By Felix Redmill A new book on free download!

Tamworth, Staffs, 27thApril 2015

Software Projects: Evolutionary vs Big Banghas been launched as a free PDF download. The book that was ahead of its time when Wiley first published is now even more relevant as more companies dive into Agile methods. It is based on Felix Redmill’s pioneering experience as a development manager. This edition has been re-typeset with all new diagrams. There is also a video interview with the author.

Phaedrus Systems will be giving away a signed hardcopy of the book at each of the four Device Developers Conferences in May and June.

The book can be downloaded freely as a PDF from


"Experienced readers will not agree with every opinion in this book; but they will agree with enough that they will respect the experience and the intellect that have formed the opinions with which they disagree, and they will benefit from having their ideas challenged."

Martyn Thomas CBE FREng FRSA (Martyn was a founder of Praxis and a former partner in Deloitte Consulting. He is now entirely independent.)

"Amid the hoopla over 'Agile', the re-publication of this book feels particularly timely and welcome. It offers solid and hard-won advice from evolutionary projects that is still as relevant today as it was two decades ago. In particular, the material on project planning, preparation and the importance of business strategy in managing change should be required reading for anyone considering a more 'Agile development approach. Miss this book at your peril." Dr Roderick Chapman, Director, Protean Code Limited and Honorary Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of York (Rod specialises in safety- and security-critical systems, from requirements engineering, to verification, audit and assessment. Formerly at Praxis Rod is now independant see:

I am really glad to see this book reappear. I don't know if a more modern generation will take any more notice but they should. The dissemination of real experience in building systems that work and fail is essential to any progress in software engineering because it is not a precise science - it is much more suited to apprenticeship than it is to pedagogy. I hope you enjoy the book now as I did then; it's every bit as relevant today." Les Hatton CEO, Oakwood Computing Associates Ltd Emeritus Professor of Forensic Software Engineering Kingston University.

"It is a pleasure to recommend this book as a major contribution to our practical understanding of the Evolutionary Delivery project management method. It is rich with insights and practical advice which should help the practicing manager, as well as the initial student of the method." Tom Gilb (Tom is the author of nine books, and hundreds of papers on Project Management & Product Development. )

Notes for Editors


Chris Hills, CTO


Tel: +44 (0)1827 259546

About Felix Redmill

For 25 years Felix has been a consultant in project management and in risk management for safetycritical systems. Before that, he spent more than 20 years in industry, as engineer and manager. He started as a programmer and progressed to systems analyst, development manager, project manager, and system strategist. Evolutionary vs. Big-bang Delivery is based on his pioneering experience as a Development Manager.

He has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computation from London University and UMIST, is a Chartered Engineer and a FIET FBCS.

He has presented and published widely on aspects of safety and risk management, and, on behalf of EWICS TC7 , he edited two volumes of Guidelines, which influenced the development of IEC61508. A founder member of the Safety Critical Systems Club in 1991 he continues, after 24 years, to edit the Club’s Newsletter. He provides short training courses in Project Management, Risk-based Testing, and Requirements Engineering.

About Phaedrus Systems

Phaedrus Systems is the UK’s leading specialist in the support of engineers at all stages of embedded safety-critical and high-integrity projects. Tools available include requirements capture for IEC 61508, EN 50128 and nuclear applications; requirements tracking and competency tools; estimation software; SIL3 RTOS; hi-rel embedded database; compiler validation reports and reliability/failure software. Consultants have experience working on automotive, rail and aerospace applications, meeting standards such as IEC 61508 SIL4, and D0178B. Backing these is a wide range of other relevant embedded tools.

Phaedrus Systems is based in Tamworth, Staffordshire. More information is available on the website

About JAGraphics
JAGraphics is the publishing arm of Phaedrus Systems. It will be extending its range of technical books during the year. JAGraphics is based in Tamworth, Staffordshire. More information is available on the website
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