Wednesday 3rd February 2016
Student Parliament
Student Representives / StaffLife Skills
· Hollie Pons
· Chelsea Rhodes
· Filip Malecki
· Gita Voitechoviciute
· Bethany Cherry (Construction)
· Janet Law (Engineering)
· Georgia Bower (Floristry)
· Kerry Cherowbrier (Animal Care)
· Corey Fielding (Computing)
Creative and Services Industries
· Chloe Paterson (Childcare)
· Jade Barker (Public Services/H&SC)
· Mitchell Massarella (Visual)
· Clare Long (Hair and Beauty)
· Lucy Coulling (Catering/Hospitality/Business)
/ Higher Education
· Daniel Guest (Performing Arts)
· Nichola Rodgerson (Access)
· Diane Bailey- Chair of Meeting (Assistant Principal Inclusion and Learner Experience)
· Helen Lightburn (Director of Estates)
· Lorraine Maddock (Assistant Director Information Services)
· Dusan Kuzmanovic (Interim Infrastructure Manager)
· Natalie Marshall (Lead Practitioner – Welfare, Transition and Support Services)
Apologies Noted:
· Bonny Hodge (Deputy Principal Curriculum and Learner Experience)
· George Trow (Principal and Chief Executive)
· Colin Addy (Interim Director of Information Services)
· Rebecca Wade (FE Student Governor)
Student Union Update
Natalie Marshall (Lead Practitioner – Welfare, Transition and Support Services) attended the meeting on behalf of the Student Union Team.
There had been an increase in litter in the main areas of the College. A litter campaign would be held in the Common Room to raise awareness to students.
There had also been an increase in use of e-Cigarettes inside the College. The No Smoking Policy states that these are banned from the building. Students can inform Security to remove students from the site if they are doing this.
The team are purchasing new equipment for the Common Room including a new Pool Table and a stronger Table Tennis for High Melton as the current one had broken due to students sitting on the table.
A Netball Team had been arranged with training held on a Monday at 4:30pm in the Sports Hall. Anyone can turn up and play.
On the 16th and 17th February the business students will be holding various activities and competitions in the Common Room to raise money for Water Aid.
Sport Relief would be held on Friday 18th March. Events would be arranged leading to the day. If students had any ideas to raise money for the event then they should contact the Student Union Team. Visual arts student, Mitchell Massarella suggested a 5-a-side football game against The Foyer. Mitchell would contact The Foyer and forward information to Natalie Marshall. Work is being undertaken with the Positive Choices and ESOL cohorts to do some activities.
Safeguarding including Prevent (Standing Item)
Natalie Marshall discussed how more young people are becoming radicalised against their religion or beliefs and being exploited to what they don’t want to do.
The College has arranged for the Routes Puppetry Theatre Company to deliver sessions to students on the Prevent agenda incorporating British Values, Hate Crime and Radicalisation. Routes Director, Steve Wright has created a production and resources to provide a safe platform for debate around Prevent issues. Routes Prevent takes an engaging and informative approach to delivering sensitive messages to young people and what to do they are being radicalised.
These sessions will be delivered on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd February and had been booked through tutors. Students would be asked to check if they had been booked onto a session and feedback at the next meeting. Sessions will be filmed and promoted on social media and the website.
If students have any concerns including in relation to Prevent they can discuss this with tutors, Pastoral Support Workers or email them to .
A Safeguarding Designated Officer or Counsellor can be contacted through the Welfare Administrator on 01302 553741 or via the email address.
Issues Raised / Suggested actions planned/ SMART TARGET / By whom / Target Date / Action Taken
The computers in the Life Skills area were very slow (E.4.112 corridor). / This was due to the version of the computers. The computers would be looked at and updated accordingly. / Information Services / For the next meeting on 11th May / Information Services will investigate and report back at the next meeting
The computers in room N2.624 are very slow. / The Information Services would raise a job and look into this. / Information Services / For the next meeting on 11th May / Information Services will investigate and report back at the next meeting.
The computers in N.5 Mac Room and LRC have compatibility issues for Adobe and CS3/6. / This was due to the licences which are currently being renewed. / Information Services / For the next meeting on 11th May / No further action required- licenses are currently being renewed.
The Wi-Fi connection across College is inconsistent and slow. / The W-Fi across the whole College is currently being reviewed to be improved. / Information Services / Ongoing / No further action required- Wi-Fi being reviewed by the Information Services Department.
The keyboards in rooms on the N.2 corridor are very dirty. / This would be referred to the Information Services Department to check and replace the keyboards accordingly. / Information Services / For the next meeting on 11th May / Information Services will resolve and report back at the next meeting.
There had been compatibility problems with Photoshop on the Mac Computers in the LRC. / This would be referred to the Information Services Department to look into. / Information Services / For the next meeting on 11th May / Information Services will investigate and report back at the next meeting.
The Information Services helpdesk email address is: . Information Services are located within the LRC on Level 3 at the Hub.
For information on how to access the Wi-Fi please visit:
Student email and the user guide can be found at:
Estates/Health and Safety
The Hair and Beauty students would like lockers for their equipment. / Lockers are available within the areas. Additional lockers hadn’t been purchased as there was limited space and security issues. The Director for Estates would speak to the Curriculum Head to see if this would be possible. / Helen Lightburn, Director for Estates and Kelly English, Curriculum Head / For the next meeting on 11th May / Awaiting confirmation from area if additional lockers are required.
Business students would like additional break out seating near the lift areas around the College. / The benches placed are a made of a fire retardant material which is why they have been placed. The College is restricted to where they can be placed due to fire hazards. Chairs are not placed as they can be easily damaged through swinging on them. Students would be asked to feedback to other reps to not swing on the chairs in the Food Hall. / Student Reps / For the next meeting on 11th May / Amanda Gleadall has passed the minutes onto staff to disseminate to reps. Answer provided at meeting, however should any additional funding be available further appropriate seating would be purchased and placed in suitable areas.
The Travel and Tourism students would like a base room. / Unfortunately, rooms can’t be allocated half way into the academic year. However, this would be considered for the next academic year with the Curriculum Head. / Amanda Gleadall, Curriculum Head / For the next academic year / Amanda Gleadall will consider this when planning timetables for next academic year.
There is no curtain on shower in the male changing rooms in the Catering Department. / The Director for Estates would look into this and ensure a curtain is placed. / Helen Lightburn, Director for Estates / As a matter of urgency / Amanda Gleadall has met with Helen Lightburn. A curtain has previously been in place and pulled down. Amanda Gleadall will arrange for another curtain to be put in the changing rooms ASAP.
The changing rooms in the Catering Department need sanitisers and air fresheners. / The Director for Estates would look into installing sanitisers and air fresheners in both the male and female changing rooms. / Helen Lightburn, Director for Estates / For the next meeting on 11th May / Amanda Gleadall has already requested this from the area technicians. Costs for supplying these currently being sought.
There had been an increase in students sitting on the floor in corridors. / Student Reps would be requested to feedback to other students to not do this. / Student Reps / Ongoing / Feedback provided by reps to other students at their next Programme Coordinators Meetings.
There had been an increase in posters being stuck to posts in main areas. / Student Reps would be requested to feedback to other students to not do this and use the frames provided due to health and safety regulations. / Student Reps / Ongoing / Feedback provided by reps to other students at their next Programme Coordinators Meetings.
The queue in the Food Hall is still very long and students have short break times. / The system had been changed to have 2 queues and additional signage placed. However, there had been staffing and timetables issues. / Curriculum Heads / Next academic year / Timetables would be reviewed for the next academic year to stagger lunch times.
Students would like water and juice in the drinks vending machines instead of fizzy drinks. / The Catering Manager would contact the suppliers to see if this would be possible. / Catering Manager / If available, for the next meeting on 11th May / The Catering Manager will speak to the vending suppliers however there is free water across college and non-fizzy drinks are already available
There are no notices on the machines on who to contact if they break. / Notices are placed but students are advised to contact a member of staff in the Food Hall. / Students / N/A / Notices are on each vending machine. If it is an Apple machine the College can issue refunds, if it is a Coca Cola machine they ring the external number noted.
The sandwiches are too fancy and contain spicy ingredients. / It would be suggested to have plain options for sandwiches such as chees or ham. / Nigel Fox, Catering Manager / For the next meeting on 11th May / The Catering Manager will purchase plainer options in future.
Any other business
Students on the animal care course still aren’t receiving bursaries. / This had been discussed at the last meeting and discussed with the Financial Support Team. Payments to students would be made every term. A voucher system would not be placed as there had been many difficulties controlling this previously. However, students had not been spending the bursary money on lunches accordingly. / Liz Clifton, Programme Coordinator Landbased and Julie Kaye, Director for FE / After February half term / The Programme Coordinator would discuss this with the students to ensure money is spent on lunches accordingly. The Student Union Team had offered to provide a budgeting session to the group if needed.
There is not enough equipment for the Graphic students on level 5 had. / This had been raised in the Programme Coordinators Meeting with Andrea Sutton. This would be discussed further with the Curriculum Head. / John Stopforth, Curriculum Head / If equipment would be available
Life skills students would like amore activities in the Common Room including a Singing Group. / Tino Munatsirei (Student Engagement Worker) would meet with the students to discuss what activities they would like. / Tino Munatsirei, Student Engagement Worker / For the next meeting on 11th May / Student Engagement Worker attended meeting with students to discuss Common Room activities.
There is not enough printing credit for the Graphic students. / This would be discussed with the Curriculum Head to increase the amount for the group. / John Stopforth, Curriculum Head / As a matter of urgency
Concerns had been raised about how the Bursaries are allocated on a first come, first served basis. / Unfortunately, there had been no other method for the College to allocate bursaries based on criteria. Students had suggested that students who don’t need to claim them to not and allow others that do to claim. Blake May would discuss this with the Financial Support Team Manager. / Blake May, student rep / For the next meeting on 11th May / Student informed of where to meet with Nathan Franklin (Financial Support Team Manager). Nathan informed of student’s suggestions.
The Catering students raised issues in relation to English and Maths classes, / The issues had been addressed at the Programme Coordinator Meeting with the Curriculum Head. However, this would be passed on / Amanda Gleadall, Curriculum Head / As a matter of urgency / Issues have been sent to the Curriculum Head. The following updates have been received:
Room Changes- Dealt with by course staff who also liaise with M&E Team.
GCSE Maths- Dealt with by course staff who also liaise with M&E Team.
Timetabling issues- unfortunately this can’t be changed this year but would be next year but E&M would be prioritised for timetabling next year.
Some students felt they weren’t supported well for English and would like more support in class- there are drop ins at lunch times but there has been low attendance by students
The equipment is being damaged for the Electrical Engineering students. / This would be discussed with the Deputy Director for FE to see if it would be possible to purchase additional equipment. / Julie Kaye, Director for FE / For the next meeting on 11th May / There is lots of equipment for the students but some equipment is being misused so has to go for repair – the area are looking at the possibility of making or purchasing covers.
Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th May 2016.