UNIVERSITY / Q1 Are Library photocopying and printing services managed by
a)Library (self managed)
b)Facilities managed ie outsourced
c)University printery (or equivalent)
d)Other (please specify) / Q2 Does your University run an internal printery?
Adelaide University / Equipment is owned and managed by the Library, with all earned revenue retained by the Library. / The central print unit is managed by the Library. All earned revenue is retained by the Library. The central print unit does not undertake offset printing, and so outsources this work. Additionally, the University has identified two external printers which together with our printery are the three preferred suppliers.
Central Queensland University Library / Outsourced to Unicard. / Yes. The Division of Teaching and Learning runs a central printery primarily for distance education notes and resource guides. It also does general printing as well.
Charles Sturt University / Photocopying is self managed by the Library on library-owned equipment with earned income retained by the Library. Networked printing for library patrons is managed by the Library under a MOU with the university’s Division of Information Technology (DIT) which ensures consistent service to students using compatible equipment and charging identical prices for printed pages in the libraries and computing labs. The MOU covers the level of service which will be provided by the Library and by DIT. The Library leases and operates the printers; DIT supplies the infrastructure and print control software system and hardware (ie everything except the printers). DIT manages funds and distributes revenue to the Library on an agreed basis, after deducting agreed management charges. The Library provides b&w printing only. DIT provides high speed printing and colour printing. / Yes. A central facility provides print services to the whole University on a cost recovery basis, but it is required to compete with outside printeries, ie it is not compulsory to use the university printery. The bulk of its activities relate to the production of course packs, particularly for the high % of DE students at CSU. It also offers a graphic design service (fee based).
Deakin University / Library photocopying and printing is managed by Unicard (contract expires Nov. 2003). All equipment is leased. / Yes, run by Learning Services (of which the Library is part). Issues around charging etc are not straight forward. I could provide more details if necessary.
Flinders University / Library self managed / Yes. Over time its functions are being increasingly outsourced. It operates on a full cost recovery basis with the intention of being self funded. Units may choose to use the printery or go outside.
Griffith University / Library printing and copying services are self managed / The University has an internal printery called Uniprint. Elements have the option of taking print jobs outside the University as well. There have been recent discussions about transferring Uniprint to the Division of Information Services. We are also exploring a shared service model with QUT.
James Cook University / Equipment is owned and managed by the Library, with earned income retained by the Library. / Yes. A central Multimedia and Print Services facility provides printing facilities to all functional areas.
La Trobe University / Photocopying and network printing are managed by the Library at the Bundoora and Albury-Wodonga campuses; at Bendigo, the photocopying is managed by the central campus administration. At Bundoora there is a Copytex card system for use by non-University library users (major university card is managed by dept outside the library). At Bendigo, there is an alternate card system available for non-University library users. At Albury-Wodonga, a different system is employed and the library manages this for other departments on campus
The main university card system for the Bundoora and Bendigo campuses is managed by the Facilities & Services Division within the University. This comprises a smartcard with an electronic purse which can also be used for building access. A percentage of the income from this card is retained by the University. / Yes. At Bundoora – there is a central print services facility on campus, although we also use external commercial printers. At Bendigo – there is a printery which operates on a full cost recovery basis.
Lincoln University, New Zealand / Managed by the Library. Equipment is purchased by the Library, maintained by a service contract, income retained by the Library for reinvestment in staffing, replacement equipment, etc. Money for copying/printing university wide resides in three different accounts, only one of which (the smartcard chip) can be used for copying and printing in the Library. / Yes, but the contract for the Printery is outsourced, so some copying is done on campus, but most printing is sent away by the service providers to their other sites. The Printery services both staff and students, but sees its primary role as services to staff.
Macquarie University / Macquarie is self managed - photocopying equipment and card readers etc are leased and income retained by the Library.
/ Macquarie has a Printery much the same as UWS. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers but I could not guess at the volume.
Monash University / Equipment owned and managed by the Library, with earned income retained by the Library. / The University has its own print services division. Departments are charged for use in a similar fashion to UWS (cost plus mark up). There is also some use of outside commercial print companies.
Murdoch University / Equipment owned and managed by Library;
Earned income retained by Library / Yes, a central facility (Murdoch Print) provides services to all parts of the university, and students. They work in concert with UWA to cover load and specific services. Discussions are in progress between the Library and Murdoch Print to provide copying and printing services in a single facility within the Library building at the Rockingham Campus.
Northern Territory University / Facilities managed by Unicard / Yes. A central Print Services facility provides facilities to all functional areas. Costs plus an unspecified mark up are charged back to requesting areas. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers. Currently being reviewed though as it has not been a going concern for quite a while.
RMIT / Equipment is leased by library and service managed by the Library, with profit retained by the Library. / A central Print Services facility provides facilities to all functional areas. Costs plus an unspecified mark up are charged back to requesting areas. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers.
Southern Cross University / Managed by the Library. / Yes. Although some work is sent to external printers.
Swinburne University of Technology / The service is managed by the Library and the facilities are managed by Monitor. / Yes. Swinburne Press provides printing services to the university, including the production of course packs, office stationery and promotional material.
University of Ballarat / Equipment leased and managed by Library, with earned income retained by Library. / A central Printing Services facility provides printing facilities (networked high volume copiers plus an offset press) to all functional areas. Costs plus an unspecified mark up are charged back to requesting areas. Some areas send work out to commercial printers. Printing Services operates on cost recovery.
University of Melbourne / Photocopying and printing services are currently totally facilities managed by Bermel. / The University has a Design and Print Centre that provides services to the whole University.The Baillieu Library has a Copy Centre which provides services to all parts of the Information Division.
University of Newcastle / Equipment is leased. Inhouse dedicated service person is included in the leasing agreement to ensure all copiers are well maintained. Printing facilities are owned by the Library. Income from print and copy services is retained by the Division. / Yes. A central Print Services facility provides printing facilities to all functional areas. Costs plus an unspecified mark up are charged back to requesting areas. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers.
University of New England / The Library leases the copiers from Konica and manages them. The charging system for printing and photocopying is managed by the Union and uses the Monitor swipe system. The Library pays a per page amount to the Union and retains the remainder. / Yes. UNE Printery provides a centralised printing facility for all UNE areas and since GST was introduced, is a fully competitive printery operating on a full cost recovery basis. It produces the print materials for UNE’s large body of external students. Materials produced for internal UNE departments, faculties, etc is charged on a cost plus small margin basis. For UNE areas on-selling material and for outside clients, full costs plus a commercial margin is charged.
University of NSW / Facilities managed by Monitor / Yes. The printery also has a digitisation service. Fee-based, do not have any details about amount of mark up.
University of South Australia / Photocopying equipment leased and managed by University’s Document Services Unit.
Printing from networked PCs is a part of the University Print Quota system. Equipment purchased and maintained by the Library, but software and charges managed by University IT unit. Consumables shared between Library and IT. / Yes.
University of Southern Queensland / Equipment is owned and managed by the Student Guild. The Library receives some income in return for services – fixing minor machine problems, assisting students. / Yes. It is a major operation because of the scale of printing done for external study materials.
University of the Sunshine Coast / Outsourced to QUT SPSS service, with a royalty paid to USC Library / Yes. A central reprographic services facility reporting to Executive Director, Information Services provides printing facilities to all University core and non-core business and functional areas, and some services are provided to external clients including local schools, local authors, etc. University core business and functional areas are charged back for costs (not full costs), non core areas are charged back for costs plus marginal mark up, external clients are also charged back for costs and a mark up. Currently reviewing pricing structure. Some work is outsourced.
University of Sydney / The equipment is ownedby the Library, with service provided by Monitor. / Yes. The University does have a central printery, the University Printing Service which operates on cost recovery basis. They also operate the University Copy Centre which copies student course packs for sale to students.
University of Tasmania / Photocopying equipment is leased but managed by the Library although the money is in suspense account and is self-funding and must be spent on relevant expenses. Printing services are managed by Information technology Resources (not under Library), but money goes into same account as photocopying. Money is used to buy new printers and toner, etc. / Yes. Uniprint has offices in Hobart and Launceston and provides printing facilities to all functional areas. Charges are very reasonable. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers. A few years ago, there had been moves to privatise, but was staved off mainly due to the customers being happy with the quick turnaround and the willingness to print against very tight deadlines. Staff are a s bad as students in getting their printing requirements in early or on time!
University of Technology, Sydney / Facilities managed by Bear Solutions / Yes. A central Print Services facility provided printing facilities to all functional areas. Costs are charged back to requesting areas. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers.
University of Western Australia / Equipment owned and managed by Library, with earned income retained by Library; using a campus card that is administered by the Office of facilities Management. / Yes
University of Western Sydney / Equipment leased or owned;
Managed by Library;
Earned income retained by Library;
Using Monitor card reading equipment / A central Print Services facility provides facilities to all functional areas. Costs plus an unspecified mark up are charged back to requesting areas. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers.
University of Wollongong / Outsourced to BEAR Solutions / Yes. A central Print Services facility provides printing facilities to all functional areas - their charges are competitive with commercial rates.
Victoria University / Equipment is owned and managed by the Library, with earned income retained by the Library. / Yes. A central Print Services facility provides printing facilities to all functional areas. All costs are charged back to requesting areas. Some work is outsourced to commercial printers.
Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) / Plant outsourced to U-Bix. Earned income retained by Library after deducting costs of sales including U-Bix contract costs. / No.
Response summary
Response summary (contd) / Q1 Are Library photocopying and printing services managed by
Of the 32 responses received by 4/4/03:
a)Library (self managed)
20 University Libraries self managed their copying and printing services
b)Facilities managed ie outsourced
In total, 11 Libraries outsourced their copying and printing services. Eight to companies such as BEAR, Bermel, Monitor, Unicard or U-Bix (NZ). One Library outsources their services to another university. Two Libraries outsourced their service to the Student Guild/Union.
c)University printery (or equivalent)
One Library outsourced their copying and printing services to the university printery.
d)Other (please specify)
None / Q2 Does your University run an internal printery?
Of the 32 responses received by 4/4/03:
31 universities have their own in-house printery. Of these 29,
two printeries were noted as being managed by a Teaching &
Learning Division; one printery is managed by the Library; one
Printery service is contracted out to commercial printers
offering on campus and off campus centres. A number of
responses indicated that printeries outsource specialist print
jobs to commercial printers. Some responses indicated that staff
could use external printers if they wished; or the printery is one
of three identified preferred suppliers for university printing.
One university does not have an in-house printery.

1 CAUL SURVEY: Photocopying/Printing Survey - March 2003