Cwmnedd Primary


Chair of Governing Body: Mrs. Rita Evans

Head teacher: Mr. A. Herbert

Annual report of the governing body.

This report covers the period September 2012 to August 2013

Composition of the Governing Body

Chair of Governors: Mrs. Rita Evans c/o Cwmnedd Primary School

Name / Term of Office
Head teacher / Mr. A. Herbert / 01.09.12 – 01.09.16
Governors Appointed by the LEA: / Vacancy
Mr. E. Jones / 01.09.12 – 01.09.16
Mrs. Janet Gregory / 01.05.11 – 01.05.15
Governors Appointed by the Minor Authority: / Mr. Clive Harris / 01.09.12 – 01.09.16
Parent Governors
Mr. Richard Knoyle / 01.11.11 – 01.11.15
Mrs. Rhian McEachen
Mr. Paul Wilson / 01.11.11 – 01.11.15
01.01.13 – 01.01.17
Mrs. Nicola Davies / 01.09.10 – 01.09.14
Teacher Governor / Mr. Chris Horrell / 01.09.10 - 01.09.14
Staff Governor / Miss Helen Rosser / 01.09.11 – 01.09.15
Co-opted Governors / Mr. Malcolm Scott / 01.04.12 – 01.04.16
Mrs. Rita Evans / 01.09.10 – 01.09.14
Mr. Gareth Thomas / 01.04.11 – 01.04.15
Contact Person at County Level / Mr. Andre Mundy
Clerk to the Governors / Mrs. Sue Horrell
C/o Cwmnedd Primary School

1. Meeting of Full Governing Body

Governors meet as a minimum requirement termly and discuss matters relating to the school, which include its management, day to day running, premises, the curriculum, the Head teacher's termly report and other such matters that may be brought to their attention. The Head teacher's report is a comprehensive termly report including details of children on roll, deployment of teaching and non-teaching staff, the curriculum, progress on the School Improvement Plan, educational visits, visitors to the school, premises and general management issues.

Targets – The Governing Body fully support the implementation of the School Improvement Plan and set Performance Management targets for the Headteacher. These targets are in line with the Headteacher’s continuing professional development and complement the School Improvement Plan.

2. Subcommittees

Each committee of the Governing Body has adopted full terms of reference which they adhere to. The following is a list of committees.

i.  Personnel & Finance

ii.  Premises Subcommittee

iii. Curriculum Subcommittee

iv. Appointments Subcommittee

v. Disciplinary Committee

vi.  Staff Dismissal Committee

vii.  Appeals Committee

viii.  Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher Appointments Subcommittee

Governor responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Child Protection – Mrs. Rita Evans

Governor responsibility for Health and Safety – Mr. Gareth Thomas

Governor responsibility for Disability/Non-Discrimination – Mr. Eddie Jones

Governor responsibility for Attendance – Mr. Paul Wilson

Governor responsibility for Data – Mr. Chris Horrell

Correspondence to Governors – any correspondence to the Chair or Clerk of the Governing Body can be addressed to the school where it will be passed on appropriately.

3. Staffing

For the academic year 2012 - 2013 the staffing was as follows:

Head teacher / Mr. A. Herbert / Caretaker / Mr. Nigel Harris
Deputy Head teacher / Mrs. Janine Mundy
Teaching Staff: / Mr. C. Horrell / Cleaners / Mrs. J. Rees
Mrs. G Herbert / Mrs. T. Crosby
Mr. L. Wallis / Mrs. H. Nation
Mrs. C. Barfoot
Miss G. Loaring
Mrs. V. Quinn
Lunch Time / Mrs. D. Price
Supervisory / Mrs. P Venn
Assistants / Mrs. A. Rosser
Mrs. M. Allen
Teaching Assistants / Mrs. N. Gnojek / Mrs. T. Crosby
Mrs. C. Shulver
Miss K. Nation / Cook / Mrs. H. Jones
Miss H. Rosser / (New Street)
Mrs. A. Keenan
Mrs P. Morris
Mrs. N. Siddley / Assistant Cooks / Mrs. M. Rees
Miss. L Kemble / Mrs. D. Williams
Mrs. G. Davies
Admin. Officer / Mrs. J. Harris

School Organization

Pupils are placed in classes of either single or mixed age groups. All classes contain children of all abilities and placement in mixed age classes is not determined by ability or birthdays but rather by providing as effective a balance as possible within each class. The class structure for 2012-13 was as follows:

Class / Provision / Current Class Size
Nursery a.m. / Teacher + NNEB + TA / 21
Nursery p.m. / NNEB + TA / 18
(by end of the year)
Reception / Teacher + 2.5 TA’s / 33
Year 1 / Teacher + TA / 21
Year 2 / Teacher + TA / 17
Year 3/4 / Teacher + TA (am only) / 26
Year 4/5 / Teacher +TA (am only) / 25
Year 5/6 / Teacher / 29

School Prospectus – the School Prospectus is updated annually to reflect the changes that are being carried out in the school. A paper copy is available on request from parents and is also available on the school website.

4. Admission Arrangements


Children are admitted to Nursery on or after their third birthday. Parents are invited to visit the nursery with the child prior to admission. In September 2013 it is anticipated that there will be one Nursery session in the morning and one in the afternoon. Children who turn 3 during the school year, will enter the school’s afternoon Nursery.

The County Borough Council is the Admissions Authority for all maintained Nursery Classes in Community Schools. Parents will be sent an application form from the Local Authority. Alternatively, parents can approach the head teacher of their preferred nursery school for an Admissions Application Form which the parent should complete and return to the Admissions Officer, Pupil Parent and Support Section, Port Talbot Civic Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ.

Many children attend Helping Hands, the privately run pre-school play group, held in the demountable classroom at New Street from 11:30am – 3:00pm. There is also an After School Club run by Helping Hands for children aged 4-11 which is available from 3:00pm – 5:00pm.

Full Time:

For those children who will be entering full time school, the County Borough Council is the Admissions Authority for all maintained Community Infant, Junior, Primary and Secondary Schools.

All admissions to mainstream schools are approved by the Admissions Officer. Children are admitted to reception classes in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents will be sent an application form from the Local Authority. Alternatively, parents can approach the head teacher of their preferred school for an Admissions Application Form which the parent should complete and return to the Admissions Officer, Pupil Parent and Support Section, Port Talbot Civic Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ. All parents of pupils due to transfer from Nursery to Reception at the end of the academic year will be sent an Admissions Application Form by the authority during the Autumn Term. Children will receive an offer of a place at Cwmnedd during the Spring Term prior to the September. Parents have the right to accept or reject the offer.

Attendance at a Nursery Class does not automatically entitle a child to a reception class place in the same school, neither does attendance at a primary school automatically entitle a child to a place at the partner comprehensive school.

Meetings are arranged for parents of reception aged children prior to their admission to discuss their child and how their needs can be best met at Cwmnedd, as well as to inform the parents of the day to day routine of the school.

5. Parental Involvement

Parents are invited to work alongside teachers in a variety of ways, reading, sewing, cooking, design technology, as well as joining in out of school activities such as sport. The school is continually looking at new ways to involve parents in the education of their children, which will assist in providing a greater breadth and depth to the quality of education we offer. Parents are invited to class assemblies and services as they arise throughout the year.

“Learning Logs” have been introduced throughout the school in order to develop clear communication with parents on pupil development and targets.

Questionnaires are provided to all parents every other year so that we can gather their views on the school and take on board any issues and concerns they may have. Responses received have been analyzed by the Headteacher and the Governing Body and shared with the staff, so the school can continue to develop and improve. The Headteacher also meets informally with a small group of parents, to discuss their views on the school and to examine ways to move the school forward.

All new volunteer helpers have to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check if they work with children.

The Governing Body wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to all parents and helpers who work for the benefit of our school and our children.

6. School & College Work Experience

The school remains a training centre for students following Child Care NVQ courses from Neath College. We also take child care students from Millands Roads Training Centre and Rathbones Agency as well students from Llangatwg and other comprehensive schools who spend a period of work experience at the school. The school maintains its partnerships with Swansea University as a training school for student teachers.

7. Community Involvement

The school has continued to make progress in community involvement. Members of the community have been invited to come into the school to talk with the children, work alongside them and attend concerts and other school events. The school aims to be a centre of the community, helping to provide a focal point in the community through its activities. The school continues to use the local environment as an integral part of its learning experiences. The school takes part in local concerts and events and maintains its links with Glynneath Training Centre. This year pupils have once again been able to utilize the computer suite at the Training Centre. Furthermore, the Training Centre has provided gardener, Chris Day for a third year to work alongside the pupils in developing their own class vegetable patches. Furthermore, Mr. Day is now able to work with the pupils in our new polytunnel. The polytunnel has been match funded by John Pearce haulage company.

Our pupils have undertaken a litter pick within the community as part of their Eco-Schools targets, while the pond in the nature garden is now complete as a result of working in partnership with the Community Wildlife Action Group.

8. Lettings

The Governing Body has considered applications and allowed lettings to the Glynneath Cubs Football Teams, Cwmgwrach and Glynneath Rugby Clubs, Helping Hands, Glynneath Adult Training Centre and Weight Watchers. This effectively means that the school is booked to local groups most evenings during the winter months. The demountable classroom is currently being used as an out of school child care facility (Helping Hands), the barn utilised for netball, football and rugby and the school hall is used for community dance classes.

9. Assessment and Target Setting

The results of end of Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments from the Summer Term 2013, are attached to the end of this report though naturally individual children are not identified. The latest all-Wales assessment information is also included for comparison.

All children undergo a Baseline Assessment on starting Nursery. This provides a starting point which enables us to monitor and plan progress. Targets for improvements are set by the staff. We believe that all targets need to be realistic and achievable and that effective target setting begins with the individual and as such we have set in place planned strategies to help achieve this. Targets have also been set in areas of Maths and English, by the administration and analysis of tests at Year 2 and above. Quantitative targets for the end of the Key Stages are also set. These targets are submitted to the LEA and reviewed annually.

10. School Reports

All parents receive an annual report on their child’s progress and achievements during the summer term. There are also two ‘official’ consultation sessions, the first in the Autumn Term and the second in the Spring Term. The school practices an open door policy and parents are invited to come at any time, preferably at the end of the day, to discuss any concerns with the class teacher. (It is helpful if an appointment is made).

11. The Curriculum

The curriculum is organised and planned by the staff. All curriculum areas have both a whole school policy and Scheme of Work, which supplement and complement the National Curriculum. School policies are updated when required to ensure that practice is current and delivered appropriately within the school.

All policy documents are available at the school for parental inspection. A monitoring programme for the curriculum is in place.

Curriculum Implementation

Children work in classes of, at present, no more than a two year spread. In order to accommodate the National Curriculum and integrate it into a theme based approach, where appropriate, each class works on a two year cycle. Thus over a two year period each child will have covered all areas relevant to their age group in the Foundation Phase and over a four year period at Key Stage 2. Planning ensures that each child works at his/her individual level inside class groups, which are generally organised in age groups, though other factors such as friendships and ability are also borne in mind In all areas of the curriculum teachers planning takes into account the National Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks and the Key Skills of ICT and Thinking Skills.

Sustainable Development is a national and European priority and forms an essential part of our learning programme, teaching pupils to care for our environment in the local, national and worldwide perspectives. The school has an Eco-Council and in April 2005 it was awarded Eco School status. The school has achieved the Eco-Schools Platinum Award after renewing our Green Flag status for the fourth time. Cwmnedd also strives to promote healthy living through its curriculum and has successfully completed phase 5 of the Healthy Schools Award scheme.

12. Additional Learning Needs

Provision for Additional Learning Needs is made in accordance with recommendations made by the Education Authority. This includes the provision for children who hold a Statement for Special Educational Needs. There is no LEA designated class or a unit catering wholly or mainly for pupils with additional learning needs. At Cwmnedd, mainstream Statemented Support is given to statemented children as per statement. During 2012-13, 32 children were on the SEN register, 9 on School Action and 23 on School Action +. There are no children currently in receipt of a Statement of Special Educational Needs. Every child identified as having additional learning needs is assessed and assistance is provided. Full details of Additional Learning Needs provision is laid out in the LEA brochure.