Fort Supply Public Schools

Regular Board of Education Meeting

May 9, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.

Library Main Building

401 Custer Rd.

Fort Supply, Oklahoma 73841

Policy, Procedures and Contracts are available for review in the Administration Office of the Fort Supply School District. The order of items on the agenda may be changed. The Board may discuss, make motions and vote upon all maters appearing in this agenda. Such votes may be to adopt, reject, table, reaffirm, rescind or take no action on any agenda matter. This agenda was posted ___3:00 PM.__ East entrance of 302 Reservation Rd Fort Supply, OK 73841 Notice of Scheduled Board of Education Meetings for 2016 on file at the County Clerk’s office in the Woodward County Courthouse.


1.  Call to Order and Roll Call

2.  Approve/Disapprove the Graduation Requirements as presented to the Board of Education by Mrs. Waugh for the Graduating Class of 2019.

3.  Consent Agenda:

All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved as a board meeting, will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:

a)  Additions of items of New Business to the Agenda

b)  Minutes of the April 11, 2016 Regular board meeting,

c)  Approval of the monthly Treasures’ Report on the status of funds.

d)  Approval of the monthly Activity Funds report-

e)  Approval of the inner Activity account transfer

f)  General Fund Encumbrances-

g)  Building Fund Encumbrances-

h)  Child Nutrition Fund Encumbrances-

i)  Insurance Fund Encumbrances-

j)  Surplus Items –Jr. Class Prom decorations

4.  Sign Diplomas

5.  Proposed executive session to discuss rehiring /not rehiring of Support Staff as listed in attachment A,, Certified Staff as listed in attachment A, for the 2016-2017 school year as authorized by Oklahoma Statute Title 25, Section 307 (B)(1) for the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, discipline or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employees and (B)(7) discuss any matter where disclosure of information would violate confidential requirement of State or Federal Law.

A.  Vote to enter executive session

B.  Vote to return to open meeting

C.  Statement of executive session

D.  Possible action of Item #5

6.  Approve/Disapprove the Coop of Baseball, Softball with Fargo School

7.  Approve/Disapprove the Coop of Baseball, Softball with Buffalo Schools

8.  Discuss, review and vote to approve or not approve students receiving credit recovery through High Plains Technology Center using virtual software Odyssey Ware.

9.  Discuss, review and vote to approve or not approve students receiving Algebra II credit and contextual science credit for Anatomy and Physiology through the Health Careers Program at High Plains Technology Center.

10.  Approve/ Disapprove the Fort Supply School Year for 2016-2017 to be at least 1080 hours for the year.

11.  Accept any resignations tendered since posting of Agenda

12.  Superintendent’s Report

13.  New Business

14.  Adjourn


Support Personnel

1.  Rhonda Branson, Paraprofessional

2.  Carolyn Reaves, Paraprofessional

3.  Melodee Ramey, Adjunct Teacher, Technical Assistant and Testing Coordinator

4.  Kay Oliver


1.  Susan Brunson

2.  Cherri Fike

3.  Brenda Hickman

4.  Barb Manke

5.  Michelle Seely

6.  Shannon Deweese

7.  Katie Wilburn

8.  Kellie Williams

9.  Jessica Uribe

10.  Carrie Milford

11.  James Ramey

12.  Kevin Kornele

13.  David Tune

14.  Janie Waugh, Counselor

15.  Dia McGowen, Speech Path.

16.  Alison Weiszbrod

Temporary Contracts

1.  Mikki Rae

2.  Cade McKee

Fort Supply Public Schools

PO Box 160

Fort Supply OK 73841

(580) 766-2611

Melva Little, Superintendent Theron Graybill, Principal

May 10, 2016

RE: School year for at least 1080 hours

Oklahoma State Department of Education,

The Fort Supply School Board of Education approved the School Year 2016-2017 for at least 1080 hours at the May 9, 2016 Regular School Board Meeting.


Melva Little, John Hix,

Superintendent Fort Supply School

Board of Education President

Attachments: Letter

Unofficial copy of the Board Meeting Minutes