forced to memorize a great deal of information, rather that you will be thinking about, questioning and testing every new idea as it comes along.
I will do everything I can to help you succeed. Feel free to bring to my attention any way in which you feel that I might better help the class to gain an understanding of the material, and if it is feasible, I will seek to implement the idea.
Please clip and retain the following information
Parents may reach me by phone at (240) 236-8314 or by email at
I check my email regularly, so that would probably be the best method by which to reach me
Mr. RippeonGTJHS Science
Student Name
By signing this page, I indicate that I have read, understand and will follow the guidelines and rules necessary for success in Mr. Rippeon’s Introduction to Chemistry and Physics class.
The parent or guardian’s signature indicates that they have also read and understand the student’s responsibilities in this course, the resources available for help and the method by which the grade will be determined.
Student Signature
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Date ______
Parent email address or preferred method of contact
Student is to return this sheet to Mr. Rippeon by Wednesday of the first week of school.