Towards the Rational Design of Ionic Liquid Matrices for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Role of the Anion – Supporting Information
Jennifer J. Dertinger, Amy V. Walker[*]
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W. Campbell Rd, RL 10, Richardson, TX 75080
Figure S1.The structures of the analytes used in this study: a) DPPC, b) DPPE, c) leucineenkaphalin, d) bradykinin, e) polystyrene, f) polypropylene glycol, and g) cholesterol.
Reference Spectra for the Ionic Liquids Employed in this Study
All ionic liquids were characterized using 1H NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy and TOF SIMS. The spectra are shown below in the following order. For each ionic liquid the positive mass spectrum will be first, followed by the negative mass spectrum, and the IR spectrum. On the second page will be the 1H NMR spectra showing the proton shift. The ionic liquids are ordered alphabetically by acronym.
Figure S2. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MICA.
Figure S3.1H NMR spectrum of MI CA.
Figure S4. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MI CHCA.
Figure S5.1H NMR spectrum of MI CHCA.
Figure S6. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MI CMCA.
Figure S7.1H NMR spectrum of MI CMCA.
Figure S8. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIFA.
Figure S9.1H NMR spectrum of MI FA.
Figure S10. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIFMCA.
Figure S11.1H NMR spectrum of MI FMCA.
Figure S12. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIMA.
Figure S13.1H NMR spectrum of MI MA.
Figure S14. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIMCA.
Figure S15.1H NMR spectrum of MI MCA.
Figure S16. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIMXCA.
Figure S17.1H NMR spectrum of MI MXCA.
Figure S18. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIOA.
Figure S19.1H NMR spectrum of MI OA.
Figure S20. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MIPA.
Figure S21.1H NMR spectrum of MI PA.
Figure S22. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MISA.
Figure S23.1H NMR spectrum of MI SA.
Figure S24. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of MITMCA.
Figure S25.1H NMR spectrum of MI TMCA.
trip CA
Figure S26. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripCA.
Figure S27.1H NMR spectrum of tripCA.
trip CHCA
Figure S28. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of trip CHCA.
Figure S29.1H NMR spectrum of trip CHCA.
trip CMCA
Figure S30. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of trip CMCA.
Figure S31.1H NMR spectrum of trip CMCA.
trip FA
Figure S32. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripFA.
Figure S33.1H NMR spectrum of trip FA.
trip FMCA
Figure S34. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripFMCA.
Figure S35.1H NMR spectrum of trip FMCA.
trip MA
Figure S36. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripMA.
Figure S37.1H NMR spectrum of trip MA.
trip MCA
Figure S38. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripMCA.
Figure S39.1H NMR spectrum of trip MCA.
trip MXCA
Figure S40. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripMXCA.
Figure S41.1H NMR spectrum of trip MXCA.
trip OA
Figure S42. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripOA.
Figure S43.1H NMR spectrum of trip OA.
trip PA
Figure S44. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripPA.
Figure S45.1H NMR spectrum of trip PA.
trip SA
Figure S46. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripSA.
Figure S47.1H NMR spectrum of trip SA.
trip TMCA
Figure S48. Positive and negative ion mass spectra and IR spectrum of tripTMCA.
Figure S49.1H NMR spectrum of trip TMCA.
[*] Address reprint requests to Amy V. Walker, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, RL10, University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W. Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080; Ph: 972 883 5780; Fax: 972 883 5725; email: