40 questions

Listening Comprehension – The Logical Answer

Listen to the short conversation. Then answer the question that follows and choose the most appropriate situation for using the phrase.You will hear the dialogue twice.

(DOK 2) NM.IL.3 – I can recognize and sometimes understand words and phrases that I have learned for specific purposes.

____1.What would the client like to have?

a. / a croissant / c. / ice cream
b. / an omelette / d. / hot dog

____2.What type of food does the client NOT eat?

a. / meat / c. / vegetables
b. / Italian food / d. / a hamburger

____3.How does the boy feel?

a. / tired / c. / thirsty
b. / hungry / d. / bored

____4.What did the client order?

a. / only something to eat / c. / something to eat and drink
b. / only something to drink

____5.What does the person order to drink?

a. / a glass of orange juice / c. / a glass of cranberry juice
b. / a glass of apple juice / d. / a glass of grape juice

What is the question?

You will hear a short question. Select the most logical response to the question.


a. / oui, s’il vous plait / c. / je voudrais un sandwich au fromage
b. / ça coûte 30 euros


a. / non, merci / c. / Je n’aime pas les crêpes
b. / Un coca-cola s’il vous plait


a. / Oui, j’ai faim / c. / Oui, il fait beau
b. / Je voudrais une limonade s’il vous plaît


a. / Oui, j’ai froid / c. / Ça coûte 50 euros
b. / Je voudrais un croissant


a. / Oui, je vais bien / c. / La salade est petite
b. / 20 euros s’il vous plait


a. / C’est délicieux / c. / Voilà la glace
b. / Ça coûte 15 euros

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best option according to the menu below (Questions 12-15)

(DOK 2) NM.IR.2 – I can recognize words, phrases, and characters when I associate them with things I already know (repeat).

____12.What is a dessert you can get for under 6 Euros?

a. / Chocolate cake / c. / Pudding
b. / Cheese platter

____ 13. What are some drinks available?

a. / Milk, coffee, and tea / c. / Tea, Pepsi, and apple juice
b. / Coffee, juice, and wine

____ 14. Which appetizer is more expensive?

a. / Salad with tomatoes / c. / Mushrooms
b. / Goose liver

____ 15. Which main dish comes with “les frites”?

a. / the sandwich / c. / the hamburger
b. / the fish

Choose the best option according to the menu below (Questions 16-19)

Terrine de foie gras de canard maison et chutney de mangue / 12.00 €
Tartare de saumon et gingembre rose japonais / 10.90 €
Fricassée de champignons au beurre persillé / 9.90 €
Croustillant de chèvre au miel et à la menthe fraîche / 11.50 €
Cheeseburger sauce Thousand Island pommes country «maison» / 16.90 €
Emincé de magret de canard a la poire caramélisée / 17.20 €
Tartare de boeuf préparé par nos soins, pommes country «maison» et salade verte / 15.50 €
Entrecôte de 220 grammes,pommes country et salade verte / 18.20 €
L’Italienne: Julienne de carottes, betteraves crues, melon et jambon Serrano / 14.90 €
La César: Salade croquante, oeuf dur, parmesan, croûtons et émincés de poulet pané / 14.50 €
Nage de fruits de saison / 8.50 €
Crème brûlée à la pomme caramélisée / 8.40 €
Coeur coulant au chocolat noir «Valrhona», glace vanille / 8.50€
Sabayon aux fruits rouges gratins / 8.50 €
Tiramisu aux fraises / 8.20 €
Coupe de glaces (trois boules) Vanille, fraise, chocolat, pistache, citron et framboise / 7.40 €
Thé noir / 4.90 €
Café Florio / 5.20 €
Eau Minérale (150 mL) / 3.60 €
Limonade, citronnade (200 mL) / 4.50 €

____ 16. Which appetizer is the least expensive?

a. / Salmon / c. / Goat cheese
b. / Cooked mushrooms

____ 17. One type of main dish served is what?

a. / Fish / c. / Beef
b. / Pasta

____ 18. How many scoops of ice cream do you get?

a. / 4 / c. / 3
b. / 2

____ 19. What main dish can you get with a side salad?

a. / Beef / c. / Chicken
b. / Fish

Multiple Choice – The Right Choice

Complete the following sentences to describe what the person prefers. Be sure that you select the answer with the correct form of the verb to prefer.

(DOK 2) NL.PS.3 – I can introduce myself to a group.

____20. Mon ami ______

a. / Ils préfèrent la salade / c. / Vous préférez la salade
b. / Nous préférons la salade / d. / Il préfère la salade

____21. Julien ______

a. / Il préfère le hamburger / c. / Ils préfèrent le hamburger
b. / Elle préfère le hamburger / d. / Je préfère le hamburger

____22. Je ______

a. / Je préfère le dessert / c. / Je préfères le dessert
b. / Je préfèrent le dessert / d. / Je préférez le dessert

____23. Tu ______

a. / Tu préfère le jambon / c. / Tu préfères le jambon
b. / Tu préférons le jambon / d. / Tu préfère le jambon

(DOK 2) Complete the following sentences by selecting the correct form of the verb “to be” and the adjective that best matches the food being described.

Example: The fish ______

a. are salty

b. is salty

____24.Les frites ______

a. / sont salées / c. / est salé
b. / sont salé / d. / est salée

____25. La glace ______

a. / est sucré / c. / sont sucré
b. / est sucrée / d. / sont sucrées

____26. Le gâteau ______

a. / est bon / c. / sont bon
b. / est bons / d. / sont bons

____27. Les citrons ______

a. / sont aigre / c. / est aigre
b. / sont aigres / d. / est aigres

(DOK 1) Select the price of the item in French that corresponds to the written price below.

____28. La pizza 4,56 €

a. / Ça coûte quatre euros cinquante-six / c. / Ça coûte six euros cinquante-six
b. / Ça coûte cinq euros quarante-six / d. / Ça coûte quatre euros soixante-six

____29. La tarte 7,94 € ______

a. / Ça coûte quatre euros quatre-vingt-quatre / c. / Ça coûte sept euros quatre-vingt-quatorze
b. / Ça coûte sept euros quatre-vingt-seize / d. / Ça coûte huit euros quatre-vingt-dix-six

____30. Le chocolat chaud 5,61 € ______

a. / Ça coûte sept euros soixante et un / c. / Ça coûte cinq euros soixante et un
b. / Ça coûte quatre euros soixante et un / d. / Ça coûte cinq euros soixante et onze

____31. Le poulet 9,15 € ______

a. / Ça coûte neuf euros cinq / c. / Ça coûte huit euros cinq
b. / Ça coûte huit euros quinze / d. / Ça coûte neuf euros quinze

Cultural Awareness

Choose the correct answer for each of the following culture questions: a, b, or c

(DOK 1) N.CIA.1 – I can imitate some simple patterns of behavior in familiar settings across cultures.

____ 32. Where does it usually cost more to eat in a café in France?

a. / Outside / c. At a big table
b. / Inside

____ 33. How much would you typically tip a waiter?

a. / 10% / c. 15%
b. / No tips are necessary. It is included.

____ 34. To be seated inside at a café you typically do what?

a. / Call and make a reservation / c. Wait to be seated
b. / Take your own seat

____ 35. A set menu of the day in France comes with

a. / A drink and main dish / c. A drink, main dish, and dessert
b. / An appetizer, salad, main dish and dessert

____ 36. You typically order what to eat after the main dish, before dessert in France?

a. / a drink / c. a side dish
b. / a salad

What would you say?

Select the appropriate way of asking or saying the following

(DOK 1) N.CIA.3 – I can use memorized languages, and very basic cultural knowledge to accomplish simple, routine tasks.

____ 37. If you want to know how something tastes

a. / Comment est-ce? / c. Combien est-ce?
b. / Qu’est-ce que c’est?

____ 38. If you want the bill

a. / Le service est compris? / c. L’addition s’il vous plaît?
b. / Ça coûte combien?

____ 39. If you want the waiter’s attention

a. / Hé, viens! / c. Service garçon!
b. / Excusez-moi monsieur!

____ 40. If you want to know how much something costs

a. / Combien est-ce? / c. Qui est-ce?
b. / Comment est-ce?

Name______Class Period_____

Writing Comprehension


(DOK 2) NM.PW.3 – I can list my daily activities and write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.

You are going to stay with a friend in Paris and he wants to know what foods you like, dislike and what your preferences are so they can know what to make for you. Make a list of 8 different foods and share with him different adjectives describing the food (at least 4).

Food / Adjective

(Aimer) / C’est …


(N’aimer pas)

(N’aimer pas)



(Ne Préférer pas)

(Ne Préférer pas)

*Note: feel free to add any other words you would like. You are being graded on content, not necessarily spelling, but do your best.

Objectives tested with passports:

NM.IC.4 – I can make some simple statements in a conversation.

Answer Sheet


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C

  1. B

  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A

Writing: NM.PW.3 – Answers will vary

Listening Script

Question 1:

  • What would you like?
  • I would like ice cream please.

Question 2:

  • Do you want steak?
  • No thank you. I am vegetarian
  • What would you like to eat?
  • A pizza please.

Question 3:

  • Are you thirsty?
  • No I am hungry.
  • What do you want to eat?
  • Give me a burger please.

Question 4:

  • What is the total please?
  • Two Euros for the lemonade and one for the sandwich.

Question 5:

  • Do you want orange juice?
  • No thank you, I prefere apple.

Questions 6-11

  • What do you prefer to eat?
  • What do you prefer to drink?
  • Are you thirsty?
  • Are you hungry?
  • What is the total?
  • How is the ice cream?