Five Themes of Geography Study Guide

To prepare for your Five Themes of Geography Test on Thursday, September 21st answer the questions on this study guide.

1.  What is the definition of Absolute Location?

2.  What is the definition of Relative Location?

3.  What is the definition of Place?

4.  What is the definition of Movement?

5.  What is the definition of Region?

6.  What is the definition of Human-Environment Interaction?

7.  What is an example of each of the Five Themes?

8.  Label each each with one of the Five Themes:
“Before World War I, many people travelled to Detroit for jobs” ______
“Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin all share The Great Lakes”______
“The Panama Canal was built by digging through swamps in hot, humid weather” ______
“Comerica Park is located at 2100 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan” ______
“The Petsmart in Allen Park often has adorable, fuzzy cats for adoption.” ______

Five Themes of Geography Study Guide

To prepare for your Five Themes of Geography Test on Thursday, September 21st answer the questions on this study guide.

1.  What is the definition of Absolute Location?

2.  What is the definition of Relative Location?

3.  What is the definition of Place?

4.  What is the definition of Movement?

5.  What is the definition of Region?

6.  What is the definition of Human-Environment Interaction?

7.  What is an example of each of the Five Themes?

8.  Label each each with one of the Five Themes:
“Before World War I, many people travelled to Detroit for jobs” ______
“Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin all share The Great Lakes”______
“The Panama Canal was built by digging through swamps in hot, humid weather” ______
“Comerica Park is located at 2100 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan” ______
“The Petsmart in Allen Park often has adorable, fuzzy cats for adoption.” ______