Swindon, 7/12/2017
The Government’s newly-unveiled industrial strategy provides important signals about where fleets may be heading in the medium-long terms, says Arval.
The document, released last week, named the “future of mobility” as one of four “grand challenges” facing Britain in the 21st century.
It states that the country should aim to become a world leader in transport through innovations in engineering, technology and business models. The UK’s road network “could dramatically reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants (while) congestion could be reduced through higher-density use of road space enabled by automated vehicles.”
Mike Waters, Head of Insight at Arval, said: “It is clear that what the Government envisages is a future for road transport – both people and goods – that makes maximum use of low emissions technology and, if not fully autonomous vehicles, then something close to them.
“This is a vision that, while not unexpected, shows the level of ambition that exists at the highest level. To bring about the kind of transport infrastructure being envisaged would require fundamental changes in everything from the fuel used by vehicles to how they are used.
“The question now is how the Government plans to bring this about. Generally, the industrial strategy itself has been warmly received. Now we must see what additional steps are introduced to help make the Grand Challenges a reality.”
Mike added that there were signs in the Budget that the Government is beginning to introduce some measures that will help contribute towards this future vision.
“The £400m earmarked for the Charging Infrastructure Fund is a positive step in making EVs more of a practical proposition for all users and continued moves in this direction will, if maintained, help to have a substantial impact on vehicle emissions.
“The Government itself is leading by example in this area by stating an aim of ensuring that 25% of all of its fleet vehicles will be ULEVs by 2022.”
Mike said that, with a backdrop of major change for the UK, it was vital that fleets were given a clear indication towards the Government’s longer term vision.
“We are clearly living through changing times with a higher than normal degree of uncertainty. Working with a wide range of fleets, we are helping to create innovative short-medium term strategies that minimise risk and maximise efficiency taking advantage of the unpredictable context.
“However, it is also essential to be able to look to where we may be in 10 or 20 years or further into the future and see how fleet operations are likely to develop. It is important that we are able to sit down with customers and provide a considered view and practical insight.”
About Arval UK
Arval UK, part of the Arval Group, is a leader in the provision of vehicle funding and fleet management solutions. Owned by BNP Paribas, with substantial buying power, we have 40 years of industry experience and fund more than 160,000 cars and vans. Focused on service quality, Arval UK is a people-led company, with specialist teams dedicated to businesses from start-ups to FTSE 100 companies. Arval continues to invest significantly in technology to improve fleet efficiency and has a comprehensive range of products and services covering funding solutions including contract hire, vehicle maintenance, fuel management, accident management, breakdown recovery, short and medium term hire, insured lease vehicles, full outsourcing and consultancy services. arval.co.uk
About Arval:
Founded in 1989 and fully owned by BNP Paribas, Arval specialises in full service vehicle leasing. Arval offers its customers – large international corporates, SMEs and professionals – tailored solutions that optimise their employees’ mobility and outsource the risks associated with fleet management. Expert advice and service quality, which are the foundations of Arval’s customer promise, are delivered in 28 countries by over 6,000 employees. Arval’s total leased fleet adds up to 1,000,000 vehicles throughout the world. Arval is a founding member of the Element-Arval Global Alliance, the longest standing strategic alliance in the fleet management industry and the worldwide leader with 3 million vehicles in nearly 50 countries. Within BNP Paribas, Arval belongs to the Retail Banking core activity. www.arval.com
About BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas has a presence in 75 countries with more than 185,000 employees, including 145,000 in Europe. It ranks highly in its two core activities: Retail Banking & Services (comprised of Domestic Markets and International Financial Services) and Corporate & Institutional Banking. In Europe, the Group has four domestic markets (Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg) and BNP Paribas Personal Finance is the leader in consumer lending. BNP Paribas is rolling out its integrated retail banking model across Mediterranean basin countries, in Turkey, in Eastern Europe and a large network in the western part of the United States. In its Corporate & Institutional Banking and International Financial Services activities, BNP Paribas also enjoys top positions in Europe, a strong presence in the Americas and solid and fast-growing businesses in Asia-Pacific. bnpparibas.com
Graham Nichols - – 01793 884453 / 07966 129 309
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