OGSA v1.0 “resource provisioning” related terms
- Olegario’s comment on “resource deployment”
· Resource deployment (and all terms associated to resource): Why the exclusive for programs and data? for example, storage space is not a resource?
[Jem: I think here that we’re regarding provisioning as the act of gathering all the resources, including processors, storage, networks and other hardware resources, and deployment as the act of starting the software components. Comments?]
- OGSA v1.0 resource provisioning concept (in my view)
I agree with Jem. The following figure shows our thoughts on related terms for V1.0.
- Current definitions in Glossary document
The following table is extract form the current glossary document. Unfortunately it does not fully correspond to the above figure,mark in pink, or inconsistentwording with the other definitions, mark in yellow.
Term / Definition / NoteResource allocation / The process of assigning a set of resources for use by a task.
Resource configuration / The process of adjusting configurations for middleware, OS, firmware, and hardware (i.e. setting appropriate parameters and storing policies) to meet the requirements of the task to which they have been allocated. Resource configuration may be preceded by resource deployment. / Should specify “middleware, OS, firmware, and hardware”as an examples.
Resource deployment / The process of installing a set of programs and data to meet the requirements of the task to which they have been allocated. Resource deployment may be followed by resource configuration. / Should specify “a set of programs and data”as an examplesand target is a resource.
Resource determination / The process estimating or adjusting the set of resources required to complete a task. / This term is not used in the main document.
Resource lifecycle management / The process of managing resources allocated to a task, for the duration of the task. / The duration should include provisioning phase, also.
Resource provisioning / The activity of specifying, scheduling, allocating and deploying the set of resources required to accomplish a task. / See note for “resource scheduling”
Resource release / The action of returning an allocated resource to the pool of available resources.
Resource reservation / See resource scheduling.
Resource scheduling / The process of reserving resources for future use by a planned task. / This term comes from CDDLM document but is not used in our OGSA main document. OGSA document uses “resource reservation” instead.
- Revised term definitions proposal
The following table is my proposal. Since we don’t use the term “Resource determination” and “Resource scheduling,” I propose to throw them away.
Term / Definition / NoteResource allocation / The process of assigning a set of resources for use by a task.
Resource configuration / The process of adjusting configurations for a set of resources to meet the requirements of the task to which they have been allocated. For example, configuration issetting appropriate parameters and storing policies into middleware, OS, firmware, and hardware. Resource configuration may be preceded by resource deployment.
Resource deployment / The process of installing components and related contents, i.e. programs and data, in a set of resources to meet the requirements of the task to which they have been allocated. Resource deployment may be followed by resource configuration.
Resource lifecycle management / The process of managing resources allocated to a task, from the time of allocation until the time of release after the task has been completed.
Resource provisioning / The activity of specifying, reservation, allocating and deploying the set of resources required to accomplish a task.
Resource release / The action of returning an allocated resource to the pool of available resources.
Resource reservation / The process of reserving resources for future use by a planned task.