Letterreceived from Mr Tragardh (11 June 2013)

As aretired GM Holden executive and sent on behalf of other retiredGM Holden executives, I would like a commitment to review the current practice of converting left hand drive enthusiast’s vehicles

Current situation

You can import and register left hand drive special interest vehicles in Australia from 15 years and older, depending on which state you live in (in Vic it is 25 years club plates/30 years full registration).

Newer left hand drive special interest vehicles (must be registered overseas), can be imported and registered however these need to be converted to right hand drive under the RAWS scheme. I would not trust anyone cutting/joining wiring in today’s high tech vehicles, and no converter can guarantee if air bags will deploy correctly. The cost of such conversions can run from $30,000 to $40,000.

Australia is the only country left in the world not to allow “best practice” of allowing registration of left hand drive special interest vehicles. There is no study in the world showing driving a left hand vehicle with right hand drive cars causes any safety issues.

Even in England, which our road system was basedon, allows for registration of left hand drive vehicles.

Last year the New Zealand Government changes their laws to allow for the registration of special interest left hand drive vehicles. See attached website. Special interest vehicles being 2 door coupes and convertibles (no 4 door passenger cars).

Previously NZ had a requirement the same as Australia for the conversion of late model left hand drive vehicles.

I believe the applicable design rule covering this situation in Australia is ADR 42/04


Why am I discriminated against, when I can register an older car, and not a safe special interest left hand drive car.

Regulations need to be changed to allow special interest vehicles (irrespective of age), which are not marketed in Australia by manufacturers, to be registered left hand drive in Australia.

If some one still wants their car converted they can still do so (as per the current situation with older cars).

Can you please advise when this ADR will be reviewed

Hope you can see the sense in my argument to get this out of date rule changed.

Looking forward to your positive response.


Wayne Tragardh